Hartford and New Haven Railroad also has a station within a mile and a half of the village.
New Britain, Pa., Bucks co. Drained by sev- eral mill streams flowing into Neshaminy Creek. Surface undulating; soil sandy loam. 96 miles E. from Harrisburg.
New Brunswick, N. J., Middlesex co. City and seat of justice. Situated at the head of steam- boat navigation on the Raritan River, 15 miles from its entrance into the bay of the same name. It is 26 miles N. E. from Trenton. The city lies partly in Somerset co., Albany Street being on the dividing line between the counties of Middle- sex and Somerset. The ground on which it is built rises rapidly from the river. The streets close upon the river are narrow and crooked, and the ground low; but those in the upper part of the city are broad and regular; and many of the houses are neat and elegant, surrounded by orna- mental yards and gardens. Upon the highest part of the city stands the fine edifice of Rutger's College, founded in 1770, under the name of Queen's College. The present building is con- structed of dark red sandstone, and was complet- ed in 1811. The view from the commanding eminence on which it stands is extensive and beautiful; terminated by mountains on the N., and by the Raritan Bay on the E.
The Delaware and Raritan Canal commences at New Brunswick, and extends to the Delaware River, at Bordentown, a distance of 42 miles, intended to furnish an uninterrupted and direct communication between New York and Philadel- phia by water. It is 75 feet wide, and 7 feet deep; with 14 locks, 24 feet wide, and 110 feet long; admitting the passage of sloops of 75 or 100 tons' burden. The cost of building this canal was about $2,500,000.
The New Jersey Railroad, between New York and Philadelphia, passes through New Bruns- wick ; this point being distant from New York 31 miles, and from Philadelphia 56 miles. The railroad is carried into the city over the Raritan, and the canal by its side, upon a fine bridge, con- structed upon stone piers.
This city contains 8 or 10 churches of the va- rious denominations. The first established was the Dutch Reformed church, in 1717. The first edifice of the Presbyterian church, erected some time before 1726, was burned down by the British during the revolutionary war.
Through the multiplied means of commerce and communication which New Brunswick en- joys, it is favored with great facilities for business. It is a constant thoroughfare on the great route between New York and Philadelphia and the more southern cities, both by railroad and canal; and vessels of 200 tons come up to its wharves from the Atlantic coast by the Raritan Bay and River.
The first European inhabitants of New Bruns- wick were from Long Island. About 1730,'' the historian tells us, several Dutch families emi- grated from Albany, bringing with them their building materials, in imitation of their ances- tors, who imported their tiles, &c., from Hol- land.'' They gave the name of Albany Street to the high road on which several of their company settled. One of the first houses is said to be still standing; and others will be noticed by the stran- ger in Albany and Burnet Streets, which, from their antique structure, are evidently of an early date. New Brunswick was incorporated as a city in 1784. Population in 1850, 10,000. |
New Braumjils, Ts., c. h. Comal co.
New Buffalo, Mn., Berrian co. On Lake Mich* igan, where the Michigan Central Railroad strikes the lake. Connected also by railroad with Chicago.
Newburgh, Me., Penobscot co. This is a good township of land, 54 miles N. E. from Augusta, and 14 S. W. from Bangor. Incorporated 1819. Watered by a branch of the Sowadabscook.
Newburtf, Ms., Essex co. This ancient and re- spectable town, the mother of Newburyport and West Newbury, although reduced in territory, still retains its former reputation and beauty. It was first settled in 1633, and was called by the In- dians Quassacumcon. This town is well watered by Parker River and the Merrimae. The soil of this town is not naturally of great fertility, but is of that kind which well rewards the industrious cul- tivator. There are a number of smiling villages in the town. That portion of the town which lies on the S. E. side of Newburyport, and which com- prises a part of High Street, so celebrated for its beauty, has recently been annexed to New- buryport. The village of Byfield, partly in Row- ley, lies at the S. W. part of the town, 7 miles S. S. W. from Newburyport, while Bellville consti- tutes the north-western boundary of that town. There is a curious cave in Newbury, called the Devil's Den,'' which contains specimens of as- bestos, limestone, marble, serpentine, and amian- thus. In a pond in the town is a floating island, of about half an acre in extent. Its annual rise and fall is from 4 to 8 feet. Dummer Academy is situated in the parish of Byfield. By the Eastern Railroad, which passes through the town, Newbury lies 3 miles S. from Newburyport, and 31 miles N. by E. from Boston.
Newbury, N. H., Merrimae co. The S. part of Sunapee Lake lies in the N. W. part of this town, Todd Pond, 500 rods in length, and 60 in width, affords a small branch to Warner River. Erom Chalk Pond issues asmall stream communicating with Sunapee Lake. The land is mountainous; the soil hard and rocky. Newbury was originally called Dantzic; in 1778 it took the name of Eish- ersfield ; in 1837, its present name. Eirst settler, Zephaniah Clark, in 1762. Erom Concord 30 miles W. by N.
Newburg, N. Y., half shire town of Orange co., lies on the W. side of Hudson River, 85 miles S. from Albany, and 60 N. from the city of New York. It is 20 miles N. E. from Goshen, the other half shire town, which is near the centre of the county. The surface of the township is hilly and somewhat broken, containing, however, much ar- able land, with a soil well adapted to grass, and much of it well cultivated and productive. It is drained by two or three small streams flowing into the Hudson River.
The village of Newburg has a commanding and beautiful location on the acclivity of a hill rising from the shore of the Hudson to an elevation of about 300 feet. Thus situated, it makes a fine appearance from the river, and itself enjoys, from its upper terraces, an extensive and delightful prospect, embracing West Point and the most prominent summits of the Highlands on the S., the noble river in front, with the village of Eish- kill on the opposite side, and the fertile and pic- turesque valleys beyond, and the Newburg Bay, and a broad champaign country towards the N. On the river margin, about 600 feet in extent, are constructed convenient quays and docks for the accommodation of a large business which centres |