1300 feet. In addition to cotton goods, there are other manufactures, of machinery, castings, hats, shoes, organs, soap, candles, &c., to an amount of upwards of half a million annually.
This town is distinguished for a liberal exten- sion of the common school system-, and for supe- rior means of free education. It has, in addition to the schools supported by the town, two liberally- endowed free schools. One of these was endowed by the late Moses Brown. Esq., a merchant of the place, known as a distinguished benefactor of the Andover Theological Seminary, and is designed to furnish an institution for classical studies. The other, designed for the higher branches of an English education, is founded on a munificent bequest of the late Oliver Putnam, Esq., of Boston, formerly a resident of this town. This bequest amounts, at the present time, to up- wards of $70,000. The privileges of free edu- cation in Newburyport equal, if they do not exceed, those of any other place in Massachusetts, and are only inferior in their results to those of a collegiate course of instruction.
The celebrated George Wbitefield died in this town, September 21, 1770. His remains repose under the pulpit of the Eirst Presbyterian Church, and a beautiful marble cenotaph, erected within the church to his memory, by Hon. William Bart- let,— another of the munificent benefactors of the Andover Seminary from Newburyport,— records, among other things, that, in a ministry of 34 years, he crossed the Atlantic 13 times, and preached more than 18,000 sermons.''
The Eastern Bailroad from Boston to Portland passes through Newburyport. It crosses its north- ern section by a tunnel under High Street, and thence by an embankment to the river, below the town. There is also a railroad up the Merrimac to Bradford, by Georgetown, crossing from the Eastern to the Boston and Maine Bailroad. By whatever avenue this beautiful town is approached, it cannot fail to make a favorable impression upon the visitor; and while, on account of the bar at the mouth of its harbor, and from other causes, it toay not hope to possess the commercial conse- quence which it once had, during the comparative infancy of our maritime interests, it will always continue to be the seat of much wealth and re- finement, and one of the most eligible places for genteel residence in New England.
New Canaan, Ct., Fairfield co. This town was taken from Norwalk and Stamford in 1801. The surface is rough and mountainous; the soil is a hard, gravelly loam, but generally productive.
An academy was established here in 1815, and has acquired a high reputation. It stands on an elevated and commanding situation, having a fine prospect of Long Island Sound and the interven- ing country. Pestles and other Indian implements have been found at theN. part of the town, which probably was the resort of the natives. 37 miles W. S. W. from New Haven.
New Canton, Va., Buckingham co. On a high bank of Slate Creek, a quarter of a mile from James Biver, and 64 miles W. from Bichmond. The manufacture of flour at the Virginia Mills, 4 miles from this place, is extensive.
New Carlisle, O., c. h. Clarke co. 102 miles W. of Columbus.
New Castle County, De., c. h. at New Castle. Bounded N. by Pennsylvania, E. by the Dela- ware Biver, S. by Kent co., and W. by Maryland. Drained by Noaman's, Bed Clay, Brandywine, |
Christiana, St. George's, Appoquinimink, Black- bird, and Duck Creeks. Surface low and marshy on the E., but elsewhere somewhat hilly; soil fertile. The Philadelphia and Baltimore and Delaware and Chesapeake Bailroads traverse this county. It is also crossed by the Delaware and Chesapeake Canal, which is 66 feet wide.
Newcastle, De., c. h. New Castle co. A con- siderable town, on the W. bank of Delaware Biver. 5 miles S. S. W. from Wilmington, and 42 N. from Dover. The Newcastle and French- town Bailroad opens a communication between Delaware and Chesapeake Bays.
New Castle, la., c. h. Henry co. On Blue Biver. 47 miles E. by N. from Indianapolis.
New Castle, Ky., c. h. Henry co. 25 miles N. W. from Frankfort.
New Castle, Me., Lincoln co. On the W. side of Damariscotta Biver, 15 miles from its mouth, and 36 S. E. from Augusta.
New Castle, N. H., Bockingham co. On a rough and rocky island, situated in Portsmouth Harbor, and formerly called Great Island. A handsome bridge connects this town with Portsmouth, of which it constitutes a fishing suburb. On it stand Fort Constitution and the light-house. About 2 miles from Portsmouth.
New Castle, N. Y., Westchester co. Watered by branches of Croton and Saw Mill Bivers. Surface hilly; soil sandy loam and clay. 10 miles N. from White Plains, and 121 S. from Albany.
Newcastle, Pa., c. h. Lawrence co. At the con- fluence of the Shenango and Neshannock, tribu- taries of the Beaver, on the Erie Canal. 230 miles W. N. W. from Harrisburg.
Newcomb, N. Y., Essex co. This town con- tains several beautiful lakes and waterfalls, the sources of the head waters of the Hudson. The surface is mountainous, the principal peaks of the Adirondack range lying in this and the adjoining town of Keene. This vicinity is celebrated for its mineral wealth, the mountains containing im- mense quantities of fine iron ore. 30 miles S. W. from Elizabeth, and 92 N. from Albany.
New Durham, N. H., Strafford co. The sur- face is very uneven; soil moist, and well adapted to grazing. There are 5 ponds here; the largest is Merrymeeting Pond, about 10 miles in cir- cumference, from which a copious and perpetual stream runs into Merrymeeting Bay, in Alton. Ela's Biver flows from Coldrain Pond into Far- mington, on which is a fine waterfall. The Co- checo also has its source here. Mount Betty, Copplecrown, and Saw's Mountains are the principal eminences. On the N. E. side of the latter is a remarkable cave, the entrance of which is about 3 feet wide and 10 feet high. The outer room is 20 feet square; the inner becomes smaller, until, at the distance of 50 feet, they are too small to be investigated. The sides are solid granite. They bear marks of having been once united. There is a fountain, over which a part of Ela's Biver passes. By sinking a small-mouthed vessel into it, water may be procured extremely cold and pure. Near the centre of the town is Battle- snake Hill, the S. side of which is almost 100 feet high, and nearly perpendicular. Several other hills contain precipices and cavities, some of considerable extent. First settlers : New Dur ham was granted, in 1749, to Ebenezer Smith and others. 35 miles N. E. from Concord, and 32 N. W. by N. from Dover.
New England. This is a name which may bo |