on the W. This town is well watered by several small streams and ponds, and by the Assabet River, which passes through it. On the banks of the Assabet are large tracts of good meadow. 10 miles N. E. from Worcester, and 32 from Boston.
North Branford, Ct., New Haven co. This town was incorporated in 1831, and was taken from Branford. A range of mountains from the S. W. to N. E. passes through the central part of the town. The inhabitants are generally sub- stantial farmers, and property is very equally distributed. The face of the township is gen- erally hilly, but the soil is strong and fertile. About a mile S. E. of the Northford Church, on Tetoket Mountain, there is the appearance of having been, at some remote period, so rite violent convulsions in nature; the rocks appear to have been rent asunder, and are thrown about in great disorder. 9 miles E. from New Haven.
Northbridge, Ms., Worcester co. Until 1772, this town was the N. part of Uxbridge. The surface is somewhat rocky and rough, but the soil is generally rich, strong, and good. It is finely watered by springs, streams, and rivers. Of these Blackstone and Mumford Rivers are the largest. On these rivers are tracts of good inter- Yale land. The Worcester and Providence Rail- road passes through the town. From Whitneys- ville, near the centre of the town, to Boston, is 36 miles N. E., to Worcester, 13 miles N. W.
North Bridgewater, Ms., Plymouth co., is well watered by Salisbury River, and another small stream, which empties into the Taunton. Its surface is uneven, but the soil is of a good qual- ity, particularly for grazing. This town was the first of the three Bridgewaters that have sprung from Old Bridgewater, named after a celebrated English duke. 20 miles S. from Bos- ton, and 24 N. W. from Plymouth.
North Brookfield, Ms., Worcester co. This town, formerly the second parish of Brookfield, was incorporated in 1812. It is on elevated ground, has good soil, well cultivated, well wa- tered, and filled with many beautiful swells. There is an artificial pond in the town, covering 700 or 800 acres, raised for water power. The village of East Brookfield, partly in this town and partly in Brookfield, lies, by the Western Railroad, 64 miles from Boston, and 20 W. S. W. from Worcester. From East Brookfield to the village in the centre of the town is 4 miles N. W.
North Castle, N. Y., Westchester co. Watered by Byram River. Surface hilly and stony; soil clay and sandy loam. 6 miles N. from White Plains, and 129 S. from Albany.
North East, N. Y., Dutchess co. This town contains Indian Pond and several smaller ponds, and is drained by Ten Mile Creek and some of its tributaries. It is partly covered by the Tagh- kanic Mountain. The soil is diversified, but mostly arable and of good quality. A vein of lead ore, which is crossed by one of copper, com- mences in this town. 25 miles N. E. from Poughkeepsie, and 75 S. E. from Albany.
North East, Pa., Erie co. In the N. E. corner of the county. Bounded N. by Lake Erie, and E. by the state of New York. Drained by Six- teen and Twenty Mile Creeks. 10 miles N. E. from Erie, and 281 N. W. by W. from Harris- burg.
Northfield, Ms., Franklin co. This town, the
Indian Squeakeag, was first settled in 1673. This is a fine township of land, on both sides of Con- necticut River. The town contains large tracts of fine alluvial land, on the banks of the river; and the uplands, with an undulating surface, are generally of a good quality. There are some small streams in the town, and some handsome ponds. The pleasant village of Northfield is situated on an elevated plain, about a mile from the river, on the E. side. 37 miles W. by N. from Fitchburg, by railroad, and 87 from Boston.
Northfield, N. H., Merrimae co. The soil is in some parts good. Chestnut and Sondogardy Ponds are in this town. Winnipiseogee River is on the N., and the Merrimae on the W. Near Webster's Falls, the Winnipiseogee falls into the Pemigewasset, and the united streams form the Merrimae. The principal elevation, Bean Hill, separates the town from Canterbury. First set- tlers, Benjamin Blanchard and others, in 1760. From Concord 16 miles N., on the Concord and Montreal Railroad.
Northfield, N. Y., Richmond co. Bounded on the N. and W. by the Kills. The surface and soil are diversified, and bordering on Staten Island Sound are some broad marshes. 3 miles N. from Richmond, and 156 S. from Albany.
Northfield, Yt., Washington co. The princi- pal stream in this town is Dog River; it affords a great number of valuable mill privileges. The timber is various. The soil is generally good, and the surface uneven. There are 4 villages in this town. The Central Railroad between Bos- ton and Burlington passes through it. The first settlement was made here, in 1785, by Amos and Ezekiel Robinson and Staunton Richardson, from Westminster. The first land was cleared by Hon. Elijah Paine. 10 miles S. W. from Mont- pelier.
North Haven, Ct., New Haven co. North Ha- ven was taken from New Haven in 1786. The town lies on both sides of the Wallingford, or Quinnipiac River, and comprises the valley and a part of the borderiiig hills. The valley is partly rich intervale land, and more extensively sand, covered with a thin stratum of loam, light, but warm. Near the northern line of the town, it is so light as, in two or three places of small ex- tent, to be blown into drifts. The soil of the hills is good, being a reddish loam. From the vicinity of this town to New Haven, and from its light and warm soil, which is favorable for early vegetation, there are various culinary vegetables, particularly peas, cultivated for the New Haven market. But the most striking feature in the township is the large and beautiful tract of salt meadows on both sides of the Quinnipiac. These meadows produce large quantities of grass, which is mowed and stacked upon the land, from whence, when the ground is frozen sufficiently solid in the winter, it is removed. Upon the salt marsh, the hay is salt; but on those meadows which are protected from the salt water by means of dikes, the grass is fresh and of a better quality. These are called dike marshes or meadows.
Noi'th Hempstead, N. Y., Long Island. See Hempstead.
North Hero, Yt., c. h. Grand Isle co. The soil is of an excellent quality, and produces grain of all kinds in abundance. This town has no streams of any consequence. It was organized in 1789. The settlement was commenced in 1783, by Enos and Solomon Wood, the former |