August. There are 2 pleasant and flourishing villages in the town; one near the centre, the other on Furnace Brook. The settlement was com- menced in the year 1769. 44 miles S. W. from Montpelier, and 8 N. from Rutland. The Rutland Railroad between Boston and Burling- ton passes through Pittsford.
Pittston, Me., Kennebec co. Pittston is a pleas- ant town on the E. side of Kennebec River, op- posite to Gardiner. It is a flourishing town, of good soil, and has several ponds and mill streams, and a considerable business in the lumber trade. It is bounded E. by Whitefield, and S. by Dres- den. 7 miles S. by E. from Augusta.
Pittstown, N. Y., Rensselaer co. Bounded on the N. by the Hoosic River, and drained by Tom- hannock Creek. Surface uneven; soil of good quality. 12 miles N. E. from Troy, and 18 from Albany.
Pittsylvania County, Va., c. h. at Pittsylvania. Bounded N. by Staunton River, separating it from Bedford and Campbell counties, E. by Hal- ifax co., S. by North Carolina, and W. by Henry and Eranklin counties. Drained by Dan, Ban- nister, and branches of Staunton River. Soil mostly fertile.
Pittsylvania, Va., e. h. Pittsylvania co. On a branch of Bannister River. 162 miles W. S. W. from Richmond.
Plainfield, Ms., Hampshire co. The territory of this town was called Pontoosuc by the In- dians. It was the north part of Cummington. Incorporated as a district in 1785, and as a town in 1807. This township lies on the eastern side of the Green Mountain range. The surface is undulating, and in many parts rough and broken. The summit of East Hill, on which is the princi- pal village, may be considered as level, through nearly the whole breadth of the town. The soil is good and strong, and well adapted for grass. The township is exceedingly well supplied with springs and rivulets. Mill Brook is the largest stream. There are 2 ponds, both in the N. W. part of the town; the North Pond, which is about a mile long, and half a mile wide, and the Crooked Pond, so called from its figure. The scenery around these ponds is wild, and may perhaps be said to partake of the gloomy. The North Pond is dotted with islands, and is a favorite place of resort for anglers and parties of pleasure. 27 miles N. W. from Northampton, and 117 W. by N. from Boston.
Plainfield, N. H., Sullivan co. There are valu- able intervale and excellent meadows on the Connecticut River, and in other parts of the town. Here are 2 ponds. At the S. W. part of this town, in Connecticut River, is Hart's Island, which contains 19 acres. Quechee Ealls are in this town. A bridge was erected here in 1807. A small stream, flowing from Croydon Moun- tains, waters the town. Plainfield has a pleasant village, situated on a handsome plain, called Plainfield Plain. Kimball Union Academy, in this town, incorporated June 16, 1813, is in the village called Meriden. Eirst settlers, L. Nash and Russell, in 1764. 12 miles S. from Dart-
mouth College, and 60 N. W. from Concord.
Plainfield, N. Y., Otsego co. The Unadilla River and its branches water this town, the sur- face of which is hilly and undulating, and the eoil very fertile. 15 miles N. W. from Coopers- town, and 75 W. from Albany. |
Plainfield, Pa., Northampton co. Drained by the E. branch of Bushkill Creek. Surface level, except in the N. part, where it is crossed by Blue Mountain.
Plainfield, Vt., Washington co. Plainfield is watered by Winooski River and Great Brook. At the junction of these streams is a neat village. There is a small pond in the eastern part, which is well furnished with excellent trout. There is also a mineral spring. It is situated so near the margin of Great Brook as to be overflowed at high water. The surface of the town is une- ven, but well timbered. There is but little waste land, and the soil is generally of a good quality. The settlement was commenced about the year 1794. 9 miles S. E. from Montpelier.
Plaistow, N. H., Rockingham co., was originally a part of Haverhill, Ms. After it became an- nexed to New Hampshire, a charter was granted, in 1749. The soil is good, being a mixture of black loam, clay, and gravel. First settlers, Cap- tain Charles Bartlett, Nicholas White, Esq., Dea- con Benjamin Kimball, and J. Harriman. 40 miles S. E. from Concord, and 12 S. from Exe- ter by the Boston and Maine Railroad.
Plaquemine Parish, La., c. h. at Fort Jackson. Bounded N. by Orleans Parish, E. by St. Ber- nard Parish and the Gulf of Mexico, S. by the Gulf of Mexico, and W. by Jefferson Parish. The Mississippi River flows through this parish; on its coast are several bays. The surface is low, and in the S. portions is nowhere elevated more than 10 feet above the Gulf of Mexico. The soil is only arable on the margins of the river, where it is very fertile. The principal produc- tions are cotton and sugar.
Platt County, Is., c. h. at Monticello. Bounded N. by McLean, E. by Champaign, S. by Moul- trie, and W. by Macon and De Witt counties. Drained by Sangamon River.
Platte County, Mo., e. h. at Platte City. Bound- ed N. by Buchanan co., E. by Clinton and Clay counties, and S. and W. by the Missouri River, separating it from Indian Territory. Drained by Little Platte River.
Platte City, Mo., c. h. Platte co. On the W. side of Little Platte River.
Plattekill, N. Y., Ulster co. Watered by Old Man's Kill, a branch of the Hudson, and by some branches of the Wallkill. Surface hilly and undulating; soil clay and gravelly loam based upon slate and limestone. 29 miles S. from Kingston, and 79 from Albany.
Plattsburg, Mo., c. h. Clinton co. On the W. side of Smith's Fork of Little Platte River. 180 miles W. N. W. from Jefferson City.
Plattsburg, N. Y., shire town of Clinton co., lies on the W. side of Lake Champlain. 162 miles N. from Albany, 25 miles N. W. from Burlington, and to Rouse's Point, where the Ogdensburg Rail- road crosses the lake, 29 miles N. The surface of the township on the E. is nearly level, but towards the W. it becomes hilly. The soil is mostly a clay loam, and of a good quality in the neighborhood of the lake. It is drained by the Saranac River, and also on the S. by Salmon Creek.
Plattsburg Village, situated on the lake shore, at the mouth of the Saranac, is a port of entry, and contains the county buildings. It was incorpo- rated in 1815, and has been subject to consider- able fluctuations in its prosperity, consequent upon the vicissitudes of war and peace. It prof- ited by the expenditures of the last war with |