Great Britain, although twice captured by the enemy. After the stimulus of these causes was withdrawn, it languished for a time; but it is now thriving again, under the more healthful auspices of peace. The Saranac affords a valuable water power, having a succession of falls, in and near the village, amounting in the entire descent to about 40 feet. These privileges are partially improved for cotton and woollen factories, flour- ing mills, saw mills, and other works.
Plattsburg has been selected by the govern- ment as a military post; and extensive stone barracks have been erected along the lake shore, a little S. of the village. The United States have also erected a breakwater here for the pro- tection of the harbor.
On the 11th of September, 1814, Plattsburg was the scene of an important conflict between the Americans and British forces, both on the land and on the water, in which the Americans were victorious. The land forces of the enemy, consisting of about 14,000 men, were led on to the attack by Sir George Prevost, and were suc- cessfully repulsed by about 3000 men, under the command of General Macomb. The engage- ment on the lake was between Commodore Mc- Donough, of the American, and Commodore Downie, of the British navy. The fleet under McDonough carried 86 guns and 820 men, and the British fleet 95 guns and 1050 men. The action lasted, without any cessation, on a smooth sea, at close quarters, 2 hours and 20 minutes, in full view of both the armies fighting on land. The fortune of the day was in a great measure decid- ed by the issue on the lake. When the British army saw their fleet completely conquered, they were at once dispirited, and commenced their re- treat. Their loss, in the mean time, had been more than six times as great as that of the Americans. Among the slain in the naval engagement was the British commandant, Commodore Downie, who was a brave and skilful officer. The fact is stated as showing the frame of mind in which the brave McDonough entered the battle, and in whom he put his trust for success, that, after the enemy's fleet hove in sight, the men of his ship were assembled on the quarter deck, when he kneeled down, and, in humble and fervent prayer, com- mended himself, his men, and the cause in which they were engaged, to the God of battles.'' This favorable issue of the battle of Plattsburg was of great importance to this part of the country.
Pleasant Valley, N. Y., Dutchess co. Watered by Wappinger's Creek. Surface diversified ; soil clay and sandy loam. 7 miles N. E. from Pough- keepsie, and 82 S. from Albany.
Plumb, Pa., Alleghany co. Bounded N. by the Alleghany Iiiver, and drained by Plumb and Turtle Creeks and Thompson's Run. Surface hilly; soil loam. 14 miles E. from Pittsburg.
Plumslead, Pa., Bucks co. Surface hilly, and drained by Toliiekon and Neshaminy Creeks; soil sandy loam. 106 miles E. from Harris- burg.
Plymouth, Ct., Litchfield co. The surface of the town is rough and hilly, with a strong grav- elly soil, well adapted for grazing. The Nauga- tuck affords an ample water power.
The manufacture of small wooden clocks, it is believed, originated with Mr. Terry, of this town, about 30 years ago ; since that period, the man- ufacture of wooden clocks has been widely ex- tended, and forms a very important branch of the 67 manufactures in this part of the state. 22 miles W. S. W. from Hartford.
Plymouth. Ia., c. h. Marshall co. 115 miles N. from Indianapolis.
Plymouth, Me., Penobscot co. This is a fine township of land, watered by beautiful ponds, and a valuable branch of Sebasticook River. 45 miles N. E. from Augusta.
Plymouth County, Ms., c. h. at Plymouth. The soil of this county is not so productive as that of many others in Massachusetts; yet there is con- siderable good land within its limits. It has a great water power, and an abundant supply of fine iron ore. This county has a sea-coast on Massachusetts Bay, of between 30 and 40 miles, and many ships are built in its numerous ports, of native white oak. This county has consider- able foreign commerce, but its shipping is princi- pally engaged in the fishing business and coast- ing trade. It is bounded N. E. and E. by Massa- chusetts Bay, N. by Norfolk co. and Boston Har- bor, N. W. by Norfolk co., AV. by Bristol co., and S. E. and S. by Buzzard's Bay and Barnstable co. The North River and numerous branches of the Taunton are its chief rivers.
Plymouth, Ms., c. h. Plymouth co. The town- ship of Plymouth, though once much larger than at present, is still one of the largest in the state. It extends on the coast 11 miles from N. to S. The land is generally hilly, sandy, and barren, ex- cept a small strip of rich, loamy soil on the sea- board.
The harbor of Plymouth is extensive, but not deep enough for vessels of the largest class. It is formed partly by a narrow spit of sand, extend- ing 3 miles northerly from the mouth of Eel River, S. of the principal village, where is a pleasant village, called Chiltonville, about 2 miles distant from the main village. This beach, ex- posed to all the fury of the Atlantic, has been in danger of being broken through, to the destruc- tion of the harbor, and large expenditures have been necessary, as well on the part of the town and state, as by the general government, for its repair and preservation. Considerable shipping is owned in Plymouth, and the inhabitants are largely con- cerned in navigation and the fisheries. There is considerable water power, and some manufactures.
The village is in the N. part of the town, com- pactly built, and 37 miles S. E. from Boston by railroad. Not a dwelling house of ancient date or antique form now remains in the town. Those recently erected are in the style of modern archi- tecture, and the largest proportion of the build- ings are painted of a light color, and exhibit an air of neatness and elegance. Among the build- ings most worthy of note are Pilgrim Hall, the Court House, and a Gothic structure for the church of the First Society. See Plymouth Rock, under Fashionable Resorts.
Plymouth, N. II., Grafton co. Plymouth is one of the shire towns. Besides numerous smaller streams, there are two rivers in the town, Pemi- gewasset and Baker's; both are of importance. Baker's is 30 miles in length. It takes its name from Captain Baker, who attacked the Indians at its mouth. In consequence of the great water power in this town, and the passage of the Con- cord and Montreal Railroad through it, it bids fair to become an important place of trade and manufacture. The soil is tolerably good. Holmes's Academy is in this town. First settlers, Zachariah Parker and James Hobart, in 1764. From Con- | |