and the world. The consequence is, that much of the capital of this wealthy town is employed abroad; and there is but little show of business in the streets, compared with the amount of com- merce, in the profits of which it is interested. The place has always been noted for its enter- prise and commercial spirit, and is the immediate centre of a considerable trade. The Piscataqua is from half to three quarters of a mile wide where it passes the town, and although the current has so much rapidity as to prevent the river from freezing, it forms one of the most secure and com- modious harbors in the United States, into which ships of any size may enter with perfect safety. It is well protected, by its islands, from the N. E. storms, which are the most to be dreaded on this coast, and can be easily defended, and rendered perfectly impregnable, in time of war. The main channel passes on the E. side of Great Island, 011 the N. W. point of which is Fort Constitution, and opposite, in Kittery, is Fort McClary. On two other islands are Forts Washington and Sullivan. There is another entrance on the S. side of New Castle, called Little Harbor, where the water is shoal and the bottom sandy. The Portsmouth pier, 340 feet long and about 60 feet wide, was built by an incorporated company in 1795.
The principal manufacturing establishments of Portsmouth are a machine shop and car fac- tory, which employs a large number of men ; an iron foundery ; a manufactory of hosiery, which is extensive; a mill for the manufacture of fine twist, driven by an engine of fifty horse power, and the Portsmouth steam factory, erected in 1846-7 for making the finer class of cotton fab- rics. This mill is located in a central part of the town, having the Boston and Portland and the Portsmouth and Concord Railroads immedi- ately in the rear. The main building is 200 feet long, and 6 stories high, and for architectural character, as well as internal arrangement, this is one of the most attractive manufacturing es- tablishments in the country.
At this port, in the spring of 1623, the first settlers of New Hampshire made a landing, and commenced their settlements here and at Dover. From the peculiar advantages of its situation, Portsmouth appears almost wholly to have es- caped the invasion of the Indians. They could approach the place only by the isthmus which connects it with the main land, across which a stockade was extended for defence against them. The settlement was also compact, and the num- ber of inhabitants at an early date considerable.
The Eastern Railroad from Boston to Port- land, by way of Salem and Newburyport, passes through Portsmouth. A railroad has also been completed to connect this place with Concord, and thus with the great northern route ex- tending to Burlington, on Lake Champlain, to Ogdensburg, at the outlet of the great north- western lakes, and to the River St. Lawrence, opposite Montreal. This road, which is only 47 miles in length, must open very important ad- vantages to this port, by rendering it directly ac- cessible to the northern and western trade, com- ing from a vast extent of the interior, with which it has heretofore had little or no connection.
Portsmouth, 0. Seat of justice of Scioto co. Situated at the termination of the Ohio Canal, on the Ohio River, at the mouth of the Scioto. 90 miles S. of Columbus, and 110 miles, by the |
river, above Cincinnati. The site of the towm is rather low, exposing it to occasional injury from floods: but it has great and enduring advantages, from its position, as a commercial depot, and is a busy and flourishing place. Iron ore, coal, and building stone abound in the vicinity, and here are founderies, forges, and a rolling mill for the manufacture of iron. Several steamboats ply continually between this place and the iron re- gion in the upper part of this county and St. Law- rence co. A commodious basin has been con- structed in the old channel of the Scioto, with dry docks attached, for the building of steam- boats.
There is in this place a well-conducted free school, supported chiefly by funds bequeathed ✓
for this purpose, yielding about $2000 annually.
The town is well built, and makes a handsome appearance from the river. In the immediate neighborhood, on both sides of the Ohio, are some very extensive ancient works, which will not fail to interest the intelligent tourist. From this place to Cleveland, on Lake Erie, by the canal, the distance is 305 miles.
Portsmouth, R. I., Newport co. The soil of this town, in common with all the lands on the Island of Rhode Island, is uncommonly fertile, well cultivated, and productive. The maritime situation of the town affords the people great facilities for the fisheries, which, with a fine soil, and industry, give them a great degree of inde- pendence. A number of islands are attached to this town, of which the beautiful and fertile one called Prudence is the largest. It is 6 miles in length, and about three quarters of a mile average width. In this town are the Rhode Island coal mines. A fine bed of plumbago has re- cently been discovered. A stone bridge, 1000 feet in length, connects it with Tiverton.
Portsmouth, Ya., c. h. Norfolk co. On the W. side of Elizabeth River, at its mouth, and has one of the best harbors in the United States. It is opposite to and 1 mile distant from Norfolk, and 105 miles E. S. E. from Richmond. The United States navy yard, dry dock, and hospital are at Gosport, a suburb. There is daily communica- tion with Charleston by the Portsmouth and Roanoke and Wilmington Railroads, and with Baltimore and Richmond by steam.
Port Tobacco, Md., c. h. Charles co. Situated at the mouth of a small river, which empties through a bay into Potomac River. 72 miles S. W. from Annapolis.
Portville, N. Y., Cattaraugus co. The Alle- ghany River and some of its branches water this town. Surface broken ; soil sandy loam. 24 miles S. E. from Ellicottville, and 296 S. W. from Albany.
Posey County, la., c. h. at Mount Vernon.
Bounded N. by Gibson co., E. by Yanderburg co., S. by the Ohio River, separating it from Kentucky, and W. by the Wabash River, sep- arating it from Illinois. Drained by Big and Flat Creeks. Surface undulating; soil fertile.
Potosi, Mo., Washington co. In a rich mineral region, abounding in lead, iron, and copper ores.
Ill miles E. S. E. from Jefferson City.
Potter County, Pa., c. h. at Coudersport. Bound- ed N. by New York, E. by Tioga co., S. by Clin- ton, and W. by McKean co. Drained by the head branches of the Alleghany, Tioga, and Genesee Rivers, and of the W. fork of the Sus- quehanna River, and by Pine, Kettle, Driftwood, |