Hayward’s United States Gazetteer (1853) page 536

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ezer Allen. 60 miles S. W. from Montpelier,
and 13 S. W. from Rutland.

Poundridge, N. Y., Westchester co. Watered
by a few small streams flowing into Long Island
Sound. Surface hillv and stony; soil gravelly
loam. 15 miles N. E. from White Plains, and
139 S. from Albany.

Poweshiek County, Io., c. h. at Montezuma. S.
E. central. Between Iowa and Skunk Rivers.

Powhatan County, Va., c. h. at Powhatan.
Bounded N. by James River, separating it from
Goochland co.,
E. by Chesterfield co., S. by the
Appomattox River, separating it from Amelia
co., and W. by Cumberland co.

Powhatan, Va., e. h. Powhatan co.

Pownal, Me., Cumberland co. This is a small
town, of good soil, and bounded N. by Durham.
It lies 35 miles
S. W. from Augusta, and 19 N.
from Portland. Incorporated 1808.

Pownal, Vt., Bennington co. The surface is
uneven, but the soil generally good, and pro-
duces plentiful crops. Some of the finest dairies
in the state are kept here. The principal stream
is Hoosic River. Along this stream are some
rich and beautiful tracts of intervale, and on it
are several valuable stands for mills. Some of
the head branches of Walloomscoik River rise in
Pownal. The settlement of Pownal, under the
New Hampshire charter, was commenced in the
spring of 1762, there being at that time four or
five Dutch families within the limits of the town-
ship, claiming under the Hoosic patent, granted
by the government of New York. 30 miles W. by
S. from Brattleboro', and 8 S. from Bennington.

Prairie Du Chien, Wn., shire town of Crawford
co. On the E. bank of the Mississippi, about 90
miles W. of Madison, and 170 W. of Milwaukie.
It is about 3 miles above the mouth of the Wiscon-
sin River, 516 above St. Louis, and 276 below the
Ealls of St. Anthony. The prairie on which the
town stands is 10 miles long and 3 in width;
upon which are numerous mounds of all shapes
and sizes. Rich copper mines are found here,
and occasionally large masses of pure copper.
The place contains a court house and jail, an
academy, and three or four churches, with a con-
siderable number of stores and mechanic shops.
Fort Crawford, a United States military post, is
immediately S. of the town. This place is well
situated for business, and will doubtless be the
point where a railroad from Milwaukie, on Lake
Michigan, passing through the capital of the
state, will strike the Mississippi.

Prattsburg, N. Y., Steuben co. Drained by
some small branches of the Conhocton River.
Surface rather hilly; soil well adapted to grass.
12 miles N. from Bath, and 202 W. from Albany.

Prattsville, N. Y., Greene co. Schoharie Creek
flows through this town, and the soil on its
borders is very fertile. Surface mostly broken
and mountainous, the uplands being well adapted
to grazing. 38 miles W. from Catskill, and 50
S. W. from Albany.

Preble, N. Y., Cortland co. Watered by a
branch of the Tioughnioga River. Surface hilly;
soil well adapted to grass and grain.
136 miles
N. from Cortland, and 136 W. from Albany.

Prdde County, O., c. h. at Eaton. Dark co.
bounds it on the N., Montgomery on the E.,
Butler on the S., and the state of Indiana on the
W. It was named after Commodore Preble.
Eirst settled in 1804, and established January 8,

1808. This county has good fertile land, which
is well timbered, and contains several mineral
springs. Several mounds, from 50 to 80 feet in
circumference, have been discovered here. The
waters are Big Twin, Seven Mile, White Water,
and Four Mile Creeks.

Prescott, Ms., Hampshire co., was formerly part
of Pelham and New Salem. The surface is
rough and uneven, and in some parts quite hilly;
but it has a strong soil, with considerable arable
land : the greater part is better suited to grazing
than tillage. There are some good mill streams
in the town, branches of Swift River. 18 miles
N. E. from Northampton, and 67
W. by N. from

Preston, Ct., New London co. This is an ir-
regular, uneven, rocky town, of a pretty good
soil for corn and grazing. It is bounded W.
and N. by the Thames and Quinebaug Rivers.
Poquetannuck, an ancient village, lies partly in
Preston and partly in Ledvard. It has a water
power, and small vessels pass within a short dis-
tance of it. Many of the inhabitants are em-
ployed in navigation, and considerable ship tim-
ber is taken from there down the river.
lies in the eastern part of the town. Near
this village is “ Amos Lake,'' a handsome sheet
of water, and a place of resort for parties of
pleasure. 6 miles E. from Norwich.

Preston, N. Y., Chenango co. Watered by a
few small branches of the Chenango River. Sur-
face slightly uneven; soil productive in grass and
grain. 5 miles W. from Norwich, and 115 W.
from Albany.

Preston, Pa., Wayne co. Surface hilly; soil
sandy loam.
184 miles N. E. from Harrisburg.

Preston County, Ya., c. h. at Kingwood.
Bounded N. by Pennsylvania, E. by Maryland,
S. by Randolph and Barbour, and W. by Marion
and Monongahela counties. Drained by Cheat
River. Surface rough and mountainous; soil of
excellent quality in some portions.

Prestonburg, Ky., c. h. Floyd co. On the W*
fork of Sandy River. E. S. E. from Frankfort
120 miles.

Prince Edward County, Va., c. h. Prince Ed-
ward Court House. Bounded N. by the Appo-
mattox River, separating it from Buckingham
and Cumberland counties, E. by Nottoway, S. by
Lunenburg, and S.
W. and W. by Charlotte and
Campbell counties. Soil fertile, and watered by
branches of the Appomattox. In this county is
Hampden Sidney College. See

Prince Fredericktown, Md., c. h. Calvert co.
On Parker's Creek, a tributary of Chesapeake
?3ay. S. by
W. from Annapolis 46 miles.

Prince George County, ,Va., c. h. at Prince
George Court House. Bounded N. by the Appo-
mattox and James Rivers, separating it from
Chesterfield and Charles City counties, E. by
Surry, S. by Essex, and W. by Dinwiddie co.
Drained by Blackwater River.

Prince George's County, Md., c. h. at Upper
Marlboro'. Bounded N. E. and E. by the Patux-
ent River, separating it from Anne Arundel and
Culvert counties, S. by Charles co., W. by the
Potomac River, separating it from Virginia, and
by the District of Columbia, and N. W. by Mont-
gomery co. Surface uneven ; soil fertile.

Princess Ann, Md., c. h. Somerset co. On the
E. bank of Manokin River, near the head of
tide water, and
110 miles S. S. E. from Annap-

Princess Ann County, Va., c.h. at Princess Ann

A Gazetteer of the United States of America by John Hayward.

Hartford, CT: Case, Tiffany and Company. 1853. Public domain

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