Court House. Bounded N. by Chesapeake Bay, E. by the Atlantic Ocean, S. by North Carolina, and W. by Norfolk co. It is drained by North River and the E. branch of Elizabeth River, and has Back Bay, a branch of Currituck Sound, in its S. part.
Princess Ann, Va., c. h. Princess Ann co. 132 miles S. E. from Richmond.
Prince William County, Va., c. h. at Brentsville. Bounded N. E. and E. by Occoquan River, sepa- rating it from Loudon and Fairfax counties. S. E. by the Potomac River, separating it from Mary- land, S. by Stafford co., and W. and N. W. by Fauquier co. Surface hilly ; soil tolerably fertile.
Princeton, As., c. h. Dallas co.
Princeton, la., c. h. Gibson co. 4 miles S. from Patoka Creek, and 142 miles S. W. from Indian- apolis.
Princeton, Ms., Worcester co. This town was named for the Rev. Thomas Prince, a large pro- prietor, the chronologer of New England, and pastor of the Old South Church in Boston. It was formerly called the East Wing of Rutland. The surface is elevated, but agreeably diversified with undulating valleys. There are some noted high grounds in the town, the most prominent of which is Wachusett Mountain, the Indian name of the township. There are no large streams flowing in or through this town. The town is nevertheless well watered with brooks and small streams, which rise entirely within its limits. Wachusett Mountain is situated in the north- westerly part of the town. This mountain rears its conical head 2018 feet above Massachusetts Bay, and the prospect from the top of it is de- lightful. 18 miles N. by W. from Worcester, 9 S. W. from the Fitchburg Railroad at Leom- inster, and, by the latter, 52 W. by N. from Boston.
Princeton, Mi., c. h. Washington co. On the E. side of Mississippi River. 119 miles N. AV. from Jackson.
Princeton, N. Y., Schenectady co. Norman's Kill waters this town, the surface of which is hilly, and the soil composed of clay, sand, and loam. 8 miles W. from Schenectady, and 23 N. W. from Albany.
Princeton, N. J., Mercer co. 10 miles N. E. from Trenton. The township of Princeton, formed from those of Montgomery and West Windsor, is about 5 miles long and broad.
The village of Princeton, incorporated as a borough in 1812, is pleasantly situated on an ele- vated ridge of land, commanding an extensive prospect towards the E. It is chiefly built on one extended street. The Delaware and Raritan Canal, and the railroad between New York and Philadelphia, pass about 1 mile S. E. of the cen- tral part of the village. It is 50 miles from New York, and 40 from Philadelphia. This was the scene of one of the battles of the revolution, January 3,1777, which, for the time it lasted, and the numbers engaged, was one of the most bloody and fatal to our officers of any during the war. The heroic devotion of Washington on the field of Princeton is matter of history.
The College of New Jersey, and the Princeton Theological Seminary are situated in this place, and give to it at present its principal importance. See Colleges.
Prospect, Ct., New Haven co. This stony and mountainous town was taken from Cheshire and Waterbury in 1827. It derived its name from 68
its elevated situation. There is a pretty village in the town. The inhabitants are chiefly farmers. 17 miles N. by W. from New Haven.
Prospect, Me., Waldo co. This is a beautiful town, of good soil, on the W. side of Penobscot River. It is bounded on the S. by Belfast Bay, on the W. by Swanville, and on the N. by Frank- fort. Prospect is very flourishing in its trade, ship building, and agricultural pursuits. 52 E. by N. from Augusta, and 18 from Bangor.
Providence, N. Y., Saratoga co. Sacondaga River and a few small streams water this town, which is partly covered by the Kayaderoseras Mountain. The soil is well adapted to the growth of grass. 15 miles N. W. from Ballston Spa, and 43 from Albany.
Providence, Pa., Luzerne co. Watered by Lack- awannoek Creek and Roaring Brook, both afford- ing fine hydraulic power. Situated in a valley abounding with anthracite coal. 146 miles N. E. from Harrisburg.
Providence County, R. I., c. h. at Providence. Uneven, but fertile and well cultivated. The Blackstone or Pawtucket, the Pautuxet, and many smaller streams, furnish abundant water power, on which are numerous manufactures. Its E. border is traversed by the Worcester and Providence and Stonington Railroads.
Providence, R. I., city, shire town of Providence co., and the largest in the state of Rhode Island. It is situated at the head of navigation bn Provi- idence River, 35 miles from the sea, 30 N. N. W. from Newport, 40 S. W. from Boston, 169 N. E. from New York. Its area is about 9 square miles. The compact part is divided into two nearly equal parts by Providence River. The land on the E. side of the river is hilly, attaining, at its greatest height, 204 feet above tide water. The soil is rich and heavy. On the W. side of the river the land is more level, and the soil light and sandy, its greatest height above tide water being only 78 feet. It is bounded N. by the town of North Providence, on the E. it adjoins Massa- chusetts, from which it is separated by the See- konk River, S. by the town of Cranston and by Narraganset Bay, and W. by the townships of Johnston and North Providence. It originally comprised all the towns in Providence county, except Cumberland.
The harbor of Providence is safe and commo- dious, but it is not safely approached by large vessels without a pilot. Commerce was the favor- ite pursuit of the citizens of Providence at an early period of its history. The East India busi- ness, before 1812, was pursued with great success for many years. Since that period, this and all foreign commerce has gradually declined. There is still a large amount of coasting business done in Providence. But of late years the attention of the money-making part of the community has been withdrawn from commerce and fixed on manufactures. Much of the capital and enter- prise of Providence men is invested in the man- ufacturing establishments in and near its borders. The water power is occupied to its full extent, besides which there are in operation about 50 steam engines, some of them as large as 300 horse power. They are employed in grinding grain, sawing and polishing marble, printing, bleaching, calendering, and dyeing cloths, sawing and planing lumber, driving bellows in furnaces and founderies, manufacturing machinery, screws, nails, rubber shoes, small wares, furniture, power | |