miles distant from all other inhabitants. This man was an Englishman, a person of extraordina- ry enterprise, who had been the builder of Soho Square in London, but who, after proving pecu- niarily unsuccessful in that undertaking, had sought to repair his fortunes in this country. Having purchased the land, he located himself upon these falls, in what was then a wilderness, without civilized inhabitant for 50 miles to the eastward. In the year 1809, the author of this work, having penetrated to this spot, while as yet the nearest inhabitants on the E. or S. were about 30 miles distant, enjoyed the hospi- tality of this worthy gentleman, who, at that time, having been visited with affliction in the loss of his wife, which had left him with one only daughter as the companion of his loneliness, had become weary of his situation, and would have parted with his possessions, covering all which the city of Rochester now covers, with his improvements, his cabin, and his mill, for $400. The author has been told that the Eagle Hotel now stands upon the spot which this house once occupied.
Rochester is handsomely laid out on both sides of the river, though not with entire regularity. The E. and W. parts of the city are connected by three bridges. Buffalo Street, which passes over the central bridge, is a straight and b'road street, running through the centre of the city. The Eiie Canal passes, in a serpentine course, through the city, and is carried over the river by a splendid aqueduct, 804 feet long, resting upon 11 arches, erected at a cost of $80,000. The city is generally well built, chiefly with brick, and many of the blocks of stones, as well as private dwellings, are elegant structures. Some of the churches and other public edifices are handsome buildings. The principal hotels are the Eagle, American, New Mansion House, Congress Hall, Clinton, Rochester, Island House, &c. Some of the flouring mills and other manufactories are very large structures. Of these the Globe Build- ings are the largest and most remarkable.
Rochester, N. Y., Ulster co. Watered by Ron- dout Creek and some of its branches. The Sha- nangunk Mountain partly covers this town; soil clay and loam. 16 miles S. W. from Kingston, and 74 S. S. W. from Albany.
Rochester, Pa., Beaver co. On the E. bank of Beaver River, at its confluence with the Ohio.
Rochester, Vt., Windsor co. The principal stream is White River: it receives,a considerable tributary from the W. On each of these streams are good situations for mills. Rochester is moun- tainous and broken, but contains much good land. The timber is mostly hard wood. There is a pleasant village situated near the centre of the town, on the eastern bank of White River. A part of Goshen was annexed to Rochester in
1847. The settlement was commenced about the close of the revolutionary war. 30 miles S. S. W. from Montpelier, and 37 N. W. from Windsor.
Rock County, Wn., c. h. at Janesville. Bound- ed N. by Dane and Jefferson counties, E. by Walworth co., S. by Illinois, and W. by Green co. Drained by Rock River and branches. Sur- face level, a large part being prairie ; soil fertile.
Rockaway, N. Y., Queens co. Near the Atlan- tic shore, on Rockaway Bay. 168 miles S. from Albany. Near by is the famous Rockaway Beach. See Fashionable Resorts.
Rock Bridge, Mo., c. h. Ozark co. |
Rock Bridge County, Va., c. h. at Lexington. Bounded N. by Augusta co., E. by Amherst, S. by Bedford and Botetourt, and W. by Alleghany and Bath counties. Drained by North, a head branch of James River. Surface mountainous; soil very fertile in the valleys. The county de- rives its name from the celebrated natural bridge over Cedar Creek.
Rock Castle County, Ky., c.h. at Mount Vernon. Bounded N. and N. E. by Garrard and Madison counties, S. E. by Rockcastle Creek, separating it from Laurel co., S, W. by Pulaski, and N. W. by Lincoln co. Drained by branches of Dick's and Rockcastle Rivers. Surface elevated, sepa- rating the streams flowing into the Cumberland from those flowing into the Kentucky River.
Rockford, Aa., c. h. Coosa co.
Rockford, Is., c. h. Winnebago co. On a high prairie on the W. bank of Rock River. Steam- boats ascend to this place, where they are stopped by the rapids, which afford immense water power N. from Springfield 203 miles.
Rockford, N. C., c. h. Surry co.
Rock Hill, Pa., Bucks co. Drained by Perki- omen and branches of Tohic.kon Creek. Surface hilly; soil gravelly. Ill miles E. from Harris- burg.
Rockingham County, N. H. Portsmouth and Exeter are the shire towns. Bounded N. by Strafford co., E. by the Atlantic, from the mouth of Piscataqua River to the line of Massachusetts, S. by the state of Massachusetts, and W. by the counties of Merrimae and Hillsboro'. Its greatest length is 34 miles, its greatest breadth is about 30 miles. There are no remarkable eleva- tions in this county. The surface is uneven ; soil fertile and very productive. The highest point is Saddleback Mountain, from which are fine views. The rivers are the Lamprey, Exeter, Beaver, and Spiggot. Great Bay is the largest collection of water. Massabesick Pond is picturesque from its numerous islands and the surrounding eleva- tions. The other principal ponds are Islandy, Country, and Pleasant.
Rockingham County, N. C., c. h. at Wentworth. Bounded N. by Virginia, E. by Caswell co., S. by Guilford, and W. by Stokes co. Drained by the head branches of Haw and Dan Rivers. Surface quite elevated.
Rockingham, Vt., Windham co. Connecticut River washes the eastern border of this township. It is also watered by Williams and Saxton's Rivers. These streams afford a great number of valuable sites for mills. The surface of Rocking- ham is- somewhat broken, but the soil is in gen- eral warm and productive. Bellows Falls are in Connecticut River, near the S. E. corner of this town. In 1785, Colonel Enoch Hale erected a bridge over the Connecticut, at these falls. Around these falls is an interesting locality of minerals. The rocks are principally gneiss. There are in Rockingham several pleasant villages, Bellows Falls, Rockingham, Saxton's River, and Cam- bridge Port villages. These are very neat, and contain many handsome houses. The settlement was commenced in 1783, by Moses Wright, Joel Bigelow, and Simeon Knight, who emigrated from Massachusetts. 85 miles S. from Montpelier, and 18 N. E. from Newfane. This place communi- cates with Boston by the Cheshire and other roads, with Burlington by the Rutland Railroad, and also by railroad with the towns above and below it on the Connecticut River. |