lating; soil clay, loam, and gravel. 14 miles S. from Troy, and 7 S. by E. from Albany.
Schoharie County, N. Y., c. h. at Schoharie. Formed from Albany and Otsego counties in 1795. It is bounded on the N. by Montgomery, E. by Schenectady and Albany, S. by Ulster and Delaware, and W. by Otsego co. Watered prin- cipally by Schoharie Creek and its branches. Surface hilly and mountainous, the E. part being covered by the Catskill Mountains, and Helder- berg Hills. Along the borders of the Schoharie Creek are broad, fertile, alluvial flats, and the soil of the uplands is mostly well adapted to grass. In this countyare a number of caverns, containing beautiful specimens of stalactites and stalagmites; water, limestone, and bog iron ore also exist in small quantities, and there are sev- eral sulphur springs.
Schoharie, N. Y., c. h. Schoharie co. It is wa- tered by Schoharie and Fox Creeks, which flow through broad, fertile valleys. Surface undulat- ing and hilly. 32 miles W. from Albany.
Schroeppel, N. Y., Oswego co. Bounded on the S. and W. by Oneida and Oswego Bivers, and watered by tributaries of the former. Surface rolling; soil sandy loam. 16 miles S.E. from Oswego village, and 150 N. W. from Albany.
Schroon, N. Y., Essex co. This town contains many lakes and ponds, which are the sources of the Schroon branch of the Hudson Biver. The E. and W. parts are mountainous, being separated by a valley of considerable width. Soil chiefly sand and sandy loam. 22 miles S. from Elizabeth, and 95 N. from Albany.
Schuyler County, Is., c. h. at Bushville. Bound- ed N. by McDonough co., E. by Fulton, S. by Brown, and W. by Marquette and Hancock coun- ties. Watered on the S. E. boundary by Illinois Biver, and drained by Crooked, Crane, McKee's, and Sugar Creeks. Surface undulating; soil of fine quality.
Schuyler County, Mo., c. h. at Lancaster. On the northern border. Drained by head streams of the Chariton and Fabius.
Schuyler, N. Y., Herkimer co. Bounded on the S. by the Mohawk Biver. Surface hilly ; soil very rich in the valley of the river. 7 miles W. from Herkimer, and 87 N. W. from Albany.
Schuylerville, N. Y., Saratoga co. On the W. bank of Hudson Biver. 34 miles N. from Al- bany.
Schuylkill County, Pa., c. h. at Orwicksburg. Berks bounds this county on the S. E., Dauphin S. W., Northumberland and Columbia N. W., Luzerne N., and Northampton and Lehigh N. E. The surface is generally hilly, and some parts mountainous. Except near the streams the soil is rough, rocky, and sterile. It is drained by the streams of Mahony, Mahantango, and Swa- tara, flowing into the Susquehanna, and by the head branches of Schuylkill.
Schuylkill Haven, Pa., Schuylkill co. Situated just below the entrance of West Branch into Schuylkill Biver, and on the Schuylkill Canal. 58 miles N. E. from Harrisburg. West Branch Bailroad extends from this place to the coal mines at the foot of Broad Mountain.
Schuylkill, Pa., Chester co. Located on Schuyl- kill Biver, and drained by French and Stony Creeks. Surface level; soil sandy loam. 78 miles S. S. E. from Harrisburg. |
Scio, N. Y., Alleghany co. The Genesee Biver and some of its branches water this town. Sur- face hilly and broken ; soil moist clay loam. 15 miles S. from Angelica, and 261 S. of W. from Albany.
Scipio, N. Y., Cayuga co. Bounded E. by Owasco Lake, and is watered by streams flowing into this and Cayuga Lake. Surface somewhat undulating; soil rich loam, clay, and alluvion. 8 miles S. from Auburn, and 164 W. from Albany.
Scioto County, 0., c. h. at Portsmouth. Pike co. bounds it on the N., Jackson and Lawrence counties on the E., the Ohio Biver on the S., and Adams co. on the W. The land is uneven, but very good. The most important streams are the Ohio Biver, which runs along the southern boundary 40 miles, the Big Scioto, Scioto Brush Creek, Pine Creek, and Pond, Turkey, and Twin Creeks. Stone coal and iron ore are'the mineral productions.
Scituate, Ms., Plymouth co. This town, sup- posed to be named from its Indian name, Satuit, lies at the mouth of North Biver, in Massa- chusetts Bay, and has a convenient harbor, 2 miles N. from the mouth of the river, defended by rocky cliffs, and Cedar Point, on which is a light-house. The North Biver rises near the sources of the Taunton. It passes Pembroke, Hanover, and Marshfield, and meets the tide wa- ter here. This river is very deep, narrow, and crooked, and is noted for the fine ships built on its banks. The town extends back from the bay a considerable distance ; it contains large tracts of salt meadow, and some valuable upland. In this large town are a number of handsome vil- lages, and some pleasant ponds. The principal villages are those at the harbor, Liberty Plain, and Snappet, on the border of Hanover. Scituate Harbor lies 26 miles S. E. by E. from Boston, 5 miles from the railroad depot in Cohasset, and 17 N. N. W. from Plymouth.
Scituate, E. I., Providence co. This town was a part of Providence until 1731. The surface of the town is diversified by hills and valleys. In the N. part of the town the soil is a gravelly loam, better adapted to grazing than to tillage. Pawtuxet Biver, with several of its branches, gives Scituate a good water power, and large manufactories, particularly of cotton and wool, are found on their banks. There is a valuable quarry of freestone in the western part of the town. 12 miles W. by S. from Providence.
Scotland County, Mo., c. h. at Memphis. Bound- ed N. by Iowa, E. by Clark, S. by Knox, and W. by Schuyler co. Surface level, and drained by Wyaconda and North Fabius Bivers, and the N. fork of Salt Biver.
Scotland Neck, N. C., Halifax co. A bend of the Boanoke, which forms the eastern angle of the county, gives the village its name. It is sit- uated 40 miles below Halifax by water, and by post road 100 N. E. from Baleigh.
Scott County, As., c. h. at Boonville. Bounded N. by Crawford and Franklin counties, E. by Yell, S. by Montgomery and Polk, and W. by Indian territory. Drained by the Petite Jean, a branch of the Arkansas Biver. The Washita hills lie on the S. border of this county.
Scott County, Is.j c. h. at Winchester. Bounded N. and E. by Morgan co., S. by Greene co., and W. by the Illinois Biver, separating it from Pike co. Drained by small branches of the Illinois Biver.
Scott County, la., c. h. at Lexington. Jennings is on the N. E., Jackson N. W., Jefferson E,, |