Washington W., Floyd S., and Clarke S. E. Several branches of White Eiver cross the county.
Scott County, Io., c. h. at Davenport. Bounded N. by Clinton co., E. and S. by the Mississippi Eiver, separating it from Illinois, and W. by Muscatine and Cedar counties. Wabesipinica Eiver runs on its N. E. border, and Allen's, Duck, and Crow Creeks drain the interior.
Scott County, Ky., c. h. at Georgetown. The soil is very productive. The county has Owen on the N., Harrison N. E., Franklin W., Woodford S. W, and Fayette S. E.
Scott County, Mi., c. h. at Hillsboro'. Bounded N. by Leake, E. by Newton, S. by Smith, and W. by Jackson co. Watered by branches of Pearl, and by the head branches of Leaf Eiver.
Scott County, Mo., c. h. at Benton. Bounded N. W. by Cape Girardeau co., N. E. by the Missis- sippi Eiver, separating it from Illinois, S. E. and S. by Mississippi and New Madrid counties, and W. by Stoddard co. Surface diversified; soil mostly of excellent quality. Whitewater and James's Eivers drain this county.
Scott County, Mo., c. h. at Benton. S. E. part. Has the Mississippi on the E., and Whitewater on the W. Generally very fertile.
Scott, N. Y., Cortland co. Watered by the inlet of Skaneateles Lake and the head branches of the Tioughnioga Eiver. Surface somewhat uneven ; soil good argillaceous and calcareous loam. 10 miles N. from Cortland, and 146 W. from Albany.
Scott, Pa., Wayne co. Bounded W. by the Susquehanna Eiver, and drained by Starucea, Shrawder's, and Shoohokin Creeks. Surface hilly; soil gravel and loam. 199 miles N. E. from Harrisburg.
Scott County, Te., c. h. at Huntsville. New.
Scott County, Ya., c. h. at Estillville. Tennes- see bounds it on the S., Lee co., Va., W., Cum- berland Mountains, or Virginia, N., Eussell co.,, Va., N. E., and Washington S. E. Powell's, Clinch, and Holston Eivers, with their numerous confluents, drain this county. Surface generally hilly, or mountainous.
Scottsville, Ky., c. h. Allen co. On a small branch of Big Barren Eiver. 45 miles E. from Eussellville, and by post road 160 S. W. by S. from Frankfort.
Scottville, Ky., c. h. Allen co. On a branch of Green Eiver. 148 miles S. W. from Frankfort.
Scriba, N. Y., Oswego co. Watered by several small streams flowing into Lake Ontario, which bounds it on the N., while Oswego Eiver forms the W. boundary. Surface rather hilly; soil tolerably good sandy loam. 162 miles N. W. from Albany.
Scriven County, Ga., c. h. at Jacksonboro'. Effingham co. is on the S. E., Ogeechee Eiver S. W., Burke N. W., and Savannah Eiver N. E. The county is situated between Savannah and Ogeechee Eivers.
Seabrook. N. H., Eockingham co., was formerly a part of Hampton Falls. The rivers are Black, Brown's, and Walton's. Many of the rivulets abound with bog ore of iron. This town derives its name from the number of rivers and rivulets meandering through it. First settlers, Christopher Hussy, Joseph Dow, and Thomas Philbrick, in 1638. 17 miles S. W. from Portsmouth by rail- road, and 50 S. E. from Concord.
Searcy County, As., c. h. at Lebanon. Bounded N. by Marion and Fulton, E. by Izard, S. by Van
Buren, and W. by Newton and Carroll counties. Drained by branches of White Eiver.
Searcy, As., c. h. White co. On the S. W. side of Little Eed, a branch of White Eiver. 50 miles N. N. E. from Little Eock.
Searsburg, Vt., Bennington co. Searsburg is too elevated on the Green Mountains either for cultivation, population, or wool growing. It pre- sents, from almost every point, wild and beauti- ful landscapes. 11 miles E. from Bennington, and 20 W. from Brattleboro'.
Searsdale, N. Y., Westchester co. Bounded on the W. by Bronx Eiver. Surface rolling; soil sandy and clay loam. 4 miles S. from White Plains, and 135 from Albany.
Searsmont, Me., Waldo co. Searsmont has a good soil, and some beautiful ponds. It is a pleasant and flourishing town, 30 miles E. from Augusta, and 12 S. W. from Belfast.
Searsport, Me., Waldo co. On Penobscot Bay. Incorporated in 1845, from Prospect and a part of Belfast, which it adjoins on the N. It has a good harbor.
Seaville, Me., Hancock co. This town was in. corporated in 1838, and was formerly a part of the town of Mount Desert. It includes Bart- lett's, Eobinson's, Hardwood, and other smaller islands on the coast.
Sebago, Me., Cumberland co. This town lies between Sebago Lake and Hancock Pond, and was taken from Baldwin in 1826. It lies 87 miles S. W. by W. from Augusta, and 30 N. W. from Portland. It has a good soil, and is watered by small streams.
Sebec, Me., Piscataquis co. A good township. 87 miles N. N. E. from Augusta.
Sedgwick, Me., Hancock co. On the W. side of Blue Hill Bay. 87 miles E. of Augusta.
Sequin, Ts., c. h. Guadaloupe co.
Seekonk, Ms., Bristol co. In 1812, the W. part of Eehoboth was incorporated into a distinct township, by its Indian name of Seekonk, which is the Indian name for wild or black goose, great numbers of which used to alight in Seekonk Eiver and Cove. The Seekonk and Providence Eivers bound this town on the W. Th^re is con- siderable water power here. The Boston and Providence Bailroad passes through the town. The distance to Boston is 38^ miles.
Selma, Aa., Dallas co. On the N. bank of Alabama Eiver. 83 miles S. S. E. from Tus- caloosa.
Sempronius, N. Y., Cayuga co. Watered by Skaneateles Lake and several small streams. It has a rolling surface and productive soil. 16 miles S. E. from Auburn, and 156 W. from Albany.
Seneca County, N. Y., c. h. at Ovid and Water- loo. Formed from Cayuga co. in 1804. Bounded N. by Wayne, E. by Cayuga, S. by Tompkins, and W. by Ontario and Yates counties. Cayuga Lake forms a part of the E., and Seneca of the W. boundary, and across the N. part flows the Seneca Eiver. Surface pleasantly diversified with hills and valleys; soil mostly fertile calcareous loam and mould. There are some important mineral springs in this county, and several ex- tensive beds of gypsum. The Cayuga and Seneca Canal, and Auburn and Eochester Bailroad run parallel with the Seneca Eiver.
Seneca, N. Y., Ontario co. Bounded S. E. by Seneca Lake, and is watered by Flint Creek. Surface undulating and hilly; soil fertile clay | |