and sandy loam. 15 miles E. from Canandaigua, and 179 W. from Albany.
Seneca Falls, N. Y., Seneca co. Watered by Seneca River, and partly bounded on the E. by Cayuga Lake. It is also crossed by the Cayuga and Seneca Canal. Surface undulating; soil chiefly rich loam. 4 miles E. from Waterloo, and 167 N. of W. from Albany.
Seneca County, 0., c. h. at Tiffin. Sandusky is on the N., Huron on the E., Crawford on the S., and Hancock and Wood counties on the W. It is a well-watered, fertile county, with a soil of rich loam, which produces excellent crops of grass and grain. The land is well timbered, and is watered by Mad River. In 1820, the county was constituted, but not organized until April, 1824.
Seneca, O., Margaretta township, Huron co.
Seneca, 0., Monroe co. Guernsey co. on the N. of this township, Centre township on the E., Enoch township on the S., and Morgan co. on the W.
Sennett, N. Y., Cayuga co. Watered by several small branches of the Seneca River. Surface rolling; soil gravelly loam and clay. N. from Auburn village 4 miles, and N. of W. from Al- bany 154.
Sevier County, As., c. h. at Paraclifta. Bounded N. by Polk, and E. by Pike and Hempstead coun- ties, S. by Red River, separating it from Lafay- ette co. and Texas, and W. by Indian territory. Drained by North Little River and its tributaries, Saline, Casselose, and Rolling Pork Creeks.
Sevier County, Te., c. h. at Sevierville. In the E. part of the state. Drained by French Broad and Little Pigeon, its tributary. Great Smoky Mountain runs on its S. E. border.
Sevierville, Te., c. h. Sevier co. A village in the fork of French Broad River, on the road from Maryville to Dandridge. 25 miles S. E. from Knoxville.
Seward, N. Y., Schoharie co. Watered by the Cobleskill. Has a high and undulating surface, and a generally good soil. 15 miles W. from Schoharie, and 47 from Albany.
Sewichly, Pa., New Beaver co. A township extend ingi from Beaver River, up the right side of Ohio River, to the limits of Alleghany co.
Seymour, Ct., New Haven co. A new town, lately the village of Humphreysville, in the town of Derby, on the Naugatuck River. 20 miles N. E. from Bridgeport, by the Naugatuck Railroad, and 12 N. W. from New Haven. A flourishing manufacturing town, the seat of one of the earliest manufactures of woollens in the country.
Shaftsbury, Vt., Bennington co. Shaftsbury lies between the Battenkill and Walloomsack Rivers; it has no large streams. Some tributa- ries of each of these rivers rise here, which afford several mill privileges. West Mountain lies partly in this town and partly in Arlington; it has a variety of timber. The soil is of a good quality. The minerals are iron ore, of excellent quality, and a beautiful white marble. The set- tlement wras commenced about the year 1763. From Montpelier 97 miles S. W., and 8 N. from Bennington.
Sliandaken, N. Y., Ulster co. Watered by the Neversink River and Esopus Creek. The Cats- kill Mountains cover a large part of the surface. 24 miles W. from Kingston, and 83 S. W. from Albany.
Shannon County, Mo.,c.h. at Eminence. Bound- ed N. by Crawford co., E. by Reynolds, S. by
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Ripley and Oregon, and W. by Texas co. Drained by Current River and branches.
Shapleigh, Me., York co. A level farming town. 103 miles S. W. from Augusta.
Sharon, Ct., Litchfield co. Sharon lies on the W. side of Housatonic River, opposite to Corn- wall. The eastern part of the town is elevated, mountainous, and stony, but is suited for grazing: the western part, which borders on the state of New York, is a fertile tract of undulating land, and very productive of all sorts of grain. Agri- culture is the chief business of the inhabitants. The village is situated principally on one street, on the eastern side of a beautiful valley. There is a beautiful village, called Hitchcock's Cor- ner, partly in Sharon and partly in the state of New York; this also is situated in a beautiful valley, and rich in agricultural resources. 47 miles W. by N. from Hartford.
Sharon, Ms., Norfolk co. This town was ori- ginally the second parish of the old town of Stoughton, and was incorporated in 1765, by the name of Stoughtonham, but the name, becoming unpopular, was changed to the scriptural one of Sharon. The natural scenery of this town is ex- ceedingly beautiful and picturesque. It is the height of land between Boston and Providence; and several streams of water here take their rise, which, running in opposite directions, fall into Massachusetts and Narraganset Bays. Mashapog Pond is a beautiful lake, more than a mile in length, containing 500 or 600 acres, and rests upon a bed of iron ore. Moose Hill is the most elevated of a range of hills in the westerly part of this town. It is easily accessible, and from its summit there is one of the richest, most com- manding, and beautiful views in New England. The Boston and Providence Railroad passes near the centre of the town. 17 miles S. W. from Boston by railroad, and 9 S. from Dedham.
Sharon, N. H., Hillsboro' co. The streams in Sharon are small branches of Contoocook River, and rise near the S. E. corner of the town. Boundary Mountain lies on the line between this town and Temple, and has an elevation of 200 feet above the surrounding country. Sharon is better for grazing than for grain. 18 miles W. by S. from Amherst, and 48 S. S. W. from Con- cord.
Sharon, N. Y., Schoharie co. Watered by Bow- man's Creek, has a high and undulating surface, based upon limestone, which is seen breaking through in the form of caverns, and displaying interesting stratifications. This town also con- tains a celebrated mineral spring. 14 miles W. from Schoharie, and 40 W. from Albany.
Sharon, Yt., Windsor co. White River passes through Sharon, and affords it an abundant water power. Sharon contains a handsome and flourishing village. The surface is broken, but the soil warm and productive. The settlement was commenced about the year 1765, by emi- grants from Connecticut. 22 miles N. from Wind- sor, and 34 S. E. from Montpelier. The Vermont Central Railroad passes through Sharon.
Shaste County, Ca. In the extreme N., on Kla- math River.
Shawangunk, N. Y., Ulster co. The Wallkill and Shawangunk Creek water this town. The N. W. part is covered by the Shawangunk Moun- tain, the E. level and rolling. Soil diversified. 24 miles S. W. from Kingston, and 87 S. by W. from Albany. |