a hundred Shakers, or United Society of Be- lievers.
Shirley, Pa., Huntingdon co. A township op- posite Hamiltonville, on the right side of Juniata Biver.
Shirleysburg, Pa., Shirley township, Huntingdon co. A village about 20 miles S. S. E. from Hunt- ingdon.
Shoccoe Springs, N. C., Warren co. A village, academy, and watering-place, about 60 miles N. E. from Baleigh.
Shoreham, Vt., Addison co. Shoreham lies on the E. side of Lake Champlain, and is watered by Lemonfair Biver, a good mill stream. The sur- face is level, and the soil remarkably good. There is a pleasant village on the banks of the lake. This is one of the best farming towns in the state. Most of the waters here are impregnat- ed with Epsom salts. This is the site of New- ton Academy. The settlement was commenced about the year 1766, by Colonel Ephraim Doolit- tle, Paul Moore, Marshal Newton, and others. The settlement was broken np during the revolu- tionary war, but was recommenced on the return of peace. 12 miles S. W. from Middlebury, and about 42 S. W. from Montpelier.
Shreveport, La., c. h. Caddo parish. On the W. bank of Bed Biver, 380 miles N. W. from New Orleans.
Shrewsbury, Ms., Worcester co. This town pre- sents to the eye an uneven surface, variegated with hills and valleys. A range of highland, ex- tending from N. to S., passes through the middle of the town. The town is well watered by springs and rivulets, though there are no large rivers in the town. Long Pond, called by the natives Quinsigamond, lying in this town by the line of Worcester, is a beautiful piece of water. It lies in the form of a crescent, nearly 4 miles long as it runs, and from 100 rods to near a mile in width. The water in some places is 90 feet deep. There are 12 islands in this pond of various sizes. Strat- ton's Island, which contains 150 acres under cul- tivation, has several families living upon it. Some of the other islands are more or less cultivated. This pond is the principal feeder of Blackstone Canal. In the S. W. part of the town is a large meadow, which contains excellent peat. 36 miles W. S. W. from Boston, and 6 E. by N. from Worcester.
Shrewsbury, N.J., Monmouth co. This town is located near the sea-shore, and is resorted to in summer by the people of New York and Phila- delphia as a bathing-place. It has a high and dry soil. 47 miles N. E. from Trenton, and 77 N. E. from Philadelphia.
Shrewsbury, Vt., Butland co. Shrewsbury lies mostly on the Green Mountains, and the eastern part is much elevated. In the N. part is Shrews- bury Peak, which is one of the highest summits of the Green Mountains, and is more than 4100 feet above the tide water. Mill and Cold Bivers pass through the town, and both are sufficiently large for mills. Peal's and Ashley's Ponds are in the southerly part. Shrewsbury is well adapted to the production of grass, and the timber is such as is common to the mountain towns. The town was chartered in 1763. Erom Windsor 22 miles W., and 9 S. E. from Butland.
Shrewsbury, Ms., Franklin co., was called Boad- town, from the time of its grant, in 1734, to its in- eorporation, in 1761. It was first settled by people from Sudbury, about the year 1738. The town is 73 |
well watered by branches of Mill Biver, which rise here, and by Swift Biver, which passes through the towrn, and several of its tributaries, which also rise here. The surface is elevated, and many parts of it are hilly and rocky ; in some parts the soil is thin,- and not very productive, but in other parts the soil is fertile, particularly aiong its numerous brooks and rivers. At the N. W. corner of the town, about 4 miles from the centre village, is Lock's Pond, covering about 700 acres, well stocked with fish of various kinds. Near this beautiful little lake is a neat village. There is a mineral spring of some note near the centre of the town. It is said to have been opened by an earthquake, in 1815, and it abounds in muri- ate of lime. 16 miles S. E. from Greenfield, and 74 W. by N. from Boston.
Sidney, Io., c. h. Fremont co.
Sidney, Me., Kennebec co. This is a very pleas- antly situated town, on the W. side of Kennebee Biver, and watered by a large and beautiful pond lying in this town and Belgrade. 12 miles N. from Augusta.
Sidney, N. Y., Delaware co. Watered by Ole- out Creek and some other branches of the Sus- quehanna Biver, which bounds it on the W Surface rather hilly; soil well suited to grazing. 18 miles W. from Delhi, and 100 S. W. from Albany
Sidney, O., c. h. Shelby co. 79 miles W. by N. from Columbus.
Sigourney, la., c. h. Keokuck co.
Silver Spring, Pa., Cumberland co. Conedog- winit Creek and branches water this town. Sur- face hilly; soil calcareous loam and slate, very fertile in the valleys. 7 miles N. E. from Car- lisle.
Simpson County, Ky., c. h. at Franklin. War- ren is on the N., Allen E., Logan co. W. and N. W., and Tennessee S. Two rivers rise in this county — Bed, a branch of Cumberland, and Big Warren, a branch of Green Biver.
Simpson County, Mi., c. h. at Westville. Bound- ed N. by Bankin, E. by Smith, S. by Covington and Lawrence counties, and W. by Pearl Biver, separating it from Copiah co. Drained by branches of Pearl Biver.
Simsbury, Ct., Hartford co. The territory of this town was formerly a part of Windsor. Its Indian name was Massacoe, and it was incorporat- ed in 1670. The surface of the town is greatly diversified by hills and valleys, A range of mountains passes through the town, and there is some level and good land within its limits, on Farmington Biver. Tarifiville, a flourishing village, is situated at the north-eastern extremity of this town, on the W. bank of the Farmington Biver. 45 miles from New Haven by the Canal Bailroad.
Sing Sing, N. Y., in Mount Pleasant township, Westchester co. On the E. bank of the Hudson Biver. 112 miles S. from Albany, and 33 miles N. from the city of New York. It is pleasantly sit- uated, on uneven ground, rising in one part into an eminence 180 feet above tide water, overlook- ing Tappan and Haverstraw Bays, the Hudson and Croton Bivers, and the surrounding country, including views of the Palisades and the High- lands in the distance. It was incorporated as a village in 1813. Near the river is located the Mount Pleasant Academy, an incorporated insti- tution for boys, which has an edifice, constructed of marble, three stories high; also the Mount Pleasant Female Seminary, an incorporated in- |