N. from Hartford, Ct., and 20 miles S. from Northampton. This is one of the most beauti- ful and important inland towns in New Eng- land. It was settled in 1635, then called by its Indian name, Agawam. In 1640 the name of Springfield was given to the town. Its limits, by successive purchases from the natives, and grants from the legislature, became very extensive, embracing a territory nearly 25 miles square, from which several of the surrounding towns, on each side of the river, have been constituted.
The natural situation of Springfield is beautiful. Along the river are rich alluvial meadows, highly productive, back of which the grounds rise grad- ually to a considerable elevation, and terminate in a plain extending several miles E. The busi- ness part of the city is chiefly on Main Street, which is broad, and nearly 3 miles in length, and contains many elegant buildings. This street runs parallel with the Connecticut, at some dis- tance from it, and is intersected by a number of streets, at right angles, extending towards the river, and in the opposite direction, to the elevated plain, where the United States armory is located. Other streets, parallel or nearly so to Main Street, run between this and the height of land, along the rising ground, on which are situated many elegant private residences, overlooking the city and the valley of the Connecticut far to the S.
Springfield is the centre of a large inland and river commerce, its natural and artificial ad- vantages rendering it one of the most important commercial depots on Connecticut River. Being nearly equidistant from Boston and Albany on the line of the Western Railroad and at the point of intersection between this and the route extend- ing from New Haven N. through the Connecticut valley, it is brought into connection by railroad communication with the four cardinal points of the country, and becomes not only a great thor- oughfare of travel between all these points, but of necessity, in passing, a place of much traffic and exchange. Several of the most celebrated hotels in New England have been established here, to answer the increasing demands of the travelling public on these great routes.
The United States armory, located here, is situated chiefly on the elevated ground about half a mile E. of Main Street. The principal build- ings are of brick, and are handsomely arranged around a square, presenting a fine appearance. Erom twelve to fifteen thousand muskets are manufactured here annually, and from one hun- dred and fifty to two hundred thousand are stored in the arsenals of the establishment. This is the largest and most important arsenal of construction in the United States, and its establishment at Springfield early gave an impulse to the enter- prise and prosperity of the place.
On Mill River, which flows into the Connec- ticut at the S. E. extremity of the city, there is an extensive water power, which is improved for paper and iron manufactures, mechanical estab- lishments, and mills of various kinds. The machine shops of the United States armory, in which a power is fequired, are also here. These are advantageously located on three different sites along the stream, called the Upper, Middle, and Lower Water shops, the whole comprising 5 shops, in which are 18 water wheels, 10 trip hammers, and about 30 forges. These works, extensive as they are, are far from occupying the whole power which is owned here by the United States.
The W. part of the city, where the railroad station is located, is more rapidly advancing in population and business now than any other. A large manufactory of cars and other apparatus for use upon the railroads has been established at this point. Two or three of the first-rate hotels are located here.
Several of the church edifices in Springfield are handsome structures. That of the First Congre- gational Church enjoys the advantage of a beauti- ful location, on a green in the centre of the city, which is tastefully laid out, enclosed, and orna- mented with shade trees.
During the insurrection in Massachusetts, in 1786, commonly known as Shays's rebellion, Springfield was in part the theatre of the move- ments of the insurgents. An attempt was made to get possession of the United States arsenal, and Shays, at the head of 1100 men, marched towards it for that purpose. Being warned to desist, by General Shepherd, who, with a con- siderable force, had taken his position near the arsenal for its defence, and paying no regard to this warning, they were fired upon, and three of their number killed, and one wounded, whereupon the whole body precipitately dispersed.
Springfield, La., parish of St. Helena. This is the seat of justice, and is located on Notalbany River, on the road between New Orleans and Natchez. 58 miles from the former, and 98 from the latter place.
Springfield, Mo., c. h. Greene co. On the head waters of James's Fork of White River. 158 miles S. W. from Jefferson City.
Springfield, N. H., Sullivan co. A branch of Sugar River, also one of Blackwater, have their sources in this town ; the former empties into the Connecticut, the latter into the Merrimae. There are several ponds, viz., Station, about 250 rods long, 140 wide; Cilley, 240 rods long, and about 80 wide; Star, Stony, and Morgan's Ponds. The land is rough and stony, but good for graz- ing. First settlers, Israel Clifford, Israel Clif- ford, Jr., Nathaniel Clark, and Samuel Stevens, in 1772. 38 miles N. W. from Concord, and 13 N. E. from Newport.
Springfield, N. Y., Otsego co. Watered in the centre by the N. part of Otsego Lake, and W. by Canaderaga Lake. Surface elevated and hilly; soil fertile in the valleys. 8 miles N. from Coo- perstown, and 601 W. from Albany.
Springfield, 0., e. h. Clarke co. On the E. fork of Mad River, and has great hydraulic priv- ileges. The national road, and the road from Cincinnati to Sandusky, passes through this place, which is also connected by railroad with Dayton. 43 miles W. from Columbus.
Springfield, Te., c. h. Robertson co. On the S. bank of the Sulphur Fork of Red River. 26 miles N. by W. from Nashville.
Springfield, Yt., Windsor co. The land is gen- erally rich, with a deep soil. On the rivers are extensive intervales, forming some of the most beautiful farms in the state. The principal vil- lage is situated on Black River Falls, near the centre of the town. This is a flourishing town, and the scenery around its neat and handsome village is delightful. It was chartered August 20, 1761. Among the first settlers were Mr. Simeon Stevens, and the Hon. Lewis R. Morris. 70 miles S. from Montpelier, and 24 S. from Woodstock. A railroad passes by this town, on the E. side of Connecticut River. |