a number of public squares, and has among its public buildings a state house, court house, jail, an academy, and churches of the Episcopal, Pres- byterian, and Methodist denominations. It is connected by a railroad with Port Leon, 26 miles distant, on the Appalachee Bay, which maybe regarded as the port of Tallahassee.
Tallahatchee County, Mi., c. h. at Charleston. Bounded N. by Ponola co., E. by Yalabusha, S. by Carroll and Sunflower, and W. by Sunflower and Coahoma counties. .Drained by Talla- hatchee River and tributaries.
Tallapoosa County, Aa., c. h. at Dadeville. Bounded N. by Talladega and Randolph coun- ties, E. by Chambers, S. by Macon and Mont- gomery, and W. by Coosa co. Drained by Tal- lapoosa River and its tributaries.
Taliaferro County, Ga., c. h. at Crawfordsville. Lying in the N. E. part of the state, and having Oglethorpe co. on the N., Wilkes on the E. and N. E., Hancock on the S. and S. E., and Greene on the W. It has a length of 17 miles, and a mean width of 8 miles, with an area of 136 square miles. It has a general declivity towards the S. E., and is drained in that direction by the higher sources of the Ogeechee and Little Rivers. Its staple productions are cotton, corn, and wheat.
Tallidap, Mi., c. h. Issaquena co.
Tama County, Io. S. E. central part of the state. On the Iowa River.
Tamaqua, Pa., Schuylkill co. 79 miles N. E. from Harrisburg. On Tamaqua or Little Schuyl- kill River. Connected by railroad with Port Carbon. Abundance of anthracite coal is found in this vicinity, and the coal trade is the principal source of wealth.
Taney County, Mo., c. h. at Forsyth. Bounded N. by Green and Wright counties, E. by Ozark co., S. by Arkansas, and W. by Barry and Law- rence counties. Drained by White River and its branches.
Tappahannock, Ya., c. h. Essex co. 50 miles N. E. by E. from Richmond. A port of entry on the Rappahannock.
Tarboro', N. C., c. h. Edgecombe co. On the W. bank of Tar River, at the head of steam- boat navigation, and 76 miles E by N. from Ra- leigh.
Tariffville, Ct., in the town of Simsbury, Hart- ford co. On the W. side of Farmington River. 12 miles N. from Hartford. Here is a large man- ufactory of ingrain carpeting.
Tarlton, 0., Picl^way co. 46 miles S. from Columbus. On Salt Creek, a tributary of the Scioto.
Tatnall County, Ga., c. h. at Perry's Mills, is bounded N. E. by Canouchee River or Bullock co., S. E. by Liberty and Wayne, N. W. by Emanuel, W. by Telfair and Montgomery, and S. by Ap- pling. On the western boundary of this county the Oconee and Ockmulgee Rivers unite, and form the Alatamaha. The Alatavnaha winds S. E. along the county, and receives Great Ohoopee from the N.
Taunton, Ms., one of the shire towns of Bristol co. Situated on Taunton River, at its junction with Mill River. By the railroads, 35 miles S. from Boston, 20 N. by W. from New Bedford, and 31 E. by N. from Providence, R. I. Popula- tion in 1790, 3804; 1800, 3860; 1810, 3907; 1820, 4520; 1830, 6042; 1840, 7645; 1850, 10,431.
This town contains some excellent land, which 75 |
is under a high state of cultivation. But the at- tention of the people has long been turned chiefly to manufacturing pursuits. The Taunton River, so much celebrated for the multitude of alewives taken from its waters, is no less important for the great and widely-distributed water power it pro- duces. It is also navigable for small vessels between this place and Fall River, about 17 miles S. W., where it empties into Mount Hope Bay. There is some navigation owned in Taun- ton, which is employed in the coastwise trade and domestic fishery.
The village contains a large number of hand- some public and private buildings, located around and in the vicinity of a beautiful enclosure, called, from time immemorial, Taunton Green.'' This public ground is handsomely ornamented with trees, which give a peculiar charm to the place. The court house, on one side of this green, is a tasteful edifice, with a portico of four Ionic columns. There are nine or ten churches in the place, several of which have beautiful houses of worship. Many of the private mansions are finely situated, and give evidence of the taste and affluence of their occupants.
The Mount Pleasant Cemetery, a short distance from the green, is laid out on the plan of Mount Auburn, near Boston, and is among the most pleasing of bur rural cemeteries. The ladies of Taunton have erected here a chaste and beautiful monument to the memory of Miss Elizabeth Pool, the pious Puritan lady, of family and for- tune, who conceived the bold design of planting a church among the Indians in this part of the wilderness, and for that purpose came, with others, from Taunton, in England, in 1639, and formed the settlement here. She died in 1654.
There are in Taunton a large number of cotton mills, print works, paper mills, nail factories, forges, furnaces, &c. Here are also manufac- tures of leather, boots, shoes, hats, chairs, straw bonnets, books, bricks, and other articles. Iron works were established here as early as 1652, and nails, to a large amount, continue to be among the products of the manufactures. Britannia ware is made here, which, in the quality of the metal, and in the beauty of its polish, is said to be equal to any which is imported.
Taunton is approached from all points, with great facility, by the different lines of railroad communication connected with the railroad from Boston to New Bedford, which passes through the town. This town has long attracted the at- tention of skilful mechanics and men of wealth as a place of business, and of persons of taste and elegant leisure as an agreeable and healthful place of residence. There are a number of beau- tiful ponds in the vicinity, and some high grounds from which delightful prospects are obtained, of- fering attractions, especially in the summer sea- son, to persons wishing for temporary as well as permanent residence at a convenient remove from the heat and bustle of our crowded cities.
Taylor County, Io. On the southern border of the state.
Taylor County, Ky., c. h. at Campbellsville. Central part of the state. New. Taken from Green. Drained by affluents of Green River. Undulating and fertile.
Taylor County, Ya., c. h. at Proutytown. N. W. part of the state. Watered by the W. fork of the Monongahela, which passes through it from S. E. to N. W. Hilly. |