tula commenced. There are churches here of the Presbyterian, Episcopal, Methodist, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic denominations.
About the year 1833, there arose a serious boun- dary dispute between the state of Ohio and the territorial government of Michigan, the chief importance of which turned upon the value, to Ohio, in the opinion of her leading men, of this harbor at the mouth of the Maumee, to enable her to realize the benefit of her canals to the Ohio and the Wabash valleys. The difficulty, which had arisen from a discrepancy between one of the provisions of the- ordinance of 1787 and the terms upon which Ohio had been admitted into the Union, was finally adjusted by Congress, by giving to Michigan, instead of this small strip of disputed territory, averaging about 8 miles in width, the whole of the extensive tract lying be- tween Lakes Michigan and Superior, now so valuable for its rich deposits of copper and other minerals.
Tolland County, Ct., c. h. at Tolland. This county was taken from Hartford and Wind- ham counties in 1786. It is bounded N. by Mas- sachusetts, E. by Windham, S. by New London, and W. by Hartford counties.
The western part of the county lies within the great valley of the Connecticut; it is generally free from stone, undulating, fertile, and produc- tive; the eastern section is within the granitic range which extends through the state: much of this portion of the country is covered with for- ests ; that part which is cleared affords good grazing. The Scantic, Willimantic, Salmon, Hoekanum, and Hop Rivers, with their tributa- ries, afford the county a good water power.
Tolland, Ct., c. h. Tolland co. Situated on the nearest mail route from Hartford to Boston. 18 miles E. N. E. from Hartford. Its products are English grain, grass, potatoes, &c. The land is rather sterile, mountainous, and uneven. The inhabitants are industrious and intelligent.
Tolland, Ms., Hampden co., was taken from Granville and Sandisfield in 1810. It was for- merly called Southfield. This township is on elevated land adapted for grazing. It is watered by Farmington River, the western boundary of the town, which is here a beautiful and lively stream. Tolland has a neat village in the centre of the town, and another on the border of the river, called New Boston. 22 miles W. from Springfield, and 120 W. S. W. from Boston.
Tompkins County, N. Y., c. h. at Ithaca, was incorporated from Cayuga and Seneca counties in 1817. It is bounded N. by Seneca and Cayu- ga, E. by Cortland, S. by Tioga and Chemung, and W. by Chemung co. and Seneca Lake. Wa- tered by Cayuga Lake and Inlet, and Six Mile and Fall Creeks. Surface hilly but arable; soil well adapted to grazing, and in the valleys to the growth of grass, grain, and fruit. This county has little mineral wealth. The Cayuga Lake and Inlet and the Cayuga and Seneca Canal open a water communication with the Erie Canal, and the Ithaca and Owego Railroad also crosses this county.
Tompkins, N. Y., Delaware co. The Mohawk, or W. branch of the Delaware, winds through this town, forming the W. boundary for some distance. Surface hilly and mountainous. 22 miles S. W. from Delhi, and 100 S. W. from Albany. |
Tompkinsville, Ky., c. h. Monroe co. On a branch of Big Barren River. 153 miles S. S. W. from Frankfort.
Tompkinsville, N. Y., Richmond co. Situat- ed on Staten Island, 6 miles S. from New York, with which it is connected by steam ferry boats. It is pleasantly situated, overlooking the quarantine ground, and is the site of a marine hospital, or lazaretto, for the reception of sick seamen arriving from foreign ports. It is open only from the 1st of April to the 1st of Novem- ber. This building is 177 feet long and 3 stories high. Here are also other hospitals for patients from the city with contagious diseases, which have spacious buildings and ample grounds, sub- stantially enclosed.
Tonawanda, N. Y., Erie co. Watered by Ton- awanda Creek, and comprises Grand Island, lying in Niagara River. Surface chiefly level, and soil fertile. 10 miles N. from Buffalo, and 288 W. from Albany.
Topsfield, Me., Washington co. This town- ship was number eight in the second range N. of the Bingham Penobscot Purchase. It was in- corporated in the year 1838. This town lies about 60 miles N. E. from Bangor.
Topsfield, Ms., Essex co. Before the incor- poration of this town, in 1650, it was called by the Indians Sheweenemeady, and by the whites New Meadows. This is a pleasant town, watered by Ipswich River and its branches. The sur- face is diversified. There are some fine tracts of intervale in the town, and the uplands possess a strong soil. Topsfield. was first settled about the year 1642. 21 miles N. by E. from Boston, and 9 N. by W. from Salem. ยป
Topsham, Me., a shire town of 'Lincoln co. On the N. side of the Androscoggin, at the head of navigation, opposite to Brunswick, in common with which it enjoys from, thap river a great hy- draulic power. A plg.ce of considerable trade, particularly in lumber.,
Topsham, Yt., Orange co'. Topsham is on ele- vated ground, with a rocky, strong soil, adapted to grazing. It contains much granite, and is watered by the upper branches of Wait's River, which propel a number of mills. The settlement was commenced about the tear 1781. The first settlers were mostly from New Hampshire. 19 miles S. E. from Montpelier, and 15 N. E. from Chelsea.
Torrington, Ct., Litchfield co. This town was first settled in 1737. Its surface is diversified by hills and valleys, and the soil is better adapted to grazing than the culture of grain. Two branches of Naugatuck River meet at Wolcott- ville, a beautiful village in the S. part of the town. This village is situated in a valley, and near it a good bed of copper ore has recently been discov- ered; and Mr. Israel Coe, the proprietor, has commenced the manufacture of brass kettles, the first establishment of the kind, it is believed, in the United States. 26 miles W. N. W. from Hartford.
Wolcottville owes its rise, principally, to Oliver Wolcott, secretary of the United States treas- ury during the administrations of Washington and John Adams, and governor of Connecticut 10 successive years. He was born at Litchfield, and died in New York, 1833, aged 74.
Toulon, Is., e. h. Stark co.
Towamensing, Pa., Montgomery co. Drained by Shippack and Towamensing Creeks. Surface level; soil red shale. 9 miles from Norristown. |