the profession of civil engineering, is also located at Troy.
While the natural facilities enjoyed by this city for commercial prosperity are good, they are such, at the same time, as must have required that spirit of enterprise and thrift for which its inhab- itants have ever been distinguished, to render them fully available. In this they have been eminently successful. Being at the head of sloop and steamboat navigation on the noble Hudson, they have extensively availed themselves of this advantage, in connection with that of several artificial channels of communication to this point. The Champlain and Hudson Canal, which opens an extensive trade with the N., and the Erie Canal, which reaches the opposite side of the Hudson from the W., have each contributed essentially to the prosperity of Troy. Railroads also centre here which connect the city with Boston, via the great Western Railroad, on the E., with New York on the S., with the ports of Lake Erie, via Schenectady, Utica, Rochester, &c., on the W., and with Canada and Vermont, via Lake Champlain, on the N. The latter crosses the Hudson a little above the centre of the city, on a substantial bridge 1650 feet in length. Other very important projects of internal improvement are now in an encouraging course of consumma- tion. One of these is the construction of a rail- road from Troy to connect with the Boston and Eitchburg Railroad at Greenfield on Connecticut River, thus forming a new and most direct and eligible route to Boston- I'he chief obstacle to the complete success of this enterprise — the excava- tion of a tunnel through the Hoosic Mountain — seems likely now to yield to the energy and per- severance of the capitalists engaged in its accom- plishment. However flourishing, therefore, this beautiful city has been in the past, its future pros- pects are still more flattering. It will be seen that Troy, although a little N. of Boston, is, with that city, almost in the direct line of intercom- munication between Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and other principal depots of the produce of the west, and the greatest marts of our commerce in Europe. When the enterprising spirit of the citizens of Boston and Troy shall have succeeded in the great undertaking of tunnelling the Hoosic Mountain, thereby bringing the two cities within 170'miles of each other, and upon a grade which will defy competition, between the eastern ter- minus of the Erie Canal and the waters of Bos- ton Harbor, no one can doubt that Troy must become one of the greatest inland cities of our country.
There are also immense facilities for manufac- turing purposes, which have been or may yet be developed within and around this city. Consid- erable is already done with the power afforded by the Poestenkill and Wynantskill. The state dam, which has been thrown across the Hudson, just above the city, renders the waters of that river extensively available for manufacturing operations. Indeed, if we extend our view to the privileges upon the Mohawk, from the Cohoes Ealls to its mouth, it may be said that the hy- draulic power available for manufacturing pur- poses within a circuit of 5 miles around the city of Troy, is more than sufficient to turn every spindle now in operation in the United States.
In 1720 a grant of'490 acres extending along the Hudson between the Poestenkill and Meadow Creek, and including the ground on which Troy
was afterwards laid out, was made by the propri- etor of Rensselaerwyck to Derick Van Derhey den, at the rent of 3 bushels and 3 pecks of wheat, and 4 fat fowls annually. Portions of this land were occupied by him and his descendants for a farm, and the village which sprang up here was afterwards known by the name of Van Der- heyden. This village was incorporated by the name of Troy in 1796. But the principal settlers of Troy were emigrants from New England, who, seeing the advantages of its position, both in an agricultural and commercial point of view, induced the proprietors to lay it out into town lots, and turned their attention, with all their characteristic enterprise, to the means of its en- largement and prosperity. Under these good auspices Troy has grown to its present flourish- ing condition.
Troy, O., c. h. Miami co. On the W. bank of the Great Miami River. 68 miles W. by N. from Columbus, and 21 N. from Dayton. The Miami Canal passes through it.
Troy, Te., c. h. Obion co. 147 miles N. W. by W. from Murfreesboro'.
Troy, Vt., Orleans co. This town is well wa- tered by Missisco River and several of its trib- utaries. The falls on the Missisco, in the N. part, are a considerable curiosity. Here the river precipitates itself down a ledge of rocks about 70 feet. The soil is in general a strong loam, suitable for grass and most kinds of grain; the surface is generally level, and along the river are tracts of intervale. Iron ore of an excellent quality is found here, and also some minerals. The settlement was commenced about the year 1800, by emigrants from different towns on the Connecticut River. 10 miles N. from Irasburg, and 47 N. from Montpelier.
Trumbull, Ct., Fairfield co. This territory was . formerly called North Stratford, and was taken from Stratford in 1798. It is watered by the Pequannock, which empties into Bridgeport Har- bor. The surface is varied by hills and valleys; the soil is a gravelly loam, productive of good crops of grain and hay. Tamtashua Hill, in the N. part of the town, is the first land seen in this direction from the ocean. 5 miles N. from Bridgeport.
Trumbull County, O., c. h. at Warren. Ashta- bula co. is on the N., the state of Pennsylvania on the E., Columbiana on the S., and Portage and Geauga counties on the W. The land is valuable for farming, and is watered by the Ma- honing River and Canal, and Musketoe Creek.
Truro, Ms., Barnstable co. Truro lies on both sides of Cape Cod, between Wellfleet and Prov- incetown. It was the Pamet of the Indians. Pamet River, which sets up from Cape Cod Bay, about the centre of the town, affords a good har- bor for fishermen. There is in this town, near the lighthouse, a vast body of clay, called the Clay Pounds.'' There are also in the town a number of beautiful ponds, and 200 acres of peat land. Pamet village, at the head of the river of that name, is very pleasant and flourishing, is a fine location, and easy of access for all those who wish to enjoy sea air, bathing, and marine sce- nery, in their greatest perfection, on terra Jirma, Another neat settlement, called Pond village, lies about 3 miles N. from Pamet. 37 miles be- low Barnstable, 102 from Boston by land, and about 60 by water.
Truxton, N. Y., Cortland co. The Tioughnio* | |