yen, and was called New Haven village. 13 I miles N. from New Haven.
Wallingford, Vt., Rutland co. This town is watered by Otter Creek, Mill River, and by 3 ponds, one of which, Hiram's Pond, covering an area of 350 acres, lies on very elevated ground, and is one of the principal sources of Otter Creek. These mountain ponds are very hand- some, and contain fish. The soil is generally good ; that on the banks of Otter Creek is very fertile and productive. A range of primitive limestone passes through the western part of the town, in which have been opened several quarries of excellent marble. Green Hill, situated near the centre, is composed almost entirely of quartz. A part of White Rocks, belonging to Green Mountain range, appears to be granite, the rest quartz. At the foot of White Rooks are large cavities, formed by the fallen rocks, called the icebeds, in which ice is found in abundance through the summer season. The village of Wallingford is pleasantly located on the banks of Otter Creek, near one of the ponds. The settle- ment was commenced in 1773, by Abraham Jack- son and family. 10 miles S. by E. from Rutland, and 42 N. N. E. from Bennington. The railroad between Boston and Rutland passes through the town.
Wallkill, N. Y., Orange co. The Wallkill and Shawangunk Creek water this town. Surface undulating and hilly; soil well adapted to graz- ing. 22 miles W. from Newburg, and 105 S. S. W. from Albany.
Walpole, Ms., Norfolk co. Walpole was a part of Dedham until 1724. The surface presents a pleasing variety of hill and valley, and its soil generally is of a good quality. Three beautiful tributaries to the Neponset meet in this town. These streams afford the town a good water power. This is a flourishing town with a num- ber of pleasant villages within its borders. The S. village lies 3 miles from the E. village. The E. village lies 9 miles S. by W. from Dedham, and 19 S. S. W. from Boston.
Walpole, N. H., Cheshire co. This town is beautifully diversified by hills and vales. The soil is similar to that of other towns on Connecti- cut River. The intervales afford excellent till- age; the uplands are inferior to none in the state. Cold River passes through the N. part, and forms a junction with the Connecticut. There is a lofty hill, called Fall Mountain, a part of the range of Mount Toby, the highest parts of which are about 780 feet above the level of the river. The village of Walpole is situated at the foot of the hill, on a plain. Drewsville, in this town, is a pleasant village, romantically situated near the falls. Bellows Falls, on Connecticut River, separate this town from Rockingham, Yt. At the bridge, which crosses the river at this place, first built in 1785, and 365 feet in length, is a most interesting and sublime view. The river here is compressed into a narrow strait, between steep rocks, and, for nearly a quarter of a mile, is hurried on with great rapidity and loud roaring. In no place is the fall perpendicular, to any con- siderable extent; but in the distance of half a mile, the waters descend 42 feet. A canal, with 9 locks, passes round these falls, on the W. side. First settler, Colonel Benjamin Bellows, in 1749. From Concord 60 miles S. W. by W., and 22 N. W. from Keene by railroad frotn Boston.
Walterboro1, S. C.,Colleton district. On a branch
of Ashepoo River. This village is situated 46 miles a little N. of W. from Charleston, and by post road 178 miles S. S. E. from Columbia.
Waltham. Ms., Middlesex co., was the W. par- ish of Watertown, until its incorporation, in 1738. The surface is moderately level, with some eleva- tions. Prospect Hill, 482 feet above the level of the sea, presents a delightful view of Boston, its harbor, and the adjacent country. A part of Fresh Pond lies within the limits of this town. The soil is generally not very fertile. Waltham Plain is a beautiful tj'act of land, under a high state of cultivation. On the road over this plain is a continuous village. Charles River passes through the town. Beaver and Mead's Ponds are handsome sheets of water, well stored with fish. The former produces a mill stream, which passes to Sudbury River. The Fitchburg Railroad passes through Waltham. 9 miles W. by N. from Boston, and 11 E. S. E. from Concord.
Waltham, Yt., Addison co. Buck Mountain lies near the centre of Waltham, and is the high- est land in the county west of the Green Moun- tains. Waltham lies on the E. side of Otter Creek. At this place the creek is sluggish, and affords no mill privileges. The soil is generally good ; that along the stream is excellent. The settlement of Waltham was commenced just be- fore the revolutionary war, by a family of Gris- wolds and others, from Connecticut. 9 miles N. W. from Middlebury, and 40 S. W. from Mont- pelier.
Walton County, Fa., c. h. at Euchee Anna. Bounded N. by Alabama, E. by the Choctaw- hatchee River, separating it from Jackson and Washington counties, S. by Choctawhatchee Bay, and W. by Santa Rosa co. Drained by Yellow Water and Shoal Rivers and branches, and White and Alequa Creeks. Soil fertile in the N. por- tions.
Walton County, Ga., c. h. at Monroe. Gwinnett bounds this county on the W., Hall N. W., New- ton S. W., Oconee River, or Jackson and Clark, N. E., and Morgan and Jasper S. E. It is drained by the sources of Oconee and Ockmulgee Rivers.
Walton, N. Y., Delaware co. The W. branch of the Delaware River and some of its tributaries flow through this town. Surface hilly and moun- tainous ; soil well suited to grazing. 13 miles S. W. from Delhi, and 94 from Albany.
Walworth, N. Y., Wayne co. Watered by sev- eral small streams flowing N. into Lake Ontario. Surface rolling; soil fertile gravelly loam. 18 miles N. W. from Lyons, and 199 N. of W. from Albany.
Walworth County, Wn., c. h. at Elkhorn. Bound- ed N. by Jefferson and Waukesha counties, E. by Racine co., S. by Illinois, and W. by Rock co. Watered by Turtle River and its branches, by branches of Fox River, and by Geneva Lake, which lies in its S. part. The surface is level, and the soil very rich.
Wanaltta County, Ma. On the uppermost wa- ters of the Mississippi.
Wantage, N. J., Sussex co. Situated on the N. border of the state, and drained by Deep Clove River and Papakating Creek, head branch- es of the Wallkill River. Surface undulating on the E., but hilly and mountainous on the W.
Wapankonetta, O., c. h. Auglaise co.
Wapello County, Io., c. h. at Ottumwa. S. E. part. The Des Moines passes through it fromN. W.toS. E. |