Hayward’s United States Gazetteer (1853) page 638

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are excellent throughout, rendering it a model for
some of those which have been more recently
built in other states. It is in place to remark
here, that Worcester is extremely well suited to
the sanitary purposes of such an institution, front
the great salubrity of its climate. It is almost en-
tirely exempt from those chilling easterly winds
which so much prevail at certain seasons of the
year on the Atlantic coast.

The Roman Catholic College of the Holy
Cross has a fine location upon a rounded hill,
about a mile and a half S. W. of the city. See

Two other institutions or academies of the
higher class, one for males, and the other for fe-
males, are situated, about the same distance, more
directly W. of the city. The public and private
schools, and other literary institutions in Worces-
ter are of a high order. In no part of New Eng-
land is education more honored and cherished than

There are several public houses in Worcester,
which are among the best in the country, de-,
manded and sustained by the vast amount of
travel which comes to the city. An abundance
of pure soft water is brought in by an aqueduct
from the neighboring hills, for the supply of these
establishments, and of the inhabitants generally.

The manufactures of Worcester are important,
and of great variety, including cotton and wool-
len fabrics to a large amount, carpetings, both of,
wool and cotton, paper, wire, castings, machinery,
carriages and railroad cars, brass and tin wares,
musical instruments, hats, straw bonnets, shoes,
harnesses, and numerous other articles. In these
departments of industry a large amount of capi-
tal is employed, and great ingenuity and activity
are displayed.

This place presents a striking example of what
railroads have done, and will continue to do, in
favor of the growth and prosperity of hundreds
of other places in our country similarly situated.
Before the railroad between Boston and Worces-
ter went into operation, the freight on a ton of
merchandise was $10, and the time of transporta-
tion two days: now it is $2. and the time three
hours. It is obvious that by this means much of
our trade and commerce will be transferred from
the seaboard to such convenient points in the in-
terior where real estate and the means of living
generally can be obtained at a much lower cost.
Our commercial cities on the coast, instead of
continuing to be chiefly rivals to each other, have
now much more to fear from the springing up of
«euch places as these, in the tendency there is
to make them merely deposits of merchandise
for the country, rather than, as heretofore, its ex-
clusive marts of trade.

Worcester, N. Y., Otsego co. Charlotte River
and some of its branches water this town. Sur-
face hilly ; soil favorable to the growth of grass
and grain. 14 miles S. E. from Cooperstown,
and 56 S. of W. from Albany.

Worcester, Vt., Washington co. A branch of
Winooski River gives this town a good water
power, which is used for various purposes. Much
of this township is mountainous; but there is
some good land along the stream, and the high
lands afford good pasturage for cattle. The set-
tlement was commenced in 1797, by George
Martin and John Iiidlan, emigrants from Kenne-
bec, Me. The town was organized March 3,
803. S miles N. from Montpelier.

Worthington, Ms., Hampshire co. This town-
ship occupies an elevated situation near the cen-
tre of the Green Mountain range, upon its east-
ern declivity. The waters are discharged into
the Connecticut by the Westfield River, the prin-
cipal branch of which washes the S. W. bounda-
ry of the town, and other branches pass through
the middle and
N. E. parts. It is one of the
best townships of land in this vicinity; the sur-
face is handsome and pleasant, and much of the
soil rich and productive. 107 miles W. from
Boston, and 18
E. from Pittsfield.

Worthington, 0., in Sharon township, Franklin
co. 9 miles
N. from Columbus. This pleasant
and thriving town stands on the left bank of the
Whetstone River, which is the
E. fork of the
Scioto. The township to which it belongs was
settled by the Scioto Company, formed in Gran-
by, Ct., in 1801, and embracing 40 associates, to
which number the company was limited by its
articles.. This number was filled up by persons
from the counties of Hartford and Litchfield, Ct.,
and Hampshire and Berkshire,
Ms. Their reg-
ulations, requiring the immediate establishment
of public worship, and of a school for their chil-
dren, were strictly adhered to. The first year of
their enterprise saw 100 settlers in their new
home. Their first 4th of July was celebrated in
an original and novel manner. 17 gigantic trees,
equal to the then existing number of the states
in the Federal Union, having previously been
cut so that a few blows of the axe would fell
them to the ground, -were made at sunrise, in lieu
of ordnance, to thunder in successive peals
through the resounding wilderness their national

Worthington is handsomely laid out, with 10
streets extending N. and S., parallel to each
other, and to the general course of the river, and
7 E. and W. It is neatly built, the greater part
both of the private and public structures being
of brick. There are churches here of several de-
nominations ; also a classical academy, of high
repute, and a flourishing female seminary. Colo-
nel James Kilboume, who, as pioneer and agent of
the Scioto Company, located their purchase, and
afterwards laid out this town, it is said con-
structed the
first map of the state of Ohio.

Wrentham, Ms., Norfolk co. This town was a
part of Dedham until its incorporation, in
It was first settled about the year 1667, and was
named after a town in England. Its Indian
name was
Wollonopange. The surface is pleas-
antly diversified by hills and valleys. Joe's Rock
Hill and Red Brush Hill are the most elevated
grounds. The soil is generally of a good qual-
ity. From the high lands, and a large and beau-
tiful pond, called by the Indian name of the
town, branches of the Charles and Neponset rise.
These streams, though not large, afford the town
an excellent hydraulic power. There is a curi-
ous cavern in the town, called “ Wampum's
Rock.'' Eagle Factory village, Shepardsvilie,
the village near the centre of the town, and the
one in the N. part, are all pleasant villages.
miles S. S. W. from Boston, and 16 N. from

Wright County, Mo., c. h. at Hartville. Bound-
ed N. by Camden and Pulaski counties, E. by-
Texas co., S. by Ozark and Taney, and W. by
Green and Dallas counties. Drained
by the
head branches of Gasconade River.

Wrightsville, Pa., York co. On the W bank

A Gazetteer of the United States of America by John Hayward.

Hartford, CT: Case, Tiffany and Company. 1853. Public domain image

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