of Susquehanna River. 31 miles from Harris- burg. A bridge 5690 feet in length connects this place with Columbia, on the opposite side of the river. It is connected by railroad with York, Gettysburg, Baltimore, and Philadelphia.
Wyal using, Pa., Bradford co. This town lies adjacent to and includes the mouth of Wyalu- sing Creek. 50 miles N. W. from Wilkesbarre, and 30 S. W. by W. from Montrose.
Wyoming County, N. Y., c. h. at Warsaw. Formed from Genesee co. in 1841. It is bound- ed N. by Genesee, E. by Livingston, S. by Alle- ghany and. Cattaraugus, and W. by Erie co. Its principal waters are Silver Lake, Allen's, Tona- wanda, and Cattaraugus Creeks, and the Gene- see River, which courses its S. E. corner. Sur- face undulating; soil well adapted to grass and grain, and in the valleys of the streams remark- ably fertile.
Wyoming County, Pa., c. h. at Tunkhannock. Formed from Luzerne co. in 1841, and is bounded N. by Susquehanna co., E. and S. by Luzerne, and W. by Lycoming and Bradford counties Drained by Susquehanna River and branches.
Wyoming, Pa. See Wilkesbarre.
Wyoming County, Va. New. Taken from Lo- gan. S. W. part. Includes the upper waters of the Guyandotte and Sandy Rivers. Mountainous.
Wythe County. Va., c. h. at Wytheville. This county occupies the countiy between the head wa- ters of Tennessee and Great Kanawha. It is bounded by Grayson S. E. and S., Washington S. W., Tazewell N. W., and Giles'and Mont- gomery N. E.
Wytheville, Va., c. h.'Wythe co.
Xenia, 0., Xenia township, c. h. Green co. A pleasant town, situated on Shawnee Creek. 3 miles from the Little Miami River. It is sur- rounded by a highly cultivated, fertile country.
Yalabusha County, Mi., c. h. at Coffeeville. Bounded N. by Ponola and Lafayette counties, E. by Chickasaw, S. by Choctaw and Carroll, and W. by Tallahatchee co. Drained by the Yala- busha River and branches.
Yam Hill County, On., c. h. at La Fayette. Between the Willamette and the coast.
Yancey County, N. C., c. h. at Burnsville. Bound- ed W. and N. by the Stone Mountains, which separate it from Tennessee, and by Ashe co., E. by Caldwell, Burke, and McDowell counties, and S. by Buncombe co. Drained by the Nolachucky River and its branches. This county contains the highest land in the United States E. of the Rocky Mountains, Black Mountain being ele- vated 6476 feet above the ocean. Copperas is found here.
Yanceyville, Va., Louisa co., lies 14 miles N. from Caroline Court House, and 60 N. W. from Richmond.
Yarmouth, Me., Cumberland co. A pleasant town on Casco Bay. 10 miles N. of Portland, with which it is connected by the Portland and Montreal Railroad, and 42 S. E. from Augusta. There is a fine stream of water, on which is a pa- per mill and other manufactories. It was for- merly called North Yarmouth. |
Yarmouth, Ms., Barnstable co., was first settled in the year 1637. It was called Mattacheeset, or Muttacheest, by the Indians. It was incorporated as a town in* 1639. The soil in many parts is quite productive. There are large tracts of salt meadow in the town, which is very valuable. German's Hill, 136 feet above the sea, is the highest land in the town. Yarmouth extends across Cape Cod, and has good harbors on each side of it, of ample depth of water for fishing and coasting vessels. In this town are a number of large and beautiful ponds, of pure and soft fresh water. From one of these ponds issues Bass River, affording a small water power; at its mouth is a good harbor. The government of the United States have recently erected a breakwater for its protection. There are a number of pleas- ant villages in this town : those called Yarmouth, Yarmouth Port, South Yarmouth, and West Yarmouth'are the most important. The second temperance society ever established was organized in Yarmouth, in 1817. a short time after the es- tablishment of that in Boston, which was the first in the world. In and about the numerous ponds and large salt meadows, in this town and Barn- stable, are found an abundance of fowl and fish in their season. Yarmouth Port lies 4 miles E. from Barnstable, and 69 S. E. from Boston.
Yates County, N. Y., c. h. at Milo. Formed from Ontario in 1823. It is bounded N. by On- tario co., E. by Seneca Lake, S. by Steuben, and W. by Steuben and Ontario counties. Surface pleasantly diversified ; soil various, but mostly very fertile. This county contains an inflamma- ble gas, a sulphur, and a salt spring. Seneca and Crooked Lakes lie partly within its limits, and are united by the outlet and Crooked Lake Canal. It is also watered on the N. W. by Can- andaigua Lake.
Yates, N. Y., Orleans co. Watered by John- son's Creek and other small streams flowing into Lake Ontario, which bounds it on the N. Sur- face level: soil sandy and clay loam. 12 miles N. from Albion, and 267 N. of W. from Albany.
Yell County, As., c. h. at Danville. Bounded N. by Johnson and Pope counties, E. by Perry, S. by Montgomery, and W. by Scott co. Drained by the Petite Jean, La Feve, and other branches of the Arkansas River, which runs on its N. E. boundary.
Yonkers, N. Y., Westchester co. Watered on the E. by Bronx and Saw Mill Rivers, and bounded on the W. by the Hudson. Surface somewhat rough and uneven; soil clay and sandy loam. 10 miles S. W. from White Plains, and 130 S. from Albany.
York County, Me., c. h. at Alfred. In the S. W. corner of the state. Watered by the Salmon Falls on its W. border, and the Saco on the E. The soil is hard and rocky, yet with some good land; surface rough and uneven, with occasional mountains. The seacoast is without harbors, except two or three inferior ones. The railroad from Boston to Portland passes through it, par- allel with the coast.
York, Me., c. h. York co. This is an ancient maritime town, on the coast between Kittery and Wells. It is bounded W. by South Berwick This was for many years the shire town, and the place of holding the courts and keeping the records for the whole province, until the counties of Cumberland and Lincoln were set off in 1760.
York has a court house and jail, but all the county courts have been, within a few years past, removed to Alfred. The principal harbor is York River, about 6 miles from Portsmouth, N.
II., with water sufficient for vessels from 200 to 300 tons' burden. The entrance, however, is dif |