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A great number of distinguished men have been educated at this college. It was established by the synod of New York, with a special view of raising up ministers of the gospel. It has over 3000 alumni, nearly 600 of whom have entered the ministry. Students in 1850, 243; instructors, 15; libraries, 16,000 volumes. Commencement is on the last Wednesday in June.
Accessus. Succession of Presidents. Exitus.
1746.....Rev. Jonathan Dickinson........ 1747.
1748.....Rev. Aaron Burr.......... 1757.
1757.....Rev. Jonathan Edwards. ...... 1758.
1759.....Rev. Samuel Davies.........1761.
1761.....Rev. Samuel Finley, D. D...... . 1766.
1768. . . . . Rev. John Witherspoon, D.D., LL.D. . . . . 1794.
1795.....Rev. Samuel Stanhope Smith, D. D., LL. D. . . . 1812.
1812.....Rev. Ashbel Green, D. D., LL. D...... 1822.
1823.....Rev. James Carnahan, D. D.
This institution was founded in 1843, by the Roman Catholics. It has not obtained an act of in- corporation. It is located in Worcester, on a beautifully elevated site, about two miles from the town. One large brick edifice has been erected for the accommodation of the students. All who are admitted are required to observe the rites of the Catholic church. A large part of the students are quite young. Rev. J. Early, an ecclesiastic of the order of Jesuits, is at the head of the insti- tution. Fourteen teachers are employed, and the number of pupils is about 120. Volumes in the library, 4220. Commencement the last week in August.
This institution, in the city of New York, was founded by royal charter, in 1754, under the name of King's College, by which title it continued to be known until the revolution. During the period of the war, from 1776 to 1784, the business of instruction was necessarily suspended, and the college edifice was appropriated to the purposes of a military hospital. In 1784, an act was passed by the legislature of New York, confirming the original charter, and changing the name to Columbia Col- lege. The college is under the direction of the Episcopalians. It has 8 instructors, 17,000 volumes in the libraries, 130 students in 1850, and 1409 alumni.
Accessus. Succession of Presidents. Exitus.
[Under the Royal Charter.]
1754. ..... Rev. Samuel Johnson, D. D...... 1763.
1763......Rev. Myles Cooper,....... 1775.
1775......Rev. Benjamin Moore, president pro tem. . . . 1776.
[Under the New Charter.]
1787......William Samuel Johnson, LL. D. .... 1800.
1801......Rev. Charles Wharton, D. D......1801.
1801......Rt. Rev. Benjamin Moore, D. D. .... 1811.
1811......Rev. William Harris, D. D...... 1829.
1829......William Alexander Duer, LL. D. .... 1842.
1842......Nathaniel F. Moore, LL. D...... 1849.
1849. . . . . • Charles King, LL. D.
This college is located in the city of Washington. It was incorporated by Congress in 1821, and is under the direction of the Baptists. The buildings are erected upon an elevated situation, north of the city, about one mile from the president's mansion, and two and a half from the Capitol. Congress has formerly given pecuniary grants to this college, amounting to $25,000. A classical and preparatory school is connected with the college. The trustees are elected triennially. The college has 10 instructors, 55 students in 1850, and about 200 alumni. Libraries, 6200 volumes. On occa- sions of great interest, the students are permitted to hear the debates in Congress, and arguments before the Supreme Court.
Connected with Columbian College is a medical department, which was organized in 1825. It has 6 professors, and has graduated about 80 students. One student from each of the states and territories is admitted free of charge, excepting $5 matriculation fee, and a graduating fee of $20. The lectures commence on the first Monday of November. Joel S. Bacon, D. D., is president of the college.
This institution was founded in 1844. It is located at Lebanon. It has 9 instructors. In 1850 it had about 50 students, and 5000 volumes in the libraries. Commencement is on the last Friday in y* July. T. C. Anderson, A. M., is president.
A Gazetteer of the United States of America by John Hayward.
Hartford, CT: Case, Tiffany and Company. 1853. Public domain image