From New York to San Juan del Norte, at the mouth of the San Juan River, otherwise called Greytown, is 2000 miles. From New Orleans the distance is about 1400 miles. There is a good pier at Grey town, at which passengers can land without trouble, or they can pass directly into the river steamers, which ascend 52 miles to the Castillian Rapids. Here is a short portage of about 300 yards, the rapids not admitting the passage of steamers. Above the rapids to San Carlos, at the head of the river, is 27 miles. Thence across Lake Nicaragua to Virgin Bay is 42 miles. From Virgin Bay to San Juan del Sud. on the Pacific Ocean, is a land journey of 13 miles, to facilitate which a plank road has been constructed. The Transit Company have now on the river and lake seven small steamers, and others building, and the passage of the Isth- mus, 135 miles in the whole, is accomplished in about 40 hours, — a time which will be consider- ably diminished when the new boats are ready. From San Juan del Sud to San Francisco is about 2800 miles, making the whole distance from New York about 5000 miles. This is accomplished in from 22 to 28 days, being the shortest and most expeditious route to California. Steamers by this route leave New York, New Orleans, and San Francisco once a fortnight, on the 1st and 15th of each month.
From New York to Aspinwall or Navy Bay, a few miles eastward of Chagres, via Kingston, Ja- maica, (the mail route,) is about 2300 miles. Via Havana the distance is about 2400 miles. From New Orleans to Aspinwall is 1400 miles, or via Havana, 1650. A fine pier has been constructed at Aspinwall, to which the steamers come, the passengers and freight being placed directly in the cars of the railroad which is to extend to Pana- ma, 49 miles. About 30 miles of the road are already finished, and the whole will be by the spring'of 1853. From Panama, touching at Ac- apulco, San Diego, and Monterey, the distance is '3400 miles, making the entire route from New York to San Francisco, via Kingston, 5750 miles, or via Havana, 5850. First class steamers em- ployed on this route leave New York, New Or- leans, and San Francisco on the 5th and 20th of each month. Time, from 25 to 30 days. From San Francisco to Astoria, at. the mouth of the Columbia River, (distance 700 miles,) there is a semi-monthly mail steamer.
From New York to California, via Cape Horn, is about 14,700 miles. This distance is made by clipper ships in from 100 to 130 days. Ordinary merchant ships are from one to two months longer.
The expense by all these routes for first class passengers is from $250 to $350 each ; steerage passengers $150 to $200.
There are two principal starting-places for this route, St* Joseph, Mo., a few miles above Fort Leavenworth, and Council Bluffs, a short dis- tance N. of the entrance of the Platte into the Missouri. The road from Council Bluffs for 800 miles up the N. side of Platte River is the best natural one in the world. The elevation is less than 12 feet to the mile. The water coming from the high lands is fresh and cool. Grass is abundant, and on the river bottom two weeks earlier than on the route over the plains from St. Joseph, on the other side of the river. Timber, buffalo chips,'' and mineral coal are found suffi- cient to supply travellers. The large amount of travel to California, Oregon, and Utah makes it a great national thoroughfare. Over 100,000 souls have already travelled this road since the discovery of gold in California. The passage from Council Bluffs can be safely made, with wagons drawn by mules or oxen, in from 60 to 90 days, at an expense of not over $100 for each passenger. If emigrants conduct themselves properly, no danger need be feared from any In- dian tribes through which the road passes. All necessary outfits and supplies can be had at Kanesville and Council Bluffs. An accurate Gen- eral Directory has been published by J.H. Colton, 86 Cedar Street, New York, and a Mormon Guide, by Mr. Clayton, which will give the emi- grant all necessary information. The forts of the American Fur Company and of the United States are usually prepared to render any aid needed by travellers. Aid has also been fur- nished at the California end of the route at the expense of the state of California.
Miles. Miles.
Buffalo Creek, .... 239 239
Ptah Lake,...... 29 268
Last Timber,..... 38 306
North Bluff Creek, ... 19 325
Wolf Springs, . . . 18 348 |