Gazetteer of the State of Maine, 1882 page 32
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Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney

BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from


Further facts in regard to schools may be found under the heads of the
towns where they are located.

The libraries in Maine are numerous, but small. There is scarcely
a city without a library which is accessible to the public at little or no
cost to the patrons. Most of the villages also have private circulating

The first newspaper published in Maine was tbe “ Falmouth Gazette
and Weekly Advertiser” of Portland ; and its first number was issued
on the 1st of January 1785. Its publishers were Mr. Benjamin Tit-
comb, a Portland printer, and Thomas B. Waite, who had previously
been concerned in the “ Boston Chronicle.” The paper went through
various changes of ownership and title, until about 1826, when it took aS'
its name the “ Portland Advertiser.” In 1831, the “ Daily Advertiser”
began to be published consecutively. In 1829, Mr. James Brooks be-
came editor of the paper, and continued in that relation until 1836,
when he started the “ New York Express.” Mr. James G. Blaine was its
editor in 1858. In 1859 it passed under the control of Messrs Wal-
dron, Little
& Co.; and in January, 1861, it was sold to Mr. F. O. J.

Smith. In his hands the political attitude of the paper suffered, and
its circulation diminished ; and at the date of the great fire in Port-
land, its daily issue was suspended. In 1868 it passed into new hands
and Republican management, and appeared as an evening paper—and
thus continues to the present time.

The “ Christian Mirror ” has now reflected its light upon the wwld
weekly for above half a century. It owes its existence to the zeal in-
spired by that eminent Trinitarian Congregationalist, Rev. Edward
Payson,—its founders being members of his church. Its first editor was
Rev. Asa Rand.

“ Zion’s Advocate ” first appeared about 53 years ago. It wras
printed by Day
& Sumner, and edited by Rev. Adam Wilson. In
1859 it passed into the hands of Dr. Shailer and J. W. Colcord, who
conducted it with great success. H. S. Burrage has since been the owner.

“ The Daily Eastern Argus” wras started in 1835, and has been is-
sued continuously, and without change of title since that time.

In 1866, Mr. G. M. Gage, then principal of the Western Normal
School at Farmington started an educational monthly entitled “The
Maine Normal.” Two years later its place of publication was changed
to Portland, where it took the new name of the “Journal of Educa-
tion.” A few 'years later it was merged into the “New England
Journal of Education,”—its editor being continued as the editor of the
Maine Department of the latter journal.

The first newspaper in Brunswick was issued by Joseph Griffin, in
1820, under the name of “The Maine Intelligencer.” It had a brief
but brilliant existence of only six months. “ The Brunswick Tele-    c

graph” was started in 1853 by Waldron and Moore, with William G.

'Barrows, Esq., as editor.

The “ Bridgton News ” wms established by H. A. Shorey, Esq., at
Bridgton Centre in 1870. The “ Kennebec Farmer ” w7as started in
Winthrop in 1833, with Dr. Ezekiel Holmes, editor. It was published
in Hallowell in 1857, then again removed to Winthrop. In 1844 it
was purchased by Russell Eaton, Esq., and removed to Augusta, where
it has ever since remained, its name meantime having been changed to
“ Maine Farmer.”


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