Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney
BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from
by which all papers for ships, transfers of property, college diplomas, marriage licenses, and newspapers must be made on stamped paper, which was supplied at a high price by the government. Failing to execute this act, it wTas repealed in the following year; but only to be succeeded by another act equally obnoxious and subversive of the charter rights of the colonists, and of their rights as Englishmen. The new act laid an import tax greatly larger than w'as necessary to pay the expenses of the customs service on all paper, glass, colors and teas brought into the country. This tax was opposed by non-consumption and non-importation agreements; and as the English merchants at length found their business falling off on this account, they strenuously petitioned Parliament for tbe repeal of the law. In 1768, seven hun- dred British soldiers bad arrived in Boston to enforce the iniquitous law, and between these and tbe citizens a feeling of hostility grew up until it culminate4 in the Boston massacre in March, 1770. It was no doubt partly the alarm caused by this occurrence that influenced the repeal; which was done in 1770, with the exception of the tax on tea. Yet this very repeal, though it lessened the sum of the tax, re-asserted the principle that Parliament had a right to tax the American Colonies without their having a representation in that body. Meanwhile by means of newspapers, orations and pamphlets, patriots like Samuel and John Adams, with Otis and Mayhew, in Boston, Livingston, in New York, and Gadsden, in South Carolina, instructed the people in their rights and stimulated the spirit of liberty. The first act of resistance in Maine connected with the Revolution arose from tbe seizure of the schooner of Mr. Tyng by the comptroller of customs for a breach of the revenue laws. The crew opposed the Kings officers, and the citizens quickly gathered, when the officers were handled pretty roughly, and the vessel set free. In December, 1773, tbe Bostonians poured into their harbor the tea which was being forced upon them. The consequence of this act was the passing by Parliament of the Boston Port Bill, which closed that port to all commerce from the first of June, 1774. In sympathy with the afflicted city, the bells of Portland (then Falmouth) tolled all that day. On the 17th General Gage dis- solved the General Court, but they had already chosen delegates to a Congress of the colonies of Philadelphia. The people of Massachusetts and Maine soon after chose representatives who met at Salem in Oc- tober, and formed themselves into a Provincial Congress. In this Congress, as in the General Court, Maine had three representatives. This body elected a committee of safety, a committee of supplies, chose five delegates to represent Maine and Massachusetts in the new Con- tinental Congress, and made laws for the formation and drill of military companies in every town.
In March, 1775, the British sloop-of-war, Canseau, Captain Mowatt, came to Portland to aid in enforcing the several laws. Mowatt soon after sailed for Penobscot, where he removed the guns and ammunition. The next month occurred the battles of Lexington and Concord. The next day after the news arrived at York a company was formed, and by nigbt it had reached New Hampshire, on tbe way to Boston. Three days later, Falmouth sent a company; and shortly after Colonel Scammon, of Saco, reached Cambridge with a regiment. New Glou- cester sent twenty men, paying their wages and supporting their families during their absence. The inhabitants eastward were too re-
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