Gazetteer of the State of Maine, 1882 page 102
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Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney

BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from


companies, a steam towage company, etc. The extent of the maritime
business of Bath is shown by the arrival during the year previous to
June 30, 1880, of 21 vessels from foreign ports, and of 1,515 vessels in
coastwise business. Bath has connection with Portland and Boston
by steamer, and is the terminus of a branch of the Maine Central rail-
road on one hand, and of tbe Knox and Lincoln connecting with Rock-
land on the other. The cars of the latter road are conveyed across
the river by means of an immense steam ferry boat. Bath is situated
on the west bank of the Kennebec, twelve miles from its mouth, but
with a safe passage for all the distance, and rarely frozen over. The
river is here about half a mile wide, and deep enough for the largest
vessels. The compact portion of the city is stretched along the river
for about three miles, having an average width of about half a mile.
The site of tbe city is very uneven, but it has several beautiful streets,
well shaded with elms, horse-chestnut and plane-trees, and with many
handsome residences. There are here a substanital city hall the county
buildings, and a neat government building containing the customs
and post offices. The banks are the First National, having a
capital of $200,000.; the Bath National, capital, $125,000; Lincoln
National, $200,000; Marine National, $100,000 ; and Sadagahoc Nation-
al, $100,000. The Bath Savings Institution held at the close of the
fiscal year in 1879, in deposits and accrued profits, $1,275,600,48; the
People’s Twenty-five Cent Savings Bank, held, at the same date, de-
posits and accrued profits amounting to $377,154,13. Tbe “American
Sentinel ” is a long established weekly of excellent character, now pub-
lished by Elijah Upton and Son. The “ Bath Daily Times,” issued by
the same publishers, is a very convenient and reliable sheet; ard cred-
itable alike to its publishers and to the city which it serves.

Christopher Lawson, Robert Gutch and Alexander Thwait, were
prominent in the early settlement of this town. The first obtained a
right to the northerly portion and Lynde’s Island at a date probably
not earlier than 1640. Thwait and Gutch both obtained their titles
of Robin Hood, an Indian sagamore, on May 29, 1660. Thwait’s was
that portion extending from Winnegance, at the southern part, to the
rope walk, in the city proper. Mr. Gutch took the intermediate por-
tion from the cove at the rope-walk to Harward’s. He had emigrated
from England, and after residing for several years in Salem, came here
at about 1657. There is undoubted evidence that he was a minister
of the Gospel. He was drowned in 1667, while crossing the river to
keep an appointment to preach on the Sabbath. In 1738 the few fam-
ilies then resident were granted town rights and privileges in a union
with the older Georgetown of Arrowsic. The owners of the Kennebec
purchase at length extended their claim over this town and quite to
the sea; and about 1750, while suffering from the Indian wars, the
the inhabitants of this region were further distressed by litigation,
leases and ejectments, by the company. An indignation meeting was
at length held by the citizens, to see “ what they should do to preserve
their English rights and liberties ; ” and a vigorous petition was sent
up to the General Court and prevailed. The famous suit of Jeffries
vs. Donnell was a test case under the Plymouth Company’s claim.
Jonathan Donnell (sometimes spelled Dwinel) held from Robert
Gutch, and Jeffries from the Plymouth Company through the pro-
prietors of the Kennebec purchase. The courts affirmed the right of


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