Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney
BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from
the State of New Hampshire ; the other, the acknowledged leader at the bar, a governor of Massachusetts, and one who contributed by his speeches and writings to the establishment of our national liberties.
Newichawnanock was incorporated as the Parish of Unity in 1673, and in 1702, John Wade was settled as minister.
The Baptists began their activity in the town in 1764, and in 1768 a church was formed at Great Hill, and a meeting-house built soon after. This was the first Baptist Church organized in Maine. Joshua Emery was their preacher for many years, though he was never or- dained. He was succeeded by William Batchelder, who was ordained as pastor in 1796. A new house was built in 1844; and in 1867 it was removed and rebuilt. •
The Methodists began to have considerable influence in the town about 1810. John Lord was one of their early preachers. The first house was built about 1840, and it was burned before completion; hut another was soon after built in the neighborhood to replace it. Ber- wick has sixteen schoolhouses; and its school property is valued at $16,750. It has also a free high school. The valuation of the town in 1870, was $641,329. In 1880 it was $821,629. The rate of taxation in 1880 was $13 per $100. The population in 1870 was 2,291; in 1880 it was 2,774.
Bethel is situated on both sides of the Androscoggin, a little west of the centre of Oxford County. The Grand Trunk railway also passes through the town, following the course of the river to near the centre, when the road turns away to South Bethel, and thus out of the town on the south side. The greatest length of the town is from north east to the south-west. The area is 25,920 acres. The Androscoggin river enters the western side to near the centre, then turning north- ward forms the dividing line on the north-east between Bethel and Hanover. Chapman River and Sunday River are the principal tribu- taries of the Androscoggin on the north, and Mill Stream and Alder- Brook on the south, within this town. The surface of the country is undu- lating and hilly. The principal eminences, beginning at the north- west, are Ellingwood Mountain, then Sparrowhawk Mountain, at an equal distance south of the River ; Paradise Hill, near Bethel Hill village (Bethel Post-Office), Walkers Mountain, just north of South Bethel; Waterspout Mountain and Swan Hill, north of the last, in the north bend of the Androscoggin; and in the east, a group of five hills. There are several more that bear no names on the town map. The principal rock is granite. Though so hilly, Bethel has much interval and meadow-land as well as upland. It is one of the best farming towns of the State. Hay and potatoes are the chief crops. The most numerous forest trees are maple, birch, beach, oak, pine, hemlock, spruce, fir and cedar. The scenery of Bethel, like that of many other towns in Oxford county, is very attractive. The winding course of the larger river through intervals and between lofty hills affords numerous bold and picturesque views, as well as many of quiet beauty. From the summits of any of these hills the eye commands an extensive landscape.
Bethel, West and South Bethel are the post-offices and centres of business. There are four steam mills of from twenty-five to sixty horse-power in the town, together with several mills using water
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