Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney
BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from
solid granite of this mountain, and the clam shells lying high upon Dodges and Haneys points, and the mound on Henrys farm, afford themes for the curious. Walkers Pond is said to be a sheet of en- chanting loveliness. It is also one of the best alewive fish pastures in the country. Parkers and Smiths ponds are also attractive sheets.
A large proportion of the male population of the town are engaged in coasting and the fisheries. There is a porgy-oil factory at Bucks Harbor; and in other parts of the town are two saw, two shingle, two grist-mills and a planing-mill, and one wool-carding, cloth and yarn- factory. The soil of the town is chiefly clay loam, and the principal crops are wrheat and potatoes.
Brooksville was formed from parts of Castine, Penobscot and Sedgewick, having been set off and incorporated in 1817. It took from Sedgewick an eighth, and from Castine and Penobscot each a fifth of their taxable property. It was named in honor of Governor Brooks, of Massachusetts. Its history is largely included in that of Castine and of Penobscot. James Rozier was the first explorer, and 1605 was the year of his visit. The first settlers were John and Samuel Wasson and David Hawes, Revolutionary soldiers. They found three squatters already in possession, a Mr. Roax, Eben Leland and. Arch Haney. About 1780, William Roax and Elisha Blake settled upon the cape. The first white child horn within the present town limits was Mary Grindle, May, 1765. Upon Henrys Point and near Oliver Bakemans, the British, in 1779, erected six-gun batteries. Both have been nearly obliterated by time. The first corporate meeting was held in John Brays house. Col. John Hawes, Col. David Walker, John R. Redman and David Wasson, esqs. were eminent citizens.
_ The Methodists, Congregationalists and Baptists each have a church edifice. Brooksville has nine public schoolhonses, valued at $5,000. The town valuation in 1870 was $238,987. In 1880 it was $207,443. The rate of taxation in 1880 was 2 per cent. The population in 1870 was 1,275. In 1880 it was 1,419. *
Brownfield is situated in the south-western part of Oxford County. Denmark lies on the east, Fryeburg on the north, Hiram and Porter on the south, and the New Hampshire towns of Eaton and Conway on the wTest. The Saco River comes down through tbe northern part, then turning eastward, forms part of the eastern boun- dary. The Portland and Ogdensburg Railroad passes through the town, following the general course of the river. There is much fine interval land along the course of the Saco, through the eastern part of the town, and along the course of its tributary, the South Branch, through the middle of the town from the south- west. The ponds are Burnt Meadow, Dyers and Rattlesnake, each about half a mile in diameter. From near the centre to the southern line is occupied hy a group of seven hills. Burnt Meadow Mountain, near Brownfield Centre, is the highest, variously estimated from 500 to 2,000 feet. South Mountain is next in size. On the opposite side of the stream, in the northern half of the town is a line of three mountains. Frosts Moun- tain, the eastern one, being estimated variously from 300 to 1500 feet in height. The western in this line is Tibbets Mountain, and the middle one is Pearys Mountain. Whales Back is a solitary eminence near
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