Gazetteer of the State of Maine, 1882 page 160
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Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney

BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from


Cape Elizabeth is the most interesting of the environs of Portland    •>.

for its historic associations, its coast scenery, and its industries. It is
connected with that city by a ferry at Ferry Village, at the north-
eastern part of the town. Near this is the breakwater, having a light-
house at its outer extremity. A short distance east is Cushing’s Point
Village, beyond which, at Old Spring Point, is the lawn-covered
masonry of Fort Preble. The manufactures at these places are marine
craft of all sizes, from boats to ships, boots and shoes, medicines, oils,
extracts and fountain-syrups, etc. Knightville, on the next point    »

westward, is connected with Portland by a horse, carriage and foot
bridge. On the right, looking toward the city, are about 25 acres, oc-
cupied with the works of the Portland Dry Dock Company. One of
the docks is 100 by 42 feet, with a depth of 20 feet,—said to be the

largest in the country. The manufactures of Knightville are meal and
flour, boots and shoes, harnesses, tree and plant protectors, etc. The
next point west is Turner’s Island, whence the Portland, Saco and
Portsmouth (Eastern) Railroad crosses to Portland. The Boston and
Maine Railroad reaches Cape Elizabeth from Portland by a shorter
bridge at the little Village of Ligonia, on a point north-west of the last.
Here are the works of tbe Portland Kerosene Oil Co., occupying 2
acres of ground. The product of this factory is upwards of 4,000,000
gallons of oil annually. The other manufactory at this point is tbe
extensive Rolling-mill of the Ligonia Iron Co. The mill employs about
200 men, and turns out some 14,000 tons of rails annually.


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