Gazetteer of the State of Maine, 1882 page 172
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Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney

BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from


Hill and Winter Hill, each about 100 feet in height. The rock is
granitic, and the soil clay and sandy loam. There are several fine
farms in town, and the chief occupation is agriculture. The principal
stream is Worromontogus, or “ Togus,” which runs southward through
the eastern part and falls into the Kennebec.

There is a saw and grist mill on this stream, toward the southern
part of the town. In the northern part is one of the United States
military asylums. The mineral spring at this place formerly had some
notoriety, and Mr. Beal, of Boston, erected a large hotel near it. The
enterprise did not prove profitable, and the property was sold to the
United States ; the territory also being ceded to the Government for
the purposes of a Home for the disabled soldiers of the war of the
Rebellion. A fire destroyed the old buildings, which were of wood,
and substantial brick buildings wTere soon after erected, of size sufficient
to accommodate 1,000 men. Belonging to this institution are a brick-
yard, saw-mill and shoe-shop, which are operated by the inmates of the
“ Home.”

Aside from Togus, the principal settlement is near the bridge con-
necting the town with Hallowell. Along the river are a few ice-houses,
and near the southern line is one of the large houses owned by the
Knickerbocker Ice Company. The Maine Central Railroad, on the
opposite side of the river, is accessible by bridge or boat.

Chelsea sent 98 soldiers into the war, of which number 28 were
lost. There is an Adventist and a Methodist society in town. Chelsea
has nine public schoolhouses, valued at $2,525. The valuation of
estates in 1870 was $184,980. The rate of taxation in 1880 was 19    

mills on the dollar. The population in 1870 was 1,238. In 1880 it
was 1,538.

Cherryfield is situated on the south-western border of
Washington County, on both sides of the Narraguagus River. It is
30 miles from Machias, and is on the stage-line from that place to
Bangor. Columbia bounds it on the east, Deblois on the north, Mill-
bridge and Steuben on the south, and Hancock County on the west.
The western portion of the town is hilly. Burk’s Hill, at the south-
western corner, and Young Tunk Mountain, near the western line, are
the chief elevations. Big Tunk Mountain lies just outside the line, at
the north-west of the town. Schoodiac Pond lies at the north-eastern
corner of the town. Cherryfield has six valuable water-powers. At
the head of the tide, at Cherryfield Village, are a grist-mill, planing-
mill, sash, door and blind factory, a foundry and machine-shop, a gang-
saw, edge and lath mill. Other manufactures are ships, carriages, har-
nesses, shoes, furniture, clothing, etc. For the three years previous to
1869, the annual product in long lumber has been worth at the wharf
in the village $400,000, and the shingles $30,000. Vessels ascend to
Millbridge, within 5^- miles of Cherryfield Village, and lumber is
floated to that point in scows and rafts. The river is open to naviga-
tion eight and one-half months of the year.

The Cherryfield Silver Mining Company have opened a silver mine
in the town, and erected the necessary machinery for working it.

This town was originally No. ll of what were known as the
“ Lottery Townships.” It was incorporated February 9, 1816. Cher-
ryfield was first settled in 1757 by Ichabod Wiley and Samuel Colson.


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