Old Bluff, and extends diagonally from the north-east line into the
centre of the township. Around its western and southern base is a
series of nine or more boggy ponds. Midway on its eastern side is
Jackson Pond, and near the Kennebec are Merrill and Tibbetts Ponds.
The manufactories consist of two lumber-mills and a grist-mill. The
town is bounded on the east by Bingham, situated on the opposite side
of the Kennebec ; on the south is Emden, on the west Lexington, and
on the north Pleasant Ridge Plantation.
The township was settled soon after the Revolution by Major
Ephraim Heald, from Temple, N. H. The town is the terminus of the
stage-line from North Anson, 10 miles distant. Concord was incor-
porated January 25, 1821, It has a Free Baptist church, and sustains
a minister a portion of the time. There are in the town nine public
schoolhouses. The entire school property is valued at $1,500. The
valuation of estates in 1870 was $91,594. In 1880 it was $95,136. The
population in 1870 was 452. In 1880 it was 406.
Connor Plantation is situated in the north-eastern part of
Aroostook County. It is 60 miles north-west of Houlton, on the stage-
line to Van Buren. Formerly it was letter K., Range 2. It is bounded
north by Cyr Plantation, east by Caswell (formerly Pleasant Ridge)
Plantation, south by Caribou and west by New Sweden. This township
contains about 36 square miles. It is drained by the Little Madawaska
and three of its principal tributaties, which are scattered pretty evenly
over the town in a southern and south-eastern course. The settlements
at present are principally in the south-western part on the stage-road.
The post office for this plantation is Caribou,
Connor was organized as a plantation in 1877, being named in
honor of Hon. Selden Connor, governor of Maine for 3 years, (1866-69.)
The valuation is $3,000 in the State report. The population in 1870
was 132. In 1880 the figures for population are included in those of
Caribou. «
Cooper is situated somewhat east of the middle of Washington
County, 24 miles north of Machias, and about 20 from Calais. Meddy-
bemps lies on the east, Alexander on the north, Crawford on the north-
west ; other sides being occupied by unnamed townships. The surface
is swelling rather than hilly. In the western part is an elevation called
Western Ridge, which was one of the stations of the United States
Coast Survey. The principal streams are Dead Branch, a tributary of
Dennys River, and Meadow Brook, which empties into Cathance Lake,
on the southern border of the town. The manufactures are small, and
for export, consist wholly of lumber. There are two or three swells
of land which would make good farms, and are partially devoted to
that purpose. Much of the forest, however, still remains. The village
is the terminus of the stage-line from Charlotte.
Cooper was formerly No. 15, and included that part of Meddybemps
which is west of Dennys River. The settlement commenced about
1812, and 1822 it was incorporated. Its name was adopted in honor of
Gen. John Cooper, an early and esteemed settler. The town has a
Methodist and a Congregationalist church. It has five public school-
houses; these, with other school property, being valued at $1,500.