Gazetteer of the State of Maine, 1882 page 184
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Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney

BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from


forming a part of the eastern line of the town, and Love Lake, lying on
the south-eastern line.

The water-powers are three on East Machias River, one on Bar-
row’s Lake Stream, and one on Seavey Brook. Beech and hemlock
constitute the larger part of the forests. The soil is a good clay loam.
The chief crops are hay and potatoes.

Crawford was incorporated in 1828, previous to which time it was
known under the name of Adams. There are Baptist and Methodist
societies in the town; and the first have a church-edifice. The town
has two public schoolhouses. The entire school property is valued at
$1,500. The valuation of estates in 1870 was $30,851. In 1880 it was
$29,584. The rate of taxation in the latter year was 25 mills on the
dollar. The population in 1870 was 209. In 1880 it was 206.

Crockett’s Corner, a post-office in North Yarmouth,

Cumberland County.

Cross Hill a post-office in Vassalboro, Kennebee County.

Crystal Plantation is situated on the south-western
side of Aroostook County, 30 miles south-west of Houlton, on the
stage-line from Houlton to Patten. It is bounded north by Hersey,
east by Island Falls, south by Sherman, and west by Patten, in Penob-
scot County. Crystal was formerly township No. 4, Range 5, but
was organized as a plantation in 1840. It is nearly square in form,
and contains about 38 square miles. Seven bogs constitute a large
portion of the town. Caribou Bog, lying in the southern part con-
tains about four sq.uare miles. The soil of the township elsewhere
is generally rich, and yields good crops. Through the township from
west to east flows Fish Stream in an irregular course toward Matta-
wTamkeag Lake, in Island Falls township, adjoining on the east. On
this stream in the western part of the township are one or two mills.
There is a fall of 15 feet near the centre of the town on Crystal
Stream three miles below Crystal Lake. The latter lies in the south-
ern part of Hersey township adjoining on the north.

Crystal Plantation has two schoolhouses, valued at $250. The
valuation of estates in 1870 was $32,115. In 1880 it was $52,505. The
population in 1870 was 250. In 1880 it was 275.

Cumberland occupies the middle point in the shore line of
Cumberland County. Its greatest length is from north-west to south-
east, and is about three times its breadith. Yarmouth and North Yar-
mouth bound it on the north-east, Gray on the north-west, Falmouth
on the southrwest, and on the south-east Broad Cove and Casco Bay.
To its jurisdiction belong Great Chebeague Island, Smooth Clapboard,
Crow, Goose, Hope, Sand, Bangs, Sturdivant, Stave, Ministerial,
Bates’, Broken Cave Islands and part of Groch Island. The first men-
tioned island is the largest, having about 600 inhabitants, and upwards
of 100 dwellings, a post-office, a Baptist and a Methodist church, two
or more schoolhouses, a fish-oil factory, etc. The principal occupation
of the inhabitants is fishing.

The surface of the town is agreeably varied, without considerable


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