Gazetteer of the State of Maine, 1882 page 189
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Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney

BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from

i    CYR    PLANTATION.    189

Patent, and wTere settled by Scotch emigrants from the north of Ireland,
brought over in 1733 under the auspices of General Waldo. In the
year 1753 a very strong stone fortress was built in this town, which
was garrisoned by a company of provincial troops under the command
of Major Burton. Cushing has three churches, one each of the Meth-
odists, Baptists and Advents. The number of public schoolhouses is
six. The total value of the school property is estimated at $2,000.
The valuation of estates in 1870 was $132,839. In 1880 it was 115,474.
The population in 1870 was 704. In 1880 is was 805.

Cushing’s Point, a post-office in Cape Elizabeth, Cum-
berland County.

Cutler is situated on the south-eastern sea-coast of Washington
County, 18 miles east of Machias. It is bounded by Whiting on the
north, Trescott on the east, Machias Bay on the west and the ocean on
the south. It has three harbors, Holmes’s Bay on the west, Little Ma-
chias Bay on tbe south, and Cutler Harbor on the south-east. The
last is one of the best harbors on the Atlantic coast, being deep, free
from ice, and protected by high land on each side, and hy an island at
the mouth bearing a lighthouse. The points are Sprague’s, Neck, on
the west, Quaker Head and Cape Wash on the south, and Little River
Head and Sandy Point further east.

The surface of the town is much broken by hills and ledges, be-
tween which, however, are valuable meadows, producing an excellent
quality of grass. The principal stream is Schooner Brook. Tbe
scenery of the town is said to be delightful. From an elevated point
on the east side of Cutler Harbor called the “ Lookout ” a fine view is
gained in clear weather of the Bay of Fundy, with its numerous

The manufactures of this town are shingles and herring-boxes. A
considerable business is done in the fisheries, and a few vessels have
been built here.

The original settlers of this town were Ephraim Andrews, John
Davis, Robert Cates and John Maker. They came from Machias about
1785, and engaged in farming and fishing. In 1813, during the war
with Great Britain, an American cutter lying in the harbor was cap-
tured by the crew of an armed vessel of the enemy. Some of the in-
habitants also were plundered, hut not without resistance. The plan-
tation at this time contained about 30 families. The title of the settlers
were obtained from John C. Jones, and after his death from Joseph
Cutler, of Newburyport. The town was incorporated in 1826, and
named in honor of Mr. Cutler.

The Methodist denomination have a church and sustain worship
here. There are eight public schoolhouses, these with other school
property, being valued at $3,400. The valuation of estates in 1870 was
$110,189. In 1880 it was $87,251. The population in 1870 was 925.
In 1880 it was 829.

Cyr Plantation is situated in the north-eastern part of
Aroostook County, 70 miles north of Houlton. Between it and the St.
John’s River, on the east, is Hamlin Plantation, and on the north Van


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