Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney
BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from
canned foods, and a grain and salt mill producing about 80,000 bushels of meal and 40,000 boxes of ground salt annually. The first church was organized herein 1765, and Thomas Brown was ordained as pastor. Stroudwater was a flourishing village in the period when shipbuilding and the coasting trade were prosperous. There is another canning- factory at Brides Bridge (Riverton), on the Presumpscot River. At Morrills Corner are tanneries, manufactories of brittania ware, boots and shoes, marble and granite monuments, etc. Near Deerings Bridge C* .... are the pottery, tile, and fire-brick works of the Portland Stoneware
Co., occupying nearly four acres of ground. They have some of the largest kilns in the country, and turn out monthly about 30,000 fire- bricks and $2,000 worth of stone ware. About 70 men are employed. Other industries of the town are tree and plant nurseries, brick-making, pork-packing, boat-building, carriage and harness making, etc.
Richard Tucker and George Cleeves were tbe first local proprietors of land within the limits of Deering, having purchased of Sir Ferdin- ando Gorges, about 1637, 1,500 acres on Back Cove, between Fore River and the Presumpscot. In 1640 there were four families residing at Back Cove. King Philips, or the first Indian war, broke out in 1675, but his vicinity was not attacked until August of the following year when an Indian known as Simon, the Yankee-killer, a fugitive from Philips de- feated forces, made himself familiar at the house of Anthony Brackett, the principal settler at Back Cove. A few days later one of his cows was missing, and the fact being mentioned before Simon, he said, I can show you the Indians who killed the creature. He departed ; but a f* few days later he returned accompanied by a band of savages. Here
are the Indians who took your cow, said he. They killed Mr. Brackett and three of his neighbors, and carried their wives and children away captive, except that one woman with her children escaped in a canoe. Again in 1689, Bracketts farm was the scene of a fierce contest between a large body of French and Indians and the forces under the noted Major Church, by whose victory the neighboring vil- lage of Casco Neck was saved. The Deering mansion and farm, just north and west of the Deering Bridge, now occupy the locality of the fight. Futher incidents of its history can be found in the accounts of the towns of Falmouth and Westbrook, from which it was set off and incorporated in 1871.
The village of Stevens Plains, says Elwell, with its broad level streets, and side-walks shaded with umbrageous maples and elms, has a quiet and rural beauty. Its chief ornament is the Universalist Church, a very tasteful structure, built in 1867, at a cost of about $14,000. The church stands at the entrance of the grounds of the Westbrook Seminary. This institution, incorporated in 1831, was tbe first seminary of learning established in New England under the pat- ronage of the Universalist denomination. The seminary building was erected in 1834, at a cost of $7,000. Goddard Hall and Hersey Hall, both large edifices of brick, were built, the first in 1859, the last in 1869. The institution has two courses in the collegiate department, and confers the degree of Laureate of Arts upon all young ladies who successfully pass examination in a classical course, and Laureate of Science in the scientific course. In the academic department diplomas are granted in two courses, English and College Preparatory.
Back Cove, Prides Bridge, an elegant span of iron, Cumberland
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