Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney
BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from
the war of the Rebellion was, soldiers and sailors, 386, and of these 55 were lost. The amount of bounty paid by the town was $59,128.
The climate is quite salubrious, as is apparent from the number of old people, there being 10 between eighty and one hundred years of age. As a summer resort, it is highly esteemed by its visitors, having good hotels, ample boating and fishing facilities, as well as drives. The roads are good, and the buildings are generally in good repair, and a look of thrift prevails. There is a nice town-hall, three stories in height. There are in town two Congregational church-edifices, two Methodist and two Baptist. Deer Isle has three high-schools, and its public schoolhouses number twenty. The school property is valued at $8,810. The valuation of estates in 1870 was $417,211. In 1880 it was $373,182. The rate of taxation in 1880 was two per cent. The population in 1790 was 682; in 1870, 3,414; in 1880, 3,267.
Denmark lies on the eastern border of the southern part of Oxford County. Fryeburg bounds it on the north-west, Brownfield on the south-wrest, Hiram on the south, and Bridgton and Sebago, in Cumberland County, on tbe north and east. The town is about 8 miles long from north to south, and 6 miles from east to west. Moose Pond, the head of which lies in the northern part of Fryeburg, extends south-westerly to the centre of Denmark, being 7 miles in length, and Little Moose Pond and Moose Stream continue in the same course to the south-west side of the town, where it discharges into Saco River, which there forms the boundary line. At the foot of Moose Pond, in the centre of the town, is Denmark Village (Denmark Post Office). This place is about 30 miles south-west of Paris, and 40 from Portland. It is on the Brownfield and Bridgton stage-line. The Brownfield station of the Portland and Ogdensburg Railroad is on the opposite bank of the Saco River, on the south-eastern side of the town, whence a stage runs to Denmark Village. South of the village is Granger Pond; Great Hancock Pond lies on the south-eastern line, and toward the village, Little Hancock Pond. Beaver Pond lies one and a half miles north of the village, and Pleasant Pond on the north-eastern line. Between the two is Long Pond, with the remarkable Cold Spring just south-east of it, near the road to West Denmark. Between Denmark Village and the western line of the town are two peaks called Baston Hills. In the north-eastern part of the town is a group of eight moun- tains some ten miles in circumference, whose highest peak is known as Pleasant Mountain. Its summit is stated to be 2,000 feet above the sea. The view of ponds, streams, mountains, valleys, and forests from its summit is grandly beautiful. A good hotel near the top affords entertainment.
The surface of the town is generally hilly, and very stony. Granite is the principal rock, and the soil is sandy. Potatoes, corn and oats are the crops chiefly cultivated, and yield fairly. The outlets of Moose Pond and other streams furnish excellent water-powers. In the town are one mill for long lumber, six stave-mills, a sash, blind and door factory, and two grain-mills, several of which are at the centre village.
Denmark was formed from a grant made by Massachusetts to Fryeburg Academy, and two other grants to individuals, together with a strip from the town of Brownfield. The first settlements were made in 1788-9. Among the original settlers were Ezra Stiles, David Porter,
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