Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney
BOSTON. PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from
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College grant, east by township Number Seven, Ninth Range, west by Shirley, and south by Howard and Monson. Within its limits are two lofty eminences, Boarstone and Peaked Mountains; in its south-eastern part lies Ship Pond; Wilsons Stream crosses its south-west corner, there receiving the Little Wilson. On these united are some good mill privileges; while above on Little Wilson is one of the most re- markable cataracts of the east. This is a fall of 80 feet perpendicular. Clapboard cuts have sometimes been driven over this fall, but many of them would come up in the stream below, split and quartered from end to end. The township has still a fair amount of pine and spruce tim- ber, and some good agricultural soil; but there is much waste land.
The first grant in this town was a mile in width on the west side to the Massachusetts Medical Society. The next grant was of half a town- ship to the heirs of William Vaughan (a leading officer of the Louis- burg expedition of 1745) for services rendered the State by him, the heirs selecting the northern half of this township on the east of the Medical Societys tract. Four thousand acres being granted to the Saco Free Bridge Company, this also was located in the township south of the Vaughan tract. Two other small parcels in the south part on either side of Ship Pond were purchased by Elliot G. Vaughan and a Mr. Watson. Eventually, E. G. Vaughan became chief owner of the territory of the heirs of that surname in town. Joseph Sawyer, from Buxton, was the first to move his family in. E. G. Vaughan built a saw-mill on the Little Wilson Stream, and E. T. Bridge built a grist- mill on the Wilson. Hoping to hasten settlements thereby, he pro- cured a town incorporation for the township in 1885, giving it his own Christian name. A county road was opened to Monson, school dis- tricts established, and a school fund secured by the sale of the reserved lands, but the incorporation proved premature. The inhabitants de- creased, and in 1858, in response to their petition, the act of incorpo- ration was repealed; since which time the township has been without an independent civil organization. The population in 1870 was 42. In 1880 it was 55. Valuation in 1880, $11,020.
ELLSWORTH, he shire town and only city of Hancock County, is situated at the head of Union River Bay, and near the centre of the county. The territorial area is between 60,000 and 70,000 acres. Union River passes southward through the middle of the town. Branch, Beech Hill and Reeds are the principal ponds. The surface of the land is generally broken, especially on the western side of the river. Mountain Rock is reported to be the greatest elevation. The stage-road, the main thoroughfare of the town, passes through a section of metamorphic ledges, on which rest many erratic boulders, pi* Those found between Falls Village and the Craigs are said to sur-
pass all others in the county for size. The land would be regarded as generally better suited for sheep-ranges than for the cultivation of crops.
The business portion of the town is situated about the Falls. These cover a distance of 2 miles, extending from the upper and business portion known as Falls Village to the Bridge, having in that space a total fall of 85 feet. The holding capacity of the supplying ponds is estimated at 5,500,000,000 cubic feet, and the water annually discharged over these falls at 17,500,000,000 cubic feet. The mills and factories con-
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