Gazetteer of the State of Maine, 1882 page 220
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Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney

BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from


sist of two grain-mills, an excelsior and a planing-mill, eight long-lumber
mills, with a productive capacity of 40,000,000 feet of lumber annually;
five stave-mills, with a productive capacity of 25,000,000 annually.
Shingles, clap-boards and laths are also made in nearly all these mills.
Other manufactures are boxes, bricks, furniture, wool rolls, carriages,
coopers’ ware, carpenters’ trimmings, iron castings, maible work, ship
pumps and blocks, sails, vessels and boats* leather, tinware, etc. At
North Ellsworth also there is a tannery. Ellsworth Town Hall is a
brick building two stories in height, with an audience room having
a seating capacity of 800. The lower story is used for a high-school.
The county buildings and custom-house, with the church-edifices of the

Congregationalists, Baptists, Methodists, Unitarian and Catholics, are
also more or less impressive and pleasing structures. Shade trees, of
maple and elm, from one to eighty years’ growth, adorn the streets.
The nearest railroad station in 1881 is at Bucksport, 20 miles distant.
A railroad between the two places is projected. Ellsworth is on the
Bangor and Calais stage-line, and is itself a stage centre for the south-
ern part of the county.

The Hancock County Savings Bank, located at Ellsworth, in 1880
held deposits and profits to the amount of $72,544.08. “The Ellsworth
American," issued by the Hancock Publishing Company, is the only
well-established newspaper in the county, having been published con-


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