Gazetteer of the State of Maine, 1882 page 225
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Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney

BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from


tannery. There are now two water-power sawr-mills and one steam-
mill for manufacturing staves and short lumber. The other streams
furnishing power are Andrew’s and Atkin’s brooks. Exeter Corners,
in the north part of the town, Exeter Mills, in the eastern part, East
Exeter, and South Exeter, are villages and post-offices, the first men-
tioned being the largest. The villages have many tasteful residences,
and the buildings in the town generally indicate thrift.

The township, which is now Exeter, was granted by Massachusetts
to Marblehead Academy in 1793, and the exterior lines of the town
were run the same year by Ephraim Ballard and Samuel Weston. The
township was lotted in 1800, by Moses Hodsdon, of Kenduskeag.
Lemuel Tozier and John Durgin did the first chopping on June 6,
1800, at Hill’s Corner. The first settlement was made in 1801, by
Lemuel Tozier ; who was soon followed by Reuben Seavey, Joseph
Pease and Josiah Barker. Among the early proprietors were Benja-
min Jay and William Turner, of Boston, for whom Dr. John Blaisdell
acted as agent. Hence, prior to its incorporation, Feb. 16, 1811, the
plantation was called Blaisdelltown. The corporate name was chosen
in memory of Exeter, N. H., from which some of the settlers had come.
The first school was taught by Ann Stevens in 1804. The first repre-
sentative to the General Court was Winthrop Chapman. The first
mills were built in 1813, by Levi Stevens, where since have stood the
Cutler Mills.

The Episcopalians, Methodists and Free Baptists each have a
church in this town. Exeter has thirteen public schoolhouses, valued
with appurtenances, at $3,200. The valuation of estates in 1870 was
$377,007. In 1880 it was $426,151. The rate of taxation in the latter
year was 16 mills on the dollar. The population in 1870 was 1,424.
In 1880 it was 1,274.

Fairbanks, a post-office in Franklin County.

Fairfield lies on the west bank of the Kennebec River, 26
miles north of Augusta, and is the most southerly town of Somerset
County. It is bounded on the north by Norridgewock and Skowhe-
gan, east by Clinton and Benton, south by Waterville and Winslow,
and west by Smithfield. Its area is 42 square miles. The surface is roll-
ing, and the rocks are granite and slate. The forest trees are principally
beech, elm and maple with some hemlock and cedar. The scenery is
beautiful without wildness. The dwellings are generally neat and
tasteful, and the whole town has a thrifty appearance. Fairfield is an
excellent agricultural towm, and is noted for the number and quality of
its cattle. The soil is clayey loam in some parts, in others, sandy
loam. The crops chiefly cultivated are hay, grain and potatoes.

Kennebec River forms the eastern boundary line, and furnishes the
chief water-powers. These are at Kendall’s Mills, at the south-eastern
extremity of the town, and Somerset Mills, about two miles above. On
Martin’s Stream are improved powers at North Fairfield (Blacknell’s
Mills) and at Larone (Winslow’s Mills). Other villages are Fairfield
Corner, near tbe middle of the eastern line of the town, and Fairfield
Village, about midway of the southern part. The latter and Kendall’s
Mills are the largest villages. There are in the town eight saw-mills,
three planing-mills (one of which is also a framing and finishing mill)


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