Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney
BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from
no instance where a Franklin farmer has kept out of speculation, and made a specialty of grazing through a series of years, who has not be- come pecuniarly independent.
! Both soil and climate are well-adapted to the production of corn
' and wheat; and oats on the intervals not unfrequently yield from 75
( to 90 bushels to the acre. A large business is also done in canning
I sweet corn. Noble orchards were early planted in the older towns of
4 the county, but were mainly useful for cider and vinegar, or for home
use in cooking. The new orchards are chiefly intended to produce apples suitable for eating in their natural state, and great quantities are every year exported to all the cities of the country, and some even to Europe.
The first sermon preached in Franklin County was about 1783, by Rev. Mr. Emerson, at the log-house of Stephen Titcomb. A Methodist meeting-house was erected at Farmington Falls as early as 1800. The meeting-house at the Centre (now the court-house) was raised in 1803 ; and in a few years, spires began to rise in many parts of the county.
Franklin has three flourishing agricultural societies, each with an enclosed park and buildings for the purposes of exhibition. The first printing-press was set up in Franklin County in 1832, and a paper called the Sandy River Yeoman, was published one year, then abandoned. In 1840, the Franklin Register was started at Farm- ington, and, after four years, changed to the Chronicle, which has— though by different publishers—been sustained uninteruptedly ever since. In 1858 the Franklin Patriot was started, continuing through the war of the Rebellion,—a smart supporter of the opposition side against the Chronicle. The Phillips Phonograph was started in 1878. Franklin County is also notable for its educational privileges, chief of which are the Western Normal School, for training teachers, the Wendell Institute, and the Little Blue or Abbott Family School for hoys.
The act establishing Franklin County was passed in 1838. It now contains 19 towns and 11 plantations which are organized or have had an organization. Their names are Avon, Carthage, Chesterville, Eustis, Farmington, Freeman, Industry, Jay, Kingfield, Madrid, New Sharon, New Vineyard, Phillips, Rangeley, Salem, Strong, Temple, Weld, Wilton, and Coplin, Dallas, Greenvale, Letter E, Perkins, Rangeley, Jerusalem, Lang, No. 6, Sandy River, and Washington plantations. Farmington is the shire town. The population in 1830 was 15,938. In 1870 it was 18,807. In 1880 it was 18,177. The estates in 1870 were valued at $5,791,659. In 1880 they were $5,812,866.
Franklin Plantation, in Oxford County, lies 14 miles north of Paris. Its size is about 5 miles long by 2\ wide. There is a con- siderable mountain in the southern part, and three in the north-west- ern. In the extreme north-western angle is Mount Zircon, somewhat j noted for the mineral spring situated on its western slope in Milton
Plantation. A stream in the southern part affords several small water- 'll powers, upon which are a shingle-mill and a saw-mill for long and short
- ■ lumber. There are said to be valuable deposits of gold and silver
about the mountains.
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