Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney
BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from
its south-west corner, when the dividing line between Maine and New Hampshire was run; and a tract was subsequently annexed to the north part, and another on the south—the latter taken from Brownfield. That on the north was known as Fryeburg Addition. It included tbe valley of Cold River, and in 1833 was set off and incorporated as Stowe. The extreme length of the town, north and south, is 12 miles, and the extreme width, east and west, about 7 miles. The surface is much varied with hills, plains, ponds and streams. The Saco River forms in the town an immense bow with its curve toward the north, absorbing 31 miles of its length. There is a connection with the sides of this bow through the middle of the town by means of a canal, pond and bog. The river receives the outlets of four large ponds and seve- ral small ones, lying wholly or partially within the town. Of these, the largest are Lovells (area, 2 square miles), Kezar and Kimball ponds, the first in the southern, the second in the eastern, and the latter in tbe north-western part of the town. Other ponds bear tbe names of Pleasant, Bog, Charles, Clay, Horseshoe, Cat, Round, Black, Haley and Davis. Kezar River is a considerable stream that comes in on the north-east—the outlet of ponds in Waterford and Sweden. Bog Pond lies in the centre of the town ; and between the south-eastern part and Saco River stands the solitary Mount Zion. Between the head of Lovell Pond and Saco River, on the west, lies Fryeburg Village; and on the river, west of the village, is Pine Hill. The Port- land and Ogdensburg Railroad approaches the village from the south- east and turns aw^ay toward tbe south-west, passing between a southern bend of the Saco and Starks Hill on the south. Starks Hill is 500 feet in height, and is succeeded southward by Long Hill and Bald Peak. Three-fourths of a mile north-east of the village is Jockey Cap cliff, and a mile and a half north of this, on the eastern bank of the west side of the Saco bow, is Marthas Grove Camp Ground. In the western part of the town, on the south-eastern shore of Kimballs Pond, is Birch Hill. On the north end of Lovells Pond, on the eastern side, comes in Fight Brook, upon the meadow, at the mouth of which oc- curred the famous Lovewells Fight, from which the pond and brook take their names. North Fryeburg and Fryeburg Centre are small villagesj and these, with Fryeburg Village (Fryeburg post-office), and East Fryeburg, are the post-offices. The principal water-powers of this town are on Kezar River, Ballard and Evans brooks, and at the beautiful Swans Falls on the Saco River, within a mile of Fryeburg Village. The manufactures of the town consist of leather, harnesses, carriages, lumber in its various forms, tinware, cheese, canned vegetables, etc. There are four water-mills and two steam- mills.
The Fryeburg intervals are noted for their richness and beauty, containing nearly 10,000 acres which are frequently overflowed and fertilized by the Saco. There is the usual variety of trees, with large tracts of pine and oak. Fryeburg, the principal centre of business in the town, is a pretty village on a broad level plain, slightly elevated above the intervals of the Saco. Many from the cities every summer find rest in its pleasant hotels and boarding-houses. The views to the west are very mountainous.
This town is celebrated for the fight to which allusion has already been made. Capt. John Love well, the son of an ensign in Cromwells
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