Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney
BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from
Gambo Falls, a small manufacturing village in Windham, Cumberland County.
Garland is 25 miles north-west of Bangor. It is bounded by Charleston on the east, Dexter on the west, Exeter on the south, and Dover, in Piscataquis County, on the north. The town is 6 miles square. The southern portion, embracing more than half of the area, is quite level, not very stony, and very good for culture. The rock is argillaceous slate. The northern part is traversed, east and west, by a high range of hills. These are intersected near the medial line of the town by a deep ravine known as The Notch, through which runs a county road to Dover. The Kenduskeag originates in Pleasant Pond, which extends its length across the southern part of the line between Garland and Dexter. At the east end, on the outlet of this pond, is the village of West Garland. On the same stream, and reaching to Garland village a little south of the centre of the town, is the long Mill Pond. At the south-east corner of the town the Kenduskeag again furnishes a power at the little village of Holts Mills. The manufactures of this town consist of boots and shoes, long and short lumber (four mills), doors, sash, etc., meal and flour (two mills), wool rolls, carriages, furniture, egg-cases, etc. The stage-line from Exeter to Dexter passes through the town, connecting with the Maine Central Railroad at the latter place.
The exterior lines of Garland were run in 1792 by Ephraim Bal- lard and Samuel Weston. In 1796 Massachusetts granted to Williams College two townships of land, of which Garland was selected as one. The trustees of the college, in 1798, conveyed it to Levi Lincoln, Seth Hastings, Samuel and Calvin Sanger, Samuel Sanger, Jr., and Elias Grout. The township took the name of Lincoln, from the first mentioned proprietor, who later (1808) was governor of Massachusetts. In 1800, Moses Hodsdon, assisted by Daniel Wilkins, David A. Gove and a Mr. Shores, ran the lines between a large number of lots. Again in 1805 A. Strong surveyed an additional number. Messrs. Gove and Wheeler were the first who selected their lots. Joseph Garland, from Salisbury, N. H., with his wife and three children were the first family here ; wherefore at its incorporation in 1811, his name was given to the town. There were at this time about fifty legal voters within its limits. In 1802 a saw-mill was built by the proprietors of the township, and in the following year several frame buildings were erected. The first school was held in the house of William Garland in 1806, and taught by William Mitchell. A post-office was established in 1818.
Rev. John Sawyer gathered the first church here. The town now has three—Congregationalist, Baptist and Methodist. Garland has eleven public schoolhouses valued at $4,050. The valuation of estates in 1870 was $812,263. In 1880 it was $331,690. The population in 1870 was 1,306. In 1880 it was $1,211.
Georg-es Corners, a small village in Holden, Penobscot County.
Georg-etown is an island and a town. It forms the south- eastern part of Sagadahoc County, lying between Sheepscot River and
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