Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney
BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from
1816. Among the valued citizens of Greenwood may be mentioned Thomas Crocker, Seth Hilborn, Samuel B. Locke and Samuel Houghton.
There is one church-edifice, occupied as a union house. The num- ber of schoolhouses is twelve—valued at $2,400. The valuation of estates in 1870 was $163,974. In 1880 it was $149,073. The rate of taxation in the latter year was 27 mills on tbe dollar. The population in 1870 was 845. In 1880 it was 838.
Guilford is situated in the south-western part of Piscataquis County, 8 miles from Dover, having the Piscataquis River for its southern line. Howard Plantation bounds it on the North, Foxcroft on the east, Sangerville on the south, and Abbott on the west. The Bangor and Piscataquis Railway passes through Guilford Village and the south-west corner of the town, and it is on the stage-line from Dexter to Moosehead Lake. The township was originally 6 miles square, but a small portion south of Piscataquis River was annexed to Sangerville. There are several small bodies of water, of which the outlets of Davis and Salmon ponds furnish power for mills manufac- turing large and small lumber. The northern part of the town is much broken, the highest eminence being Guilford Mountain. The south- ern part is of more uniform surface, having some productive farms. The chief products are wheat, oats, barley and potatoes. In 1879, $25,000 worth of potatoes were shipped from Guilford depot; a consid- erable portion of them, however, corning from neighboring towns. The rock is lime, granite and slate, and the soil a sandy loam.
The principal manufactories are on the Piscataquis at Guilford Village. These consist of a woolen-mill, which produces about 625 yards of repellant cloth per day; of mills for small and large lumber, and a grist-mill. There are, besides, the usual manufactures of a village. A new brick cloth-mill is now completed.
Guilford township was one of those conveyed to Bowdoin College by Massachusetts. Robert Low, Jr., was the first settler, moving in with his family in 1806 ; and Robert Herring, Jr., came about three weeks later. Isaac, Nathaniel and John Bennett came soon after and made clearings and put up buildings. These first settlers, for want of a threshing floor, heat out their wheat upon a smooth, flat ledge. When winter came, the three Bennetts returned to their homes at New Gloucester for the winter, leaving their three boys, David, Joseph and Isaac, Jr.—aged, the two first thirteen years, and the other eleven—to keep the house and attend to the cow. For food, the boys had milk, hulled corn, boiled wheat and roasted potatoes. In 1807 the families came permanently, also that of Mr. John Everton. The wife of the latter was an important , accession to the new settlement. She was skilled in obstetrics, and for ten years was very useful for a long dis- tance about, when she was greatly disabled bv a fall from a horse. Deacon R. Herring brought in his family in 1808, and from this time religious meetings were held upon the Sabbath. When the settle- ment consisted of eight or ten men they held a formal meeting, choos- ing officers and passing such rules and regulations as good order and good feeling in the settlement required. No penalties were attached to these rules, yet the honor of the members of the community were so much involved in their observance that they were obeyed far better
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