Gazetteer of the State of Maine, 1882 page 293
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Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney

BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from

**    KENDUSKEAG.    293

the stage-line from Columbia Falls. The territory of the town is small,
and a large proportion of the inhabitants find their occupation on the
sea. Jonesport was set off from Jonesborough, and incorporated Feb.
3, 1832. Its early history is involved with that of the parent town.

The Congregationalists have a society and sustain a minister here ;
and there is a Union church. The number of public schoolhouses is
eight. The school property is valued at $5,900. The valuation of
estates in 1870 was $156,388. In 1880 it was $192,981. The popular
fc*    tion in 1870 was 1,305. In 1880 it was 1,561.

Katahdin Iron Works are situated nearly 50 miles
south of the mountain whose name they bear. Their location is in
No. 6, Range 9, on the north of Williamsburg. The west branch
of Pleasant River flows through the township, and upon its banks
are some excellent intervals. The first clearing was made in this
township as early as 1814. A deposit of bog iron ore was found
upon the northern half of this township at the foot of Ore Mountain
sometime before 1843. In that year the development of the mine was
• commenced, and the construction of the works for smelting. The
north half of the township had been granted to Warren Academy, in
1808. Walter Smith, of Newmarket, bought most of this portion, and
he and his son Edward, of Bangor, at once began the improvements.
They sold in 1845, and Messrs. Pingree and Company of Salem became
the owners ; the latter also relinquished the business, and the property
passed into the hands of Hinckley and Egery of Bangor. It was started
■"*    again by a company, O. W. Davis, jun., being treasurer and chief

manager. When running it gives employment to a large number of
workmen in cutting and hauling wood for the furnaces with charcoal,
in hauling the products to the railway station in Milo, 16 miles distant.
Other valuable minerals, as paint and copperas, are obtained there in
paying quantities, while the ore improves in quality and gives no sign
of exhaustion.

Keen’s Mills, a small village and post-office in Turner,
Androscoggin County.

Kendall’S Mills, a village and post-office in Fairfield,
Somerset County.

Kenduskeag is a small town near the centre of the south-
j    ern section of Penobscot County, 12 miles north-west of Bangor, and

on the stage-line from Charleston to that place. It is bounded on the
1    north by Corinth and Hudson, east by Glenburn, south by the latter

^    and Levant, and wrest by Levant. It is less than half tbe size of

the neighboring townships, which are mostly 6 miles square. There
is one hill 30 or 40 feet high, of the kind known as “ horsebacks.”
The surface is very even, with a clay loam soil that is easily cultivated
and yields well. Hay is the most valuable crop. The forests are
made up of the trees common to the county. The Kenduskeag River
runs through the midst of the town from north-west to south-east, fur-
nishing, at the village, near the centre, the power for several mills.
The manufactures are long and short lumber, cooperage, horse-rakes
and cultivators, stoves and agricultural implements, meal and flour,


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