Gazetteer of the State of Maine, 1882 page 306
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Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney

BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from




1714, and Rev. John Newmarch was ordained pastor. The Spruce
Creek church was organized in 1750, and Rev. Josiah Chase was or-
dained pastor. The First Baptist church in Maine was organized here
in Kittery in 1682 ; the first Christian church in 1806 ; and the first
Methodist society was formed about 1827. The town has now two
Christian and two Methodist churches, one Congregational, one Free
Baptist, and one Universalist church. A good public library has been
recently established in the village. There are eleven schoolhouses in
town including that of the High School valued at $17,000. The val-
uation of estates in 1870 was $622,523. The population at that
time was 3,333. In 1880 it was 3,230,—and the valuation, $535,289.

Knigiitsville9 a small village and post-office in Cape Eliza-
beth, Cumberland County.

KllOX, occupies a position in Waldo County half way between
the Penobscot and Kennebec Rivers, 12 miles N.W. of Belfast. It is
bounded on the north by Thorndike, east by Brooks, south by Mor-
rill and Montville, and west by Freedom. The area is 17,000 acres.
Tbe town is quite hilly, but without very high eminences. Half-Moon
Stream, running northward to Unity Pond, is the chief watercourse.
The soil is fertile, repaying well tbe labor of tbe inhabitants, who are
almost exclusively farmers. The manufacturing consists of a lumber-
mill, tannery, carriage-factories, boots and shoes, etc. There are two
villages, Foster’s Corner, in the south-west part, and Knox Corner, in
the north-west. The Belfast and Kendall’s Mills stage-line runs
through the town. The Belfast branch of the Maine Central Railroad
has a station in the north-east part.

The territory of this town was included in the Waldo Patent, of
which Gen. Henry Knox became the owner; and at its incorporation,
Feb. 12, 1819, it received his name. The settlement commenced about

The Methodists and the Christian denominations have churches in
the town. The number of public schoolhouses is nine. The school
property is estimated at $2,000. The value of estates in 1870 was
$218,392. In 1880 it was $2-18,608. The population in 1870 was 889.
In 1880 it was 853.

Knox County is situated on the south-eastern side of Penob-
scot Bay, and includes its islands south of Isleboro, and west of Isle
au Haut Bay. It was organized in 1860, being formed from Lincoln
and Waldo, and named for General Knox, tbe friend of Washington,
who was a resident of the county during the later years of his life. It
contains thirteen towns, one city, and two organized plantations, viz.:
Appleton, Camden, Cushing, Friendship, Hope, Hurricane Isle, North
Haven, City of Rockland, St. George, South Thomaston, Thomaston,
Union, Vinalhaven, Warren, Washington, Matinicus Isle Plantation,
and Muscle Ridge Plantation. Rockland is the shire town. The St.
George’s River runs through the county in a general south course,
dividing it into two nearly equal sections. On this stream and its
branches, the outlets of a large number of ponds, are many water-
powers. The principal elevations of land are the Camden Hills,


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