Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney
BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from
streams each have water-powers. There are two saw-mills, manufac- turing long and short lumber and fruit-boxes and a grist-mill. One of the saw-mills is driven by steam. Four trains daily pass through the village. The dwellings in the village and through the town generally convey the appearance of thrift, which the fertility and business of the town would lead one to expect.
The town was incorporated February 11, 1832. There is a good Free Baptist church here, and a Union church newly erected. There are four public schoolhouses. The school property is valued at $3,000. The valuation of estates in 1870 was $154,425. In 1880 it was $202,- 673. The rate of taxation is about 2£ cents on a dollar. The popula- tion in 1870 was 622. In 1880 it was 721.
Lakeside, a post office in Kennebec County.
Lakeville Plantation lies in the extreme eastern part of Pe- nobscot County, 75 miles E.N.E. of Bangor. It was formerly Number,
4 of Range 1. It is bounded on the north by Springfield and Carroll, east by the latter, west by an unnamed township, and south by Wash- ington County. The area is about 70 square miles. Near the centre of the township is Upper Dobsis Lake (Sysladobsissis). South of this is a larger lake, Lower Dobsis, lying partly in the township southward.
Others lying north and east of Upper Dobsis are Junior, Duck, Keg and Lombard ponds. These sheets of water vary from 2 to 10 miles in length, covering a large part of the area of the township. The >
outlets of these ponds furnish some water-power. There are two saw- mills manufacturing long and short lumber.
The surface of the town is quite uneven. Almanac Mountain is the highest; its summit being generally stated as 2,000 feet above the surface of the lake. The ledges are mostly of coarse granite. The soil is a gravelly loam, and fairly productive. Hay, wheat and potatoes are chiefly cultivated. The nearest railroad stations are at Mattawam- keag and Kingman, each about 20 miles distant. The post-oflices are Springfield and Carroll.
Lakeville Plantation was organized under its present name Feb.
29, 1868. There are two public schoolhouses, and the school property is valued at $500. The valuation of estates in 1870 was $43,990. In 1880 it was $48,608. The rate of taxation is 9^ mills on the dollar.
The population in 1870 was 108. In 1880 it was 136.
Lambert Lake a post-office in the township adjoining on the west of Vanceboro, in Washington County. w
Lamoille, in the southern part of Hancock County, emoraces the peninsula lying between Jordans River on the west and Skilling Bay on the east. The area is about 11,000 acres. The soil is good, and could easily be made very productive. The inhabitants are chiefly devoted to coasting and fishing. The yearly catch by vessels from this town at the Grand Banks is stated at 8,000 quintals; of Magdalen herring, 100,000 boxes; the aggregate market value of both being about $55,000.
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