Gazetteer of the State of Maine, 1882 page 332
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Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney

BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from


furnish some power ; and each of the three last have a mill. The town
has six lumber mills, a grist mill, a tannery, several lime and granite
quarries, the last material being of a superior quality. There are also
manufactured here in small quantities tinware, boots and shoes and
carriages. The surface of the town is generally broken, rocky, boggy
and mountainous. The villages are Lincolnville Centre and The Beach,
the latter the same as Lincolnville post-office. The nearest railroad
connections are at Belfast and Rockland, each about 12 miles distant.
There is connection eastward and with Boston by steamers.

Lincolnville was incorporated June 23, 1802. John Studley and a
Mr. Wilson commenced a residence in the town in 1774, and were the
first settlers. The churches are two Methodist and one Baptist. The
number of public schoolhouses is fourteen. The value of the entire
school property in the town is $9,989. The valuation of estates in
1870 was $436,956. In 1880 it was $409,296. The population in 1870
was 1,900. In 1880 it was 1,706.

Llnekin, a post-office in Lincoln County.

Linneus, in Aroostook County, lies south-west of Houlton,
their opposite corners touching. New Limerick bounds it on the north,
Hodgdon on the east, and Oakfield plantation on the west. The head
waters of the Mattawamkeag and Meduxnekeag rivers are found in the
town. Meduxnekeag Lake lies in the north-western part of this town,
and portions of New Limerick Lake lie on the northern border near
the east. There are several other ponds in the various parts. The
principal streams are the South Branch of the Meduxnekeag River in
the northern part of the town, and Beaver Brook running southward
to the Mattawamkeag. Linneus village, near the centre of the town,
is also the centre of business. Linneus has two saw-mills ; one of these
and a grist-mill being near the Meduxnekeag Lake, on its outlet. The
old “ Military Road ” passes through the town. The nearest railroad
station is at Houlton, 9 miles from the village. The northern part of
the town is somewhat hilly and rocky, but southward of this the sur-
face is gently undulating. The soil in most parts is a light loam, and
of an excellent quality and well adapted to grazing and crops. Pota-
toes, hay and wheat are chiefly cultivated, though from 80 to 90 bushels
of corn to an acre have sometimes been produced. In the north-west-
ern part limestone of an excellent quality is found in abundance.
Magnetic iron ore is quite plentiful in some parts, and affords beauti-
ful cabinet specimens.

Linneus was incorporated in 1836. It was originally granted by
Massachusetts to endow a professorship of botany; and was therefore
named for the most renowned of botanists. The first settler was
Daniel Neal, who removed hither from New Brunswick in 1826. In
the following year it was surveyed into lots. Colonel Moses Burleigh,
who settled here in 1830, was a captain in the militia of Maine in the
war with Great Britain in 1812. He was stationed at Belfast with his
company when the British ascended the Penobscot to capture the
United States corvette “Adams,” then undergoing repairs at Hamp-
den. He represented his district m the Massachusetts Legislature sev-
eral years, and, after the separation of Maine, was for several years in


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