Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney
BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from
feet long, 52 wide, and three stories in height, and having a working capacity of 12,000 mule spindles. This is number two of Farwelis Mills. Captain E. M. Shaw is the agent for all these mills. The next power below is occupied by the Farnsworth Manufacturing Company, incorporated in 1864, with a capital of $100,000, with W. F. Milliken as treasurer. The building is of brick, and there are six sets of ma- chinery. The production is about 222,700 yards of f goods, mostly repellant cassimeres. The number of operatives is, males 41, females 56. The fourth power, next below, where there is a fall of 12 feet with a good wooden dam, is at present unoccupied. There is another power a short distance below, also unoccupied. There was a eloth-mill erected on Little River as early as 1806, but it has been long out of existence. John Mayall in 1808 erected a wooden building for a woolen-mill on a power just above the bridge at Lisbon Village on the Sabattus, oc- cupying it until 1822, when it was purchased by Horace Corbett as a satinet-mill until 1850, when he quit the business. In 1860 it was refitted by J. F. Hirst, who manufactured repellants there until 1863, when he removed to Sabattusville and erected a briek-mill. John Robinson immediately took this old place, and manufactured flannels until 1867, when he removed to Massachusetts. The mill was then sold to N. W. Farwell, who has changed it into a cotton mill. A short dis- tance below on what is known as Moodys privilege, a grist-mill was built on the east side of the stream as early as 1800 by Gideon and Abel Curtis, when what is now called Lisbon Factory was called Curtis Mills. William Batchelor afterwards built a mill for making scythes just above this mill, and carried on the business for several years. The first mill on the west side was built about 1804 by Gideon Curtis, and was afterward owned by Nathaniel Gerrish, Esq., who carried on the lumber business. He was a justice of the peace, and served as school committee, and in other town offices. He sold the mill property to Joseph Moore. Both these have finally come to the ownership of N. W. Farwell, and have been improved by him in the manner previously described. Besides these, Abner Coombs built a mill at The Plains in 1804 ; and in 1839 a company from Fall River erected a cotton-mill just below where Farnsworths Mill now stands, but it was burned in 1840, before any machinery was put in. Cephas Farnsworth came here from Norridgewock in 1823, and carried on a carding and dressing-mill for some years previous to 1845. His son Josiah carried on a saw-mill previous to 1863, when Benjamin B. Farnsworth, a son of Cephas, formed a company and built the present Farnsworth Mill in 1864. At Lisbon Falls (formerly known as Little River—from the stream just below) were at one time, from 1790 to 1800, six large saw-mills, a corn and grist-mill, and a carding-mill. The logs were sawn at these mills and the lumber conveyed by teams to tide- water at Topsham and Cathance (now Bowdoinham). The French troubles of 1800, the embargo and war of 1812 following in succession, obliged the owners to relinquish the mills and the business, resulting in their dispersion to other parts.
The Indians are said to have called these falls, Anmecar.gin, sig- nifying much fish. Thomas Purchas of Brunswick had a fish-house here about 1650, carrying on the business of catching and curing salmon for the London market. The first settler was probably a Mr. White, who lived in a log-house on the road to Webster Corner, and
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