Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney
BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from
tion has been given to fruit trees, and the town shows many fine orchards. It is drained by both the north and south branches of Marsh River; and on these are many wrater-powers. There is one saw-mill for long and short lumber, one grist-mill, a carding-mill, barrel-factory, cheese-factory, and other manufactures common to villages. A few years ago there were in operation in this town the following : Williss Mills, on a fall of 15 feet on Marsh River, comprising a saw-mill, with the capacity of producing annually 400,000 feet of long lumber and
800,000 shingles, and a grist-mill with four sets of stones. On a fall of 10 feet, half a mile above, were saw, fulling, and carding mills. Half a mile above the last was a lumber and stave mill, and two miles above this were saw and shingle mills. On the outlet of Northern Pond was Thurlough Mill, with capacity of manufacturing annually 200,000 feet of lumber. On the outlet of the Thomas Chase bog, was a stone dam unoccupied; and half a mile farther down were board, lath, shingle and stave mills. On the outlet of a pond in Swanville were the Mayo Mills, including a first-class grist-mill. On the Emery Mills Stream was a saw and stave mill, a pail-factory, and still earlier, a grist-mill. At the outlet of Jones Bog there was a grist-mill. Other privileges have never been occupied, and it is to be hoped that the future will see more of this waste power made useful to man.
The settlements in Monroe commenced soon after those in Frank- fort, which was settled about 1760. Lee Plantation, was the name by which these were known until 1822, when it was incorporated under the name of Monroe, in honor of Hon. James Monroe, at that time president of the United States. ^
The centres of business are Monroe Mills, or Village, and Monroe Centre. There is also a post-office at North Monroe. The Methodists and Free Baptists each have a church in the town. The number of public schoolhouses is thirteen, valued at $4,500. The valuation of estates in 1870 was $826,885. In 1880 it was $310,155. The popula- tion in 1870 was 1,375. In 1880 it was 1,366.
MOllSOll is situated in the south-western part of Piscataquis County. Shirley and Elliotsville are on the north, Howard Township on the east, Blanchard on the west, and Abbott on the south. The Bangor and Piscataquis Railway passes through the south-west corner, and the stage-line from Dexter to Moosehead Lake, through the centre of the town. Hebron, Monson, Doe and Spectacle ponds are the prin- cipal bodies of water, the first and largest being 3 miles long and 1 wide. Childs Falls, where the water descends 75 feet are interesting. The Piscataquis River runs across the south-west corner. The other streams are Wilsons and the outlet of Hebron Pond, upon which, at the village near the centre of the town, are lumber-mills and a grist- mill. Doughty Hill is the highest elevation of land. Much of the sur- face is low and stony, and has never been cleared, but perhaps half the area is a light, loamy soil, of an excellent quality for the crops raised —hay, oats, wheat and potatoes. The principal business is slate min- ing, in which four or more companies are engaged.
Monson Academy in Massachusetts, and Hebron Academy in Maine were each granted a tract 3 miles in width and 6 in length in the town- ship, but being 7 miles one way instead of 6, a strip 1 mile wide was
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