Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney
BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from
ment under Colonel Dunbar about 1730 ; but the growth was slow, as it appears that at the beginning of the Revolution, there were only 30 men hete capable of bearing arms. James Noble, who bad married the widow of Vaughan, pursued the claim until 1765, when he and his coadjutors were dispossessed, though they did not then wholy abandon their claim. The town was incorporated in 1788, being named for a son of the proprietor, Colonel Arthur Noble, who was killed in a battle with the French at Midas, Nova Scotia in 1747. It included Damariscotta until 1847, when the latter was set off.
Rev. Adoniram Judson, father of the noted missionary of the same name, was settled over the Baptist church in Nobleborough in 1819. The Baptist denomination still preponderates in the town, having three churches, and the Methodists, one. There are twelve public school- houses in Nobleborough, these with other school property being valued at $6,500. The valuation of real estate in 1870 was $287,867. In 1880, I it was $239,295. The population in 1870 was 1,150. In 1880, it was
N orridge wock lies on the Kennebec River in the south- ern part of Somerset County. It is bounded on the North by Madison, east by Skowhegan, south by Fairfield and Smithfield and west hy Mercer and Starks. The township is somewhat larger than the stand- ard size, having an area of about 26,000 acres. The form is nearly square. The Kennebec River runs through the town from the north- west angle to the centre, thence by a right-angled bend north-easterly to Skowhegan. There is a village on each bank of the river at this bend, connected by a good covered wooden bridge, 500 feet in length. The town is quite hilly, but with fine intervals, the uplands also being fertile. The soil on the river is a light sandy loam, and back from it a rocky loam. The flora is unusually interesting. The forests are in due proportion to the territory, and contains the trees common in the region, with a predominance of hard-wood. Limestone is found in abundance but mixed with slate. There is also a fine quality of granite formed near the southern line of the town. The water-powers are at Bombazee Rips, on the Kennebec 3 miles above Norridgewook Bridge, with a natural fall of 8 feet, and on Sawtelles Mill Stream, at South Norridgewock, with a fall of 10 feet in 20 rods. There are in this village a saw and a grist-mill, a carriage and a furniture factory, granite works, etc. Norridgewock Village is 5 miles south-west of Skowhegan. It is on the line of the Somerset Railroad, which has a station at South Norridgewock. The two villages are separated only by the river.
Norridgewock was formerly the seat of a powerful tribe of Indians, and the name of the town is a corruption of the name of their village. It is said to have been the name of an early chief, and to signify smooth water. The French had a Roman Catholic missionary here as early as 1610. Sebastian Rasle, a Jesuit missionary, became resident at the place in 1687, laboring faithfully for the Indians in the manner of his convictions until his death in 1724. He had here a dwelling and a neat chapel; and his influence over the Indians was strong and beneficent. They became earnest worshippers in the little chapel, and their relations among themselves greatly improved, while their barbar ities in war were lessened. The French, wishing to secure the Indians
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