Gazetteer of the State of Maine, 1882 page 398
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Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney

BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from

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398    GAZETTEER    OF    MAINE.

(    D. Lindsey, member of Congress for the third district. Norridgewock

sent 132 men into the army of the Union during the war of the rebel-
lion, of whom twenty-five were lost.

There is here the excellent school of II. F. Eaton (Eaton Family
School), with a high, grammar and primary schools in the village. The
number of public schoolhouses in the town is sixteen, valued at $4,000.

The churches are the Congregationalist, Methodists, Advent and Bap-
tist. The population in 1870 was 1,756, In 1880 it was 1,491. The
1    valuation in 1870 was $641,982. In 1880 it was $581,847. The rate of    *

]    taxation in the.latter year, .029 on a dollar.

North Auburn, a village and post-office in Auburn, An-

drosooggin County.

North Berwick, is situated in the south-west part of
York County, and is bounded on the north and east by Sanford, south
by South Berwick, west and south-west by Berwick, and north-west
by Lebanon. It contains 18,579 acres of land. Its principal sheet of
water is Bonny Bigg Pond on the northern side, containing 1,600 acres;
and its streams are Great Works, Negutaquet and Little Rivers. The
surface of the country is rather uneven. Bonny Bigg Hill is the highest
elevation. The soil, though stony, is fairly productive. Farming is
the principal occupation of the inhabitants. The principal village is
at the south-west part, at the junction of the Portland, Saco and Ports-
:    mouth and Boston and Maine railroads. The North Berwick Woolen    **

Company have a fine brick mill on the Great Works River, at the
village. It is 120 feet long and three stories in height, and has an
engine of sufficient power to carry the mill in case of drought. Forty
looms, six sets of cards, and thirteen spinning jacks are operated, which
turn out daily 1,500 yards of flannel, beside blankets, and employ
about 80 hands. The capital is $100,000. At the foot of Bonny Bigg
Pond is a saw, grist, shingle and clapboard mill. On the Negutaqueit
are the Hussey Agricultural Works, manufacturing farm implements.

Other factories are a carding and yarn mill, a box and shook mill,
several saw mills, stove polish factory, and many other lesser indus-
tries, including an extensive brick-yard. Several good powers on the
streams are unimproved.

The Baptists, Free Baptists and Friends have each a church in the
town. The town has 16 schoolhouses valued at $8,090. The valuation
of 1870 was $572,927; in 1880, $637,334. The population in 1870 was
1,623 ; in 1880, 1,801. The rate of taxation is 14 mills on a dollar.

The town was originally a part of Berwick, from which it was set off

and incorporated in 1831; and its history is chiefly included in that of    ^

the parent town. Settlements were made in it about 1630, probably by

the Morrills and Purintons. Thomas Hobbs, the ancestor of the Hobbs

family in the town, in 1735 procured from Nicholas Morrill a deed of

land on the west side of Doughty’s falls. He had previously acquired

property at the mouth of the Negutiquet, where he built a saw-mill.

The Husseys and Buffums were also among the earliest settlers.

Other names of early settlers are Hall, Randall, Staples, Quint, Ham-
mond, Hurd, Chad bourne, Libbey, Twambly, Weymouth, Ford, Fernal,

Hanscom and others.

A few notable incidents not in the general history of the Berwicks    ^


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