Gazetteer of the State of Maine, 1882 page 405
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Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney

BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from


water. The settlements are on the stage-road that crosses the western
part of the town, and in the southern part of the town, on the road
between Marion and Cooper. The manufactures are shingles, spool-
wood and laths.

This plantation has three public schoolhouses, and the school pro-
perty is valued at $800. The population in 1870 was 149. In 1880
it was 164. The valuation in 1870 was $15,000. In 1880 it was

Number One Plantation lies on the south-eastern
border of Penobscot County, 30 miles north-east of Bangor. It is
bounded on the north by Lowell, south by Greenfield and west by
Greenbush. A southward curve of the Passadumkeag River lies across
the northern line, and receives Lord’s Branch, which with its tribu-
taries, drains the eastern part of the township. Olamon Stream sends
a curve into the southern part. The western portion is somewhat
marshy. The road from Greenfield to Lowell passes through the
township ; and there is a road connecting with Olamon Station on the
European and North American Railway in Greenbush, the adjoining
town on the west.

There are two public schoolhouses in the plantation, valued at
$200. The population of this plantation in 1870 was 66. In 1880 it
was 97.

Number One Plantation, (Range 2 West of Ken-
nebec River), in Somerset County, lies on the west side of the Ken-
nebec opposite Moscow, Concord hounds it on the south. Its area is
13,436 acres. It is 27 miles north by north-west from Skowhegan, and
about half-way between North Anson and the Forks. It is popularly
known as Pleasant Ridge. There was formerly a plantation of this
name in Aroostook County, but it is changed to Caswell. The town-
ship is full of hills, of which Fletcher Mountain and Burnt Hill are the
principal ones, their summits being from 500 to 1,000 feet above Ken-
nebec River. In the northern part is Rowe Pond, about two miles in
length and one mile in greatest breadth. Other ponds are Jewett,
north of Rowe, Bean Pond, east of it, and Hill Pond at the centre of
the town. Sandy Stream, a branch of the Carabasset, is the outlet of
the most northern of these ponds. The largest stream within the
town is Houston Brook, which empties into the Kennebec. On this
stream about one and a-half miles from its mouth is Houston Brook.
On this brook there is also a cave nearly 40 feet in extent. The prin-
cipal rock in this township is slate. The soil is rocky and hard. The
usual farm crops, including corn are cultivated. Tbe pine has mostly
been cut off, leaving little but hard-wood.

This plantation was settled in 1786, and organized in Oct. 17, 1840.
Farming and lumbering are the principal occupations of the people.
The nearest post-office is Bingham on the opposite side of the river.
There is a clergyman of the Free Baptist denomination resident here.
There are three public schoolhouses; and the school property is
valued at $400. The valuation of estates in 1870 was $22,143. In 1880
it was $20,000. The number of polls in 1870 was 23.

Number Seven Plantation lies in the south-eastern


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